./README in methodchain-0.3.1 vs ./README in methodchain-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
== Summary
-methodchain - ruby helpers for method chaining: chain, tap, then, else
+methodchain - ruby helpers for method chaining: chain, tap, then, else, and, or
Easy ways to navigate around nil without creating local variables.
== Author and License
Copyright (c) 2008 Greg Weber, http://gregweber.info
Licensed under the MIT license
@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
person = nil
name = person ? person.name : nil
==== new way
name = person.then {|p| p.name}
+ # or
+ name = person.then {name}
not a huge savings. But sometimes the person variable is actually a function call, and then we must save it in a variable first.
==== old way
def find(*args)
@@ -27,13 +29,39 @@
==== new way
@phone = find(:first).then {phone} # => nil
We have reduced a line of code and removed a local variable.
-#then and #else can return a default value instead of evaluating a block
+##else is the opposite of #then, and the two methods can be used together
- 'a'.then('b') #=> 'b'
- nil.then('b').else('c') #=> 'c'
+ 'a'.then{'b'} #=> 'b'
+ nil.then{'b'}.else{'c'} #=> 'c'
+==== message sending
+The normal conditional for ##then and ##else is self
+ if self # inside MethodChain#then
+ # evaluate block
+ end
+##then and ##else allow message sending as the conditional. See more examples of message sending with the MethodChain#chain examples below
+ "not empty".then(:empty?) {"N/A"} # => "not empty"
+ "".then(:empty?) {"N/A"} # => "N/A"
+=== ##and, ##or
+==== old way
+Return a default value or the original value depending on whether multiple conditions are met
+ Person = Struct.new(:phone )
+ blank = Person.new('') # or {:phone => nil}
+ blank.phone && (not blank.phone.empty?) ? blank.phone : "N/A" # => "N/A"
+ p = Person.new('123')
+ p.phone && (not p.phone.empty?) ? p.phone : "N/A" # => "123"
+==== new way
+ blank.phone.and {not empty?} || "N/A" # => "N/A"
+ p.phone.and {not empty?} || "N/A" # => "123"
=== ##tap
if you don't already know about this method, look it up on the net. The tap included here allows message sending.
==== old way