lib/address.rb in microformats-0.1 vs lib/address.rb in microformats-0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,32 +1,97 @@
class Microformats::Address
+ include Microformats::FormattingHelpers
+ def initialize(template)
+ @template = template
+ @default_tag = :span
+ end
+ # You can directly initialize and run this class, but it's easier
+ # to use the Microformats::Helpers#vaddress helper method or the
+ # Microformats::Vcard#address method.
+ #
+ # * :type - A string that specifies the type of address('home', 'work', etc)
+ # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :div)
+ # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes.
+ #
+ def run(opts = {}, &block)
+ type = opts[:type] ? self.type(opts.delete(:type)) : nil
+ opts[:class] = combine_class_names('adr', opts[:class])
+ opts[:itemscope] = 'itemscope'
+ opts[:itemtype] = ''
+ opts[:tag] ||= :div
+ concat_tag(opts) do
+ concat type if type
+ end
+ end
+ # Outputs markup for the type of address ('work', 'home', etc.)
+ # There will be no visible text unless provided with the :text option.
+ #
+ # <em>NOTE: You get this for free with the :type option of
+ # Microformats::Helpers#vaddress, Microformats::Vcard#address and #run methods.</em>
+ #
+ # * :text - String, the text you want displayed as a text node (default is '')
+ # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes.
+ #
+ def type(str, opts = {})
+ inner = content_tag('', :class => 'value-title', :title => str)
+ text = opts.delete(:text) || ''
+ content_tag(inner + text, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'type'}, opts))
+ end
+ # Outputs the passed string as a street address.
+ #
+ # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span)
+ # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes.
+ #
def street(str, opts = {})
- content_tag(opts[:tag] || :span, str, :class => 'street-address', :itemprop => 'street-address')
+ content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'street-address', :itemprop => 'street-address'}, opts))
+ # Outputs the passed string as a city.
+ #
+ # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span)
+ # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes.
+ #
def city(str, opts = {})
- content_tag(opts[:tag] || :span, str, :class => 'locality', :itemprop => 'locality')
+ content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'locality', :itemprop => 'locality'}, opts))
+ # Outputs the passed string as a state.
+ #
+ # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span)
+ # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes.
+ #
def state(str, opts = {})
- content_tag(opts[:tag] || :span, str, :class => 'region', :itemprop => 'region')
+ content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'region', :itemprop => 'region'}, opts))
+ # Outputs the passed string as a postal code.
+ #
+ # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span)
+ # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes.
+ #
def zip(str, opts = {})
- content_tag(opts[:tag] || :span, str, :class => 'postal-code', :itemprop => 'postal-code')
+ content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'postal-code', :itemprop => 'postal-code'}, opts))
alias_method :postal_code, :zip
+ # Outputs the passed string as a country.
+ #
+ # * :tag - The HTML wrapper element (defaults to :span)
+ # * Any other passed options will be treated as HTML attributes.
+ #
def country(str, opts = {})
- content_tag(opts[:tag] || :span, str, :class => 'country-name', :itemprop => 'country-name')
+ content_tag(str, merge_html_attrs({:class => 'country-name', :itemprop => 'country-name'}, opts))
- def content_tag(tag, content, opts={})
- attrs = opts.inject([]) do |out, tuple|
- k,v = tuple
- out << "#{k}='#{v}'"
- end
- attr_string = attrs.sort.join(' ')
- open_tag = attr_string == '' ? tag : "#{tag} #{attr_string}"
- "<#{open_tag}>#{content}</#{tag}>"
- end
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