README.rdoc in migration_tools-0.1.0 vs README.rdoc in migration_tools-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -29,13 +29,26 @@
*change* this is a special group that you run whenever you want to change DB data which you'd otherwise do in script/console
== Commands
+The list commands
$ rake db:migrate:list - shows pending migrations by group
- $ GROUP=before rake db:migrate:group - runs the migrations in the "before" group
+ $ rake db:migrate:list:before - shows pending migrations for the before group
+ $ rake db:migrate:list:during - shows pending migrations for the during group
+ $ rake db:migrate:list:after - shows pending migrations for the after group
+ $ rake db:migrate:list:change - shows pending migrations for the change group
-Note that rake db:migrate is entirely unaffected by this
+The group commands
+ $ GROUP=before rake db:migrate:group - runs the migrations in the specified group
+ $ rake db:migrate:group:before - runs pending migrations for the before group
+ $ rake db:migrate:group:during - runs pending migrations for the during group
+ $ rake db:migrate:group:after - runs pending migrations for the after group
+ $ rake db:migrate:group:change - runs pending migrations for the change group
+Note that rake db:migrate is entirely unaffected by this.
== Contributing to migration_tools
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it