_sass/vendor/susy/susy/language/susyone/_media.scss in minimal-mistakes-jekyll-4.0.1 vs _sass/vendor/susy/susy/language/susyone/_media.scss in minimal-mistakes-jekyll-4.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Media Mixins
-// Create a new layout context for (@content) descendants.
-// $layout-cols : a (unitless) number of columns to use for this layout.
-@mixin layout(
- $layout-cols
-) {
- // store default $total-columns setting for later, then change it.
- $default-layout : $total-columns;
- $total-columns : $layout-cols !global;
- // apply children in this new layout context.
- @content;
- // return to default $total-columns setting.
- $total-columns : $default-layout !global;
-// Nest a block of code inside a new media-query and layout context.
-// $media-layout : a list of values [$min $layout $max $ie] including...
-// : - one unitless number (columns in a layout)
-// : - two optional lengths (min and max-width media-query breakpoints).
-// : - one optional boolean or string to trigger fallback support for IE.
-// $font-size : [optional] The base font-size of your layout, if you are using ems.
-// : - defaults to $base-font-size
-@mixin at-breakpoint(
- $media-layout,
- $font-size: $base-font-size
-) {
- $media-layout : medialayout($media-layout,$font-size);
- $min : nth($media-layout,1);
- $layout : nth($media-layout,2);
- $max : nth($media-layout,3);
- $ie : nth($media-layout,4);
- @if not($breakpoint-media-output) and not($breakpoint-ie-output) and not($breakpoint-raw-output) {
- @warn "Either $breakpoint-media-output, $breakpoint-ie-output, or $breakpoint-raw-output must be true for at-breakpoint to work.";
- }
- // We need to have either a min-width breakpoint or a layout in order to proceed.
- @if $min or $layout or $max {
- // If we don't have a layout, we create one based on the min-width.
- @if not($layout) {
- $layout: get-layout($min);
- }
- // If we still don't have a layout, we have a problem.
- @if $layout {
- // Set our new layout context.
- @include layout($layout) {
- @if $breakpoint-media-output {
- @include with-browser-ranges(css-mediaqueries) {
- @if $min and $max {
- // Both $min and $max
- @media (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {
- @content;
- }
- } @else {
- @if not($min) and not($max) {
- // Neither $min nor $max:
- // We can create a breakpoint based on the number of columns in the layout.
- $min: fix-ems(container-outer-width($width: false));
- }
- @if $min {
- // Min only:
- @media (min-width: $min) {
- @content;
- }
- } @else {
- // Max only:
- @media (max-width: $max) {
- @content;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Set an IE fallback
- @if $ie and $breakpoint-ie-output {
- @if (type-of($ie) == 'bool') {
- $ie: 'lt-ie9';
- }
- .#{$ie} & {
- @content;
- }
- }
- @if $breakpoint-raw-output {
- @content;
- }
- }
- } @else {
- @warn "We were unable to determine a layout for your breakpoint.";
- }
- } @else {
- @warn "You need to provide either a valid layout (number of columns)"
- + "or a valid media-query min-width breakpoint (length).";
- }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Media Mixins
+// Create a new layout context for (@content) descendants.
+// $layout-cols : a (unitless) number of columns to use for this layout.
+@mixin layout(
+ $layout-cols
+) {
+ // store default $total-columns setting for later, then change it.
+ $default-layout : $total-columns;
+ $total-columns : $layout-cols !global;
+ // apply children in this new layout context.
+ @content;
+ // return to default $total-columns setting.
+ $total-columns : $default-layout !global;
+// Nest a block of code inside a new media-query and layout context.
+// $media-layout : a list of values [$min $layout $max $ie] including...
+// : - one unitless number (columns in a layout)
+// : - two optional lengths (min and max-width media-query breakpoints).
+// : - one optional boolean or string to trigger fallback support for IE.
+// $font-size : [optional] The base font-size of your layout, if you are using ems.
+// : - defaults to $base-font-size
+@mixin at-breakpoint(
+ $media-layout,
+ $font-size: $base-font-size
+) {
+ $media-layout : medialayout($media-layout,$font-size);
+ $min : nth($media-layout,1);
+ $layout : nth($media-layout,2);
+ $max : nth($media-layout,3);
+ $ie : nth($media-layout,4);
+ @if not($breakpoint-media-output) and not($breakpoint-ie-output) and not($breakpoint-raw-output) {
+ @warn "Either $breakpoint-media-output, $breakpoint-ie-output, or $breakpoint-raw-output must be true for at-breakpoint to work.";
+ }
+ // We need to have either a min-width breakpoint or a layout in order to proceed.
+ @if $min or $layout or $max {
+ // If we don't have a layout, we create one based on the min-width.
+ @if not($layout) {
+ $layout: get-layout($min);
+ }
+ // If we still don't have a layout, we have a problem.
+ @if $layout {
+ // Set our new layout context.
+ @include layout($layout) {
+ @if $breakpoint-media-output {
+ @include with-browser-ranges(css-mediaqueries) {
+ @if $min and $max {
+ // Both $min and $max
+ @media (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else {
+ @if not($min) and not($max) {
+ // Neither $min nor $max:
+ // We can create a breakpoint based on the number of columns in the layout.
+ $min: fix-ems(container-outer-width($width: false));
+ }
+ @if $min {
+ // Min only:
+ @media (min-width: $min) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ } @else {
+ // Max only:
+ @media (max-width: $max) {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set an IE fallback
+ @if $ie and $breakpoint-ie-output {
+ @if (type-of($ie) == 'bool') {
+ $ie: 'lt-ie9';
+ }
+ .#{$ie} & {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+ @if $breakpoint-raw-output {
+ @content;
+ }
+ }
+ } @else {
+ @warn "We were unable to determine a layout for your breakpoint.";
+ }
+ } @else {
+ @warn "You need to provide either a valid layout (number of columns)"
+ + "or a valid media-query min-width breakpoint (length).";
+ }