README.rdoc in method_info-0.0.1 vs README.rdoc in method_info-0.1.0

- old
+ new

@@ -1,16 +1,47 @@ = method_info -Provides info about methods that can be called on an object and where they are defined. +Defines a method_info method on every Object which will show the methods that each of the object's ancestors has defined on it. The default settings are chosen to cause the least amount of surprise. This means the output may be a bit verbose, but there are options that can to narrow down the output to what you are interested in. The following options are provided: -Usage: +* :format (default: nil) + - :string returns a string representation + - :array returns an array representation + - anything else prints out a string representation +* :ancestors_to_show (default: []) (Overrules the hiding of any ancestors as specified + by the :ancestors_to_exclude option) +* :ancestors_to_exclude (default: []) (If a class is excluded, all modules included + under it are excluded as well, an ancestor specified in :ancestors_to_show will be + shown regardless of the this value) +* :method_missing (default: false) +* :public_methods (default: true) +* :protected_methods (default: false) +* :private_methods (default: false) +* :singleton_methods (default: true) +* :include_name_of_excluded_ancestors (default: true) ->> require 'method_info' -=> true ->> "abc".method_info.ancestors -=> [String, Enumerable, Comparable, Object, MethodInfoMethod, Kernel] ->> "abc".method_info.method_owner(:==) -=> String +Examples: + + >> require 'method_info' + => true + >> "abc".method_info + ::: String ::: + %, *, +, <<, <=>, ==, =~, [], []=, bytes, bytesize, capitalize, capitalize!, casecmp, center, chars, chomp, chomp!, chop, chop!, concat, count, crypt, delete, delete!, downcase, downcase!, dump, each, each_byte, each_char, each_line, empty?, end_with?, eql?, gsub, gsub!, hash, hex, include?, index, insert, inspect, intern, is_binary_data?, is_complex_yaml?, length, lines, ljust, lstrip, lstrip!, match, next, next!, oct, partition, replace, reverse, reverse!, rindex, rjust, rpartition, rstrip, rstrip!, scan, size, slice, slice!, split, squeeze, squeeze!, start_with?, strip, strip!, sub, sub!, succ, succ!, sum, swapcase, swapcase!, taguri, taguri=, to_f, to_i, to_s, to_str, to_sym, to_yaml, tr, tr!, tr_s, tr_s!, unpack, upcase, upcase!, upto + ::: Enumerable ::: + all?, any?, collect, cycle, detect, drop, drop_while, each_cons, each_slice, each_with_index, entries, enum_cons, enum_slice, enum_with_index, find, find_all, find_index, first, grep, group_by, inject, map, max, max_by, member?, min, min_by, minmax, minmax_by, none?, one?, reduce, reject, reverse_each, select, sort, sort_by, take, take_while, to_a, zip + ::: Comparable ::: + <, <=, >, >=, between? + ::: Object ::: + to_yaml_properties, to_yaml_style + ::: MethodInfo::ObjectMethod ::: + method_info + ::: Kernel ::: + ===, __id__, __send__, class, clone, display, dup, enum_for, equal?, extend, freeze, frozen?, id, instance_eval, instance_exec, instance_of?, instance_variable_defined?, instance_variable_get, instance_variable_set, instance_variables, is_a?, kind_of?, method, methods, nil?, object_id, private_methods, protected_methods, public_methods, respond_to?, send, singleton_methods, taint, tainted?, tap, to_enum, type, untaint + Methodless: #<Class:#<String:0x13fd42c>> + => nil + ::: Symbol ::: + ===, id2name, inspect, taguri, taguri=, to_i, to_int, to_proc, to_s, to_sym, to_yaml + Excluded: Object, MethodInfo::ObjectMethod, Kernel + => nil == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix.