in mini_kraken-0.1.13 vs in mini_kraken-0.2.00
- old
+ new
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### What is __mini_kraken__ ?
-An implemention of the [miniKanren]( relational programming language in Ruby.
+A library containing an implementation of the [miniKanren](
+relational programming language in Ruby.
*miniKanren* is a small language for relational (logic) programming.
Based on the reference implementation, in Scheme from the "The Reasoned Schemer" book.
Daniel P. Friedman, William E. Byrd, Oleg Kiselyov, and Jason Hemann: "The Reasoned Schemer", Second Edition,
ISBN: 9780262535519, (2018), MIT Press.
### Features
+- Pure Ruby implementation, not a port from another language
+- Object-Oriented design
+- No runtime dependencies
+### miniKanren Features
- [X] ==
- [X] run\*
-- [X] fresh
+- [X] fresh
+- [X] conde
- [X] conj2
- [X] disj2
- [X] defrel
### TODO
-- [ ] conde
- [ ] Occurs check
List-centric relations from Chapter 2
- [ ] caro
- [ ] cdro
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Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install mini_kraken
-## Usage
+## Examples
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+The following __MiniKraken__ examples use its DSL (Domain Specific Language).
+### Example 1
+Let's first begin with a rather simplistic example.
+require 'mini_kraken' # Load MiniKraken library
+extend(MiniKraken::Glue::DSL) # Add DSL method to self (object in context)
+result = run_star('q', equals(q, :pea))
+puts result # => (:pea)
+The two first lines in the above code snippet are pretty standard:
+- The first line loads the `mini_kraken` library.
+- The second line add the DSL methods to the current object.
+The next line constitutes a trivial `miniKanren` program.
+The aim of a `miniKanren` program is to find one or more solutions involving provided variable(s)
+and satisfying one or more goals.
+In our example, the `run_star` method instructs `MiniKraken` to find all solutions,
+knowing that each successful solution:
+- binds a value to the provided variable `q` and
+- meets the goal `equals(q, :pea)`.
+The goal `equals(q, :pea)` succeeds because the logical variable `q` is _fresh_ (that is,
+ not yet bound to a value) and will be bound to the symbol `:pea` as a side effect
+ of the goal `equals`.
+So the above program succeeds and the only found solution is obtained by binding
+ the variable `q` to the value :pea. Hence the result of the `puts` method.
+### Example 2
+ The next example illustrates the behavior of a failing `miniKanren` program.
+ ```ruby
+ require 'mini_kraken' # Load MiniKraken library
+ extend(MiniKraken::Glue::DSL) # Add DSL method to self (object in context)
+ # Following miniKanren program fails
+ result = run_star('q', [equals(q, :pea), equals(q, :pod)])
+ puts result # => ()
+ ```
+In this example, we learn that `run_star` can take multiple goals placed in an array.
+The program fails to find a solution since it is not possible to satisfy the two `equals` goals simultaneously. In that case, the `run_star` return an empty list represented as `()` in the output.
+### Example 3
+ The next example shows the use two logical variables.
+# In this example and following, one assumes that DSL is loaded as shown in Example 1
+result = run_star(['x', 'y'], [equals(:hello, x), equals(y, :world)])
+puts result # => ((:hello :world))
+This time, `run_star` takes two logical variables -`x` and `y`- and successfully finds the solution `x = :hello, y = :world`.
+### Example 4
+ The next example shows the use of `disj2` goals.
+ ```ruby
+ result = run_star(['x', 'y'],
+ [
+ disj2(equals(x, :blue), equals(x, :red)),
+ disj2(equals(y, :sea), equals(:mountain, y))
+ ])
+ puts result # => ((:blue :sea) (:blue :mountain) (:red :sea) (:red :mountain))
+ ```
+ Here, `run_star` takes two logical variables and two `disj2` goals. A `disj2` succeeds if any of its arguments succeeds.
+ This program finds four distinct solutions for x, y pairs.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.