lib/guilded/rails/helpers.rb in midas-guilded-0.1.8 vs lib/guilded/rails/helpers.rb in midas-guilded-0.1.9
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,61 @@
module Guilded
module Rails
+ require 'active_support'
# Common functionality that Rails Guilded components may need to use.
class Helpers
+ # Resolves the REST path helper names and arguments from a ActiveRecord object(s).
+ #
+ def self.resolve_rest_path_helpers( ar_obj_or_collection, options={} )
+ ar_obj = ar_obj_or_collection.is_a?( Array ) ? ar_obj_or_collection[0] : ar_obj_or_collection
+ plural_ar_type = ar_obj.class.to_s.tableize
+ singular_ar_type = plural_ar_type.singularize
+ polymorphic_as = options[:polymorphic_as]
+ polymorphic_type = options[:polymorphic_type]
+ plural_polymorphic_type = polymorphic_type ? polymorphic_type.to_s.tableize : nil
+ singular_polymorphic_type = polymorphic_type ? plural_polymorphic_type.singularize : nil
+ plural_derived_type = polymorphic_type.nil? ? plural_ar_type : plural_polymorphic_type
+ singular_derived_type = polymorphic_type.nil? ? singular_ar_type : singular_polymorphic_type
+ pre = ""
+ shallow_pre = ""
+ scoped_by =
+ shallow_scoped_by =
+ helpers =
+ if options[:namespace]
+ pre << "#{options[:namespace].to_s}_"
+ shallow_pre << "#{options[:namespace].to_s}_"
+ end
+ if options[:scoped_by]
+ scoped_by = options[:scoped_by].is_a?( Array ) ? options[:scoped_by] : << options[:scoped_by]
+ scoped_by.each_with_index do |scoper, i|
+ scoper_name = scoper.class.to_s.tableize.singularize
+ shallow_pre << "#{scoper_name}_" unless options[:shallow] && i == scoped_by.size-1
+ pre << "#{scoper_name}_"
+ end
+ shallow_scoped_by = scoped_by.clone
+ shallow_scoped_by.pop if options[:shallow]
+ end
+ helpers[:index_rest_helper] = "#{pre}#{plural_derived_type}_path"
+ helpers[:index_rest_args] = scoped_by
+ helpers[:show_rest_helper] = "#{shallow_pre}#{singular_derived_type}_path"
+ helpers[:show_rest_args] = shallow_scoped_by
+ helpers[:new_rest_helper] = "new_#{pre}#{singular_derived_type}_path"
+ helpers[:new_rest_args] = scoped_by
+ helpers[:edit_rest_helper] = "edit_#{shallow_pre}#{singular_derived_type}_path"
+ helpers[:edit_rest_args] = shallow_scoped_by
+ helpers[:delete_rest_helper] = "delete_#{shallow_pre}#{singular_derived_type}_path"
+ helpers[:delete_rest_args] = shallow_scoped_by
+ return helpers
+ end
# Helper method that generates a path from an item. If item is :home then this method
# will call the home_path method to generate a link
def self.generate_link( item )
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