lib/models/directory_audit.rb in microsoft_graph-0.14.0 vs lib/models/directory_audit.rb in microsoft_graph-0.15.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,263 +1,265 @@
require 'date'
require 'microsoft_kiota_abstractions'
require_relative '../microsoft_graph'
require_relative './models'
-module MicrosoftGraph::Models
- class DirectoryAudit < MicrosoftGraph::Models::Entity
- include MicrosoftKiotaAbstractions::Parsable
- ##
- # Indicates the date and time the activity was performed. The Timestamp type is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
- @activity_date_time
- ##
- # Indicates the activity name or the operation name (examples: 'Create User' and 'Add member to group'). For full list, see Azure AD activity list.
- @activity_display_name
- ##
- # Indicates additional details on the activity.
- @additional_details
- ##
- # Indicates which resource category that's targeted by the activity. For example: UserManagement, GroupManagement, ApplicationManagement, RoleManagement.
- @category
- ##
- # Indicates a unique ID that helps correlate activities that span across various services. Can be used to trace logs across services.
- @correlation_id
- ##
- # The initiatedBy property
- @initiated_by
- ##
- # Indicates information on which service initiated the activity (For example: Self-service Password Management, Core Directory, B2C, Invited Users, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Management.
- @logged_by_service
- ##
- # Indicates the type of operation that was performed. The possible values include but are not limited to the following: Add, Assign, Update, Unassign, and Delete.
- @operation_type
- ##
- # Indicates the result of the activity. Possible values are: success, failure, timeout, unknownFutureValue.
- @result
- ##
- # Indicates the reason for failure if the result is failure or timeout.
- @result_reason
- ##
- # Indicates information on which resource was changed due to the activity. Target Resource Type can be User, Device, Directory, App, Role, Group, Policy or Other.
- @target_resources
- ##
- ## Gets the activityDateTime property value. Indicates the date and time the activity was performed. The Timestamp type is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
- ## @return a date_time
- ##
- def activity_date_time
- return @activity_date_time
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the activityDateTime property value. Indicates the date and time the activity was performed. The Timestamp type is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
- ## @param value Value to set for the activity_date_time property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def activity_date_time=(value)
- @activity_date_time = value
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the activityDisplayName property value. Indicates the activity name or the operation name (examples: 'Create User' and 'Add member to group'). For full list, see Azure AD activity list.
- ## @return a string
- ##
- def activity_display_name
- return @activity_display_name
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the activityDisplayName property value. Indicates the activity name or the operation name (examples: 'Create User' and 'Add member to group'). For full list, see Azure AD activity list.
- ## @param value Value to set for the activity_display_name property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def activity_display_name=(value)
- @activity_display_name = value
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the additionalDetails property value. Indicates additional details on the activity.
- ## @return a key_value
- ##
- def additional_details
- return @additional_details
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the additionalDetails property value. Indicates additional details on the activity.
- ## @param value Value to set for the additional_details property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def additional_details=(value)
- @additional_details = value
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the category property value. Indicates which resource category that's targeted by the activity. For example: UserManagement, GroupManagement, ApplicationManagement, RoleManagement.
- ## @return a string
- ##
- def category
- return @category
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the category property value. Indicates which resource category that's targeted by the activity. For example: UserManagement, GroupManagement, ApplicationManagement, RoleManagement.
- ## @param value Value to set for the category property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def category=(value)
- @category = value
- end
- ##
- ## Instantiates a new directoryAudit and sets the default values.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def initialize()
- super
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the correlationId property value. Indicates a unique ID that helps correlate activities that span across various services. Can be used to trace logs across services.
- ## @return a string
- ##
- def correlation_id
- return @correlation_id
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the correlationId property value. Indicates a unique ID that helps correlate activities that span across various services. Can be used to trace logs across services.
- ## @param value Value to set for the correlation_id property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def correlation_id=(value)
- @correlation_id = value
- end
- ##
- ## Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
- ## @param parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
- ## @return a directory_audit
- ##
- def self.create_from_discriminator_value(parse_node)
- raise StandardError, 'parse_node cannot be null' if parse_node.nil?
- return
- end
- ##
- ## The deserialization information for the current model
- ## @return a i_dictionary
- ##
- def get_field_deserializers()
- return super.merge({
- "activityDateTime" => lambda {|n| @activity_date_time = n.get_date_time_value() },
- "activityDisplayName" => lambda {|n| @activity_display_name = n.get_string_value() },
- "additionalDetails" => lambda {|n| @additional_details = n.get_collection_of_object_values(lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::KeyValue.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }) },
- "category" => lambda {|n| @category = n.get_string_value() },
- "correlationId" => lambda {|n| @correlation_id = n.get_string_value() },
- "initiatedBy" => lambda {|n| @initiated_by = n.get_object_value(lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::AuditActivityInitiator.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }) },
- "loggedByService" => lambda {|n| @logged_by_service = n.get_string_value() },
- "operationType" => lambda {|n| @operation_type = n.get_string_value() },
- "result" => lambda {|n| @result = n.get_enum_value(MicrosoftGraph::Models::OperationResult) },
- "resultReason" => lambda {|n| @result_reason = n.get_string_value() },
- "targetResources" => lambda {|n| @target_resources = n.get_collection_of_object_values(lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::TargetResource.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }) },
- })
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the initiatedBy property value. The initiatedBy property
- ## @return a audit_activity_initiator
- ##
- def initiated_by
- return @initiated_by
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the initiatedBy property value. The initiatedBy property
- ## @param value Value to set for the initiated_by property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def initiated_by=(value)
- @initiated_by = value
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the loggedByService property value. Indicates information on which service initiated the activity (For example: Self-service Password Management, Core Directory, B2C, Invited Users, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Management.
- ## @return a string
- ##
- def logged_by_service
- return @logged_by_service
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the loggedByService property value. Indicates information on which service initiated the activity (For example: Self-service Password Management, Core Directory, B2C, Invited Users, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Management.
- ## @param value Value to set for the logged_by_service property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def logged_by_service=(value)
- @logged_by_service = value
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the operationType property value. Indicates the type of operation that was performed. The possible values include but are not limited to the following: Add, Assign, Update, Unassign, and Delete.
- ## @return a string
- ##
- def operation_type
- return @operation_type
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the operationType property value. Indicates the type of operation that was performed. The possible values include but are not limited to the following: Add, Assign, Update, Unassign, and Delete.
- ## @param value Value to set for the operation_type property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def operation_type=(value)
- @operation_type = value
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the result property value. Indicates the result of the activity. Possible values are: success, failure, timeout, unknownFutureValue.
- ## @return a operation_result
- ##
- def result
- return @result
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the result property value. Indicates the result of the activity. Possible values are: success, failure, timeout, unknownFutureValue.
- ## @param value Value to set for the result property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def result=(value)
- @result = value
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the resultReason property value. Indicates the reason for failure if the result is failure or timeout.
- ## @return a string
- ##
- def result_reason
- return @result_reason
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the resultReason property value. Indicates the reason for failure if the result is failure or timeout.
- ## @param value Value to set for the result_reason property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def result_reason=(value)
- @result_reason = value
- end
- ##
- ## Serializes information the current object
- ## @param writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def serialize(writer)
- raise StandardError, 'writer cannot be null' if writer.nil?
- super
- writer.write_date_time_value("activityDateTime", @activity_date_time)
- writer.write_string_value("activityDisplayName", @activity_display_name)
- writer.write_collection_of_object_values("additionalDetails", @additional_details)
- writer.write_string_value("category", @category)
- writer.write_string_value("correlationId", @correlation_id)
- writer.write_object_value("initiatedBy", @initiated_by)
- writer.write_string_value("loggedByService", @logged_by_service)
- writer.write_string_value("operationType", @operation_type)
- writer.write_enum_value("result", @result)
- writer.write_string_value("resultReason", @result_reason)
- writer.write_collection_of_object_values("targetResources", @target_resources)
- end
- ##
- ## Gets the targetResources property value. Indicates information on which resource was changed due to the activity. Target Resource Type can be User, Device, Directory, App, Role, Group, Policy or Other.
- ## @return a target_resource
- ##
- def target_resources
- return @target_resources
- end
- ##
- ## Sets the targetResources property value. Indicates information on which resource was changed due to the activity. Target Resource Type can be User, Device, Directory, App, Role, Group, Policy or Other.
- ## @param value Value to set for the target_resources property.
- ## @return a void
- ##
- def target_resources=(value)
- @target_resources = value
+module MicrosoftGraph
+ module Models
+ class DirectoryAudit < MicrosoftGraph::Models::Entity
+ include MicrosoftKiotaAbstractions::Parsable
+ ##
+ # Indicates the date and time the activity was performed. The Timestamp type is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
+ @activity_date_time
+ ##
+ # Indicates the activity name or the operation name (examples: 'Create User' and 'Add member to group'). For full list, see Azure AD activity list.
+ @activity_display_name
+ ##
+ # Indicates additional details on the activity.
+ @additional_details
+ ##
+ # Indicates which resource category that's targeted by the activity. For example: UserManagement, GroupManagement, ApplicationManagement, RoleManagement.
+ @category
+ ##
+ # Indicates a unique ID that helps correlate activities that span across various services. Can be used to trace logs across services.
+ @correlation_id
+ ##
+ # The initiatedBy property
+ @initiated_by
+ ##
+ # Indicates information on which service initiated the activity (For example: Self-service Password Management, Core Directory, B2C, Invited Users, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Management.
+ @logged_by_service
+ ##
+ # Indicates the type of operation that was performed. The possible values include but are not limited to the following: Add, Assign, Update, Unassign, and Delete.
+ @operation_type
+ ##
+ # Indicates the result of the activity. Possible values are: success, failure, timeout, unknownFutureValue.
+ @result
+ ##
+ # Indicates the reason for failure if the result is failure or timeout.
+ @result_reason
+ ##
+ # Indicates information on which resource was changed due to the activity. Target Resource Type can be User, Device, Directory, App, Role, Group, Policy or Other.
+ @target_resources
+ ##
+ ## Gets the activityDateTime property value. Indicates the date and time the activity was performed. The Timestamp type is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
+ ## @return a date_time
+ ##
+ def activity_date_time
+ return @activity_date_time
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the activityDateTime property value. Indicates the date and time the activity was performed. The Timestamp type is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the activity_date_time property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def activity_date_time=(value)
+ @activity_date_time = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the activityDisplayName property value. Indicates the activity name or the operation name (examples: 'Create User' and 'Add member to group'). For full list, see Azure AD activity list.
+ ## @return a string
+ ##
+ def activity_display_name
+ return @activity_display_name
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the activityDisplayName property value. Indicates the activity name or the operation name (examples: 'Create User' and 'Add member to group'). For full list, see Azure AD activity list.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the activity_display_name property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def activity_display_name=(value)
+ @activity_display_name = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the additionalDetails property value. Indicates additional details on the activity.
+ ## @return a key_value
+ ##
+ def additional_details
+ return @additional_details
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the additionalDetails property value. Indicates additional details on the activity.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the additional_details property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def additional_details=(value)
+ @additional_details = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the category property value. Indicates which resource category that's targeted by the activity. For example: UserManagement, GroupManagement, ApplicationManagement, RoleManagement.
+ ## @return a string
+ ##
+ def category
+ return @category
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the category property value. Indicates which resource category that's targeted by the activity. For example: UserManagement, GroupManagement, ApplicationManagement, RoleManagement.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the category property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def category=(value)
+ @category = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Instantiates a new directoryAudit and sets the default values.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def initialize()
+ super
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the correlationId property value. Indicates a unique ID that helps correlate activities that span across various services. Can be used to trace logs across services.
+ ## @return a string
+ ##
+ def correlation_id
+ return @correlation_id
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the correlationId property value. Indicates a unique ID that helps correlate activities that span across various services. Can be used to trace logs across services.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the correlation_id property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def correlation_id=(value)
+ @correlation_id = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+ ## @param parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+ ## @return a directory_audit
+ ##
+ def self.create_from_discriminator_value(parse_node)
+ raise StandardError, 'parse_node cannot be null' if parse_node.nil?
+ return
+ end
+ ##
+ ## The deserialization information for the current model
+ ## @return a i_dictionary
+ ##
+ def get_field_deserializers()
+ return super.merge({
+ "activityDateTime" => lambda {|n| @activity_date_time = n.get_date_time_value() },
+ "activityDisplayName" => lambda {|n| @activity_display_name = n.get_string_value() },
+ "additionalDetails" => lambda {|n| @additional_details = n.get_collection_of_object_values(lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::KeyValue.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }) },
+ "category" => lambda {|n| @category = n.get_string_value() },
+ "correlationId" => lambda {|n| @correlation_id = n.get_string_value() },
+ "initiatedBy" => lambda {|n| @initiated_by = n.get_object_value(lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::AuditActivityInitiator.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }) },
+ "loggedByService" => lambda {|n| @logged_by_service = n.get_string_value() },
+ "operationType" => lambda {|n| @operation_type = n.get_string_value() },
+ "result" => lambda {|n| @result = n.get_enum_value(MicrosoftGraph::Models::OperationResult) },
+ "resultReason" => lambda {|n| @result_reason = n.get_string_value() },
+ "targetResources" => lambda {|n| @target_resources = n.get_collection_of_object_values(lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::TargetResource.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }) },
+ })
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the initiatedBy property value. The initiatedBy property
+ ## @return a audit_activity_initiator
+ ##
+ def initiated_by
+ return @initiated_by
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the initiatedBy property value. The initiatedBy property
+ ## @param value Value to set for the initiated_by property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def initiated_by=(value)
+ @initiated_by = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the loggedByService property value. Indicates information on which service initiated the activity (For example: Self-service Password Management, Core Directory, B2C, Invited Users, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Management.
+ ## @return a string
+ ##
+ def logged_by_service
+ return @logged_by_service
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the loggedByService property value. Indicates information on which service initiated the activity (For example: Self-service Password Management, Core Directory, B2C, Invited Users, Microsoft Identity Manager, Privileged Identity Management.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the logged_by_service property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def logged_by_service=(value)
+ @logged_by_service = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the operationType property value. Indicates the type of operation that was performed. The possible values include but are not limited to the following: Add, Assign, Update, Unassign, and Delete.
+ ## @return a string
+ ##
+ def operation_type
+ return @operation_type
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the operationType property value. Indicates the type of operation that was performed. The possible values include but are not limited to the following: Add, Assign, Update, Unassign, and Delete.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the operation_type property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def operation_type=(value)
+ @operation_type = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the result property value. Indicates the result of the activity. Possible values are: success, failure, timeout, unknownFutureValue.
+ ## @return a operation_result
+ ##
+ def result
+ return @result
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the result property value. Indicates the result of the activity. Possible values are: success, failure, timeout, unknownFutureValue.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the result property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def result=(value)
+ @result = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the resultReason property value. Indicates the reason for failure if the result is failure or timeout.
+ ## @return a string
+ ##
+ def result_reason
+ return @result_reason
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the resultReason property value. Indicates the reason for failure if the result is failure or timeout.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the result_reason property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def result_reason=(value)
+ @result_reason = value
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Serializes information the current object
+ ## @param writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def serialize(writer)
+ raise StandardError, 'writer cannot be null' if writer.nil?
+ super
+ writer.write_date_time_value("activityDateTime", @activity_date_time)
+ writer.write_string_value("activityDisplayName", @activity_display_name)
+ writer.write_collection_of_object_values("additionalDetails", @additional_details)
+ writer.write_string_value("category", @category)
+ writer.write_string_value("correlationId", @correlation_id)
+ writer.write_object_value("initiatedBy", @initiated_by)
+ writer.write_string_value("loggedByService", @logged_by_service)
+ writer.write_string_value("operationType", @operation_type)
+ writer.write_enum_value("result", @result)
+ writer.write_string_value("resultReason", @result_reason)
+ writer.write_collection_of_object_values("targetResources", @target_resources)
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Gets the targetResources property value. Indicates information on which resource was changed due to the activity. Target Resource Type can be User, Device, Directory, App, Role, Group, Policy or Other.
+ ## @return a target_resource
+ ##
+ def target_resources
+ return @target_resources
+ end
+ ##
+ ## Sets the targetResources property value. Indicates information on which resource was changed due to the activity. Target Resource Type can be User, Device, Directory, App, Role, Group, Policy or Other.
+ ## @param value Value to set for the target_resources property.
+ ## @return a void
+ ##
+ def target_resources=(value)
+ @target_resources = value
+ end