spec/vocabulary_spec.rb in mida-0.3.1 vs spec/vocabulary_spec.rb in mida-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -124,10 +124,14 @@
it 'should register the vocabulary subclass' do
Mida::Vocabulary.vocabularies.should include(Person)
+ it '#included_vocabularies should be empty' do
+ Person.included_vocabularies.empty?.should be_true
+ end
describe Mida::Vocabulary, 'when subclassed and has no properties' do
before do
@@ -143,6 +147,74 @@
it '#properties should return an empty hash' do
Mida::Vocabulary.properties.should == {}
+describe Mida::Vocabulary, 'when subclassed and using #include_vocabulary' do
+ before do
+ class Thing < Mida::Vocabulary
+ itemtype %r{http://example\.com.*?thing$}i
+ has_one 'description'
+ end
+ class Product < Mida::Vocabulary
+ include_vocabulary Thing
+ itemtype %r{http://example\.com.*?product$}i
+ has_one 'make', 'model'
+ has_many 'addons'
+ end
+ class Vehicle < Mida::Vocabulary
+ itemtype %r{http://example\.com.*?thing$}i
+ include_vocabulary Product
+ has_one 'colour'
+ end
+ class Car < Mida::Vocabulary
+ include_vocabulary Product, Vehicle
+ itemtype %r{http://example\.com.*?car$}i
+ has_one 'engine'
+ has_many 'stickers'
+ end
+ end
+ it '#itemtype should return the new regexp' do
+ Car.itemtype.should == %r{http://example\.com.*?car$}i
+ end
+ it "should contain included vocabularies' properties" do
+ ['description', 'make','model', 'colour'].each do
+ |prop| Car.properties[prop][:num].should == :one
+ end
+ Car.properties['addons'][:num].should == :many
+ end
+ it "should contain new properties" do
+ Car.properties['engine'][:num].should == :one
+ Car.properties['stickers'][:num].should == :many
+ end
+ it '#included_vocabularies should return the included vocabularies' do
+ [Thing, Product, Vehicle].each do |vocab|
+ Car.included_vocabularies.should include(vocab)
+ end
+ end
+ it '.kind_of? should still work with plain Vocabulary' do
+ Car.kind_of?(Mida::Vocabulary).should be_true
+ end
+ it '.kind_of? should recognize included vocabularies' do
+ Car.kind_of?(Car).should be_true
+ Car.kind_of?(Vehicle).should be_true
+ Vehicle.kind_of?(Product).should be_true
+ Car.kind_of?(Product).should be_true
+ Car.kind_of?(Thing).should be_true
+ end
+ it '.kind_of? should recognize vocabularies without a relationship' do
+ Vehicle.kind_of?(Car).should be_false
+ Thing.kind_of?(Product).should be_false
+ end