HISTORY in metric_fu-2.0.1 vs HISTORY in metric_fu-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
+=== MetricFu 2.1.0 / 2011-03-1
+* Flog gemspec version was >= 2.2.0, which was too early and didn't work. Changed to >= 2.3.0 - Chris Griego
+* RCov generator now uses a regex with begin and end line anchor to avoid splitting on comments with equal signs in source files - Andrew Selder
+* RCov generator now always strips the 3 leading characters from the lines when reconstruction source files so that heredocs and block comments parse successfully - Andrew Selder
+* Dan Mayer ported some specs for the Hotspots code into MetricFu from Caliper's code.
+* Stefan Huber fixed some problems with churn pretending not to support Svn.
+* Kakutani Shintaro added the ability to opt out of opening files with TextMate (config.darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks = true).
+* Joel Nimety and Andrew Selder fixed a problem where Saikuro was parsing a dir twice.
+* Dan Sinclair added some awesome 'annotate' functionality to the Hotspots page. Click on it so see the file with problems in-line.
+* Dan Sinclair added a verbose mode (config.verbose = true).
=== MetricFu 2.0.1 / 2010-11-13
* Delete trailing whitespaces - Delwyn de Villiers
* Stop Ubuntu choking on invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) - Delwyn de Villiers
* Fix invalid next in lib/base/metric_analyzer.rb - Delwyn de Villiers
\ No newline at end of file