metasm/disassemble.rb in metasm-1.0.3 vs metasm/disassemble.rb in metasm-1.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -62,11 +62,17 @@
include Renderable
def render
ret = []
ret << Expression[address] << ' ' if address
ret << @instruction
- ret << ' ; ' << @comment if comment
+ if comment
+ ret << ' ; '
+ @comment.each { |c|
+ ret << c << ' '
+ }
+ ret.pop
+ end
def add_comment(c)
@comment ||= []
@@ -100,15 +106,15 @@
attr_accessor :type
# bool: true if this maps to a :x that should not have a from when resolved
attr_accessor :detached
# maxdepth at the point of the object creation
attr_accessor :maxdepth
+ # disassembler cpu_context
+ attr_accessor :cpu_context
- def initialize(expr, origin, orig_expr, type, len=nil, maxdepth=nil)
- @expr, @origin, @orig_expr, @type = expr, origin, orig_expr, type
- @len = len if len
- @maxdepth = maxdepth if maxdepth
+ def initialize(expr, origin, orig_expr, type, len=nil, maxdepth=nil, cpu_context=nil)
+ @expr, @origin, @orig_expr, @type, @len, @maxdepth, @cpu_context = expr, origin, orig_expr, type, len, maxdepth, cpu_context
def hash ; [origin, expr].hash ; end
def eql?(o)
o.class == self.class and
@@ -244,28 +250,28 @@
attr_accessor :localvars_xrefs
# if btbind_callback is defined, calls it with args [dasm, binding, funcaddr, calladdr, expr, origin, maxdepth]
# else update lazily the binding from expr.externals, and return backtrace_binding
def get_backtrace_binding(dasm, funcaddr, calladdr, expr, origin, maxdepth)
- if btbind_callback
- @btbind_callback[dasm, @backtrace_binding, funcaddr, calladdr, expr, origin, maxdepth]
- elsif backtrace_binding and dest = @backtrace_binding[:thunk] and target = dasm.function[dest]
+ if backtrace_binding and dest = @backtrace_binding[:thunk] and target = dasm.function[dest]
target.get_backtrace_binding(dasm, funcaddr, calladdr, expr, origin, maxdepth)
+ elsif btbind_callback
+ @btbind_callback[dasm, @backtrace_binding, funcaddr, calladdr, expr, origin, maxdepth]
unk_regs = expr.externals.grep(Symbol).uniq - @backtrace_binding.keys - [:unknown]
dasm.cpu.backtrace_update_function_binding(dasm, funcaddr, self, return_address, *unk_regs) if not unk_regs.empty?
# if btfor_callback is defined, calls it with args [dasm, bt_for, funcaddr, calladdr]
# else return backtracked_for
def get_backtracked_for(dasm, funcaddr, calladdr)
- if btfor_callback
- @btfor_callback[dasm, @backtracked_for, funcaddr, calladdr]
- elsif backtrace_binding and dest = @backtrace_binding[:thunk] and target = dasm.function[dest]
+ if backtrace_binding and dest = @backtrace_binding[:thunk] and target = dasm.function[dest]
target.get_backtracked_for(dasm, funcaddr, calladdr)
+ elsif btfor_callback
+ @btfor_callback[dasm, @backtracked_for, funcaddr, calladdr]
@@ -284,20 +290,33 @@
@localvars[off] ||= (str || (off > 0 ? 'arg_%X' % off : 'var_%X' % -off))
class CPU
+ # decode an instruction with a dasm context
+ # context is a hash, should be modified inplace by the CPU
+ # will be passed to the next instruction(s) in the code flow
+ def decode_instruction_context(dasm, edata, di_addr, context)
+ decode_instruction(edata, di_addr)
+ end
+ # return the initial context for the disassembler, starts disassembling from addr
+ def disassemble_init_context(dasm, addr)
+ end
# return the thing to backtrace to find +value+ before the execution of this instruction
# eg backtrace_emu('inc eax', Expression[:eax]) => Expression[:eax + 1]
# (the value of :eax after 'inc eax' is the value of :eax before plus 1)
# may return Expression::Unknown
def backtrace_emu(di, value)
Expression[Expression[value].bind(di.backtrace_binding ||= get_backtrace_binding(di)).reduce]
- # returns a list of Expressions/Integer to backtrace to find an execution target
+ # return the list of jump targets for insturctions modifying the control flow
def get_xrefs_x(dasm, di)
+ return [] if not di.opcode.props[:setip]
+ [symbolic(di.instruction.args.last, di)]
# returns a list of [type, address, len]
def get_xrefs_rw(dasm, di)
get_xrefs_r(dasm, di).map { |addr, len| [:r, addr, len] } + get_xrefs_w(dasm, di).map { |addr, len| [:w, addr, len] }
@@ -336,11 +355,11 @@
# updates the instruction arguments: replace an expression with another (eg when a label is renamed)
def replace_instr_arg_immediate(i, old, new)! { |a|
case a
- when Expression; Expression[a.bind(old => new).reduce]
+ when Expression; a == old ? new : Expression[a.bind(old => new).reduce]
else a
@@ -394,10 +413,12 @@
attr_accessor :backtrace_maxcomplexity, :backtrace_maxcomplexity_data
# maximum number of instructions inside a basic block, split past this limit
attr_accessor :disassemble_maxblocklength
# a cparser that parsed some C header files, prototypes are converted to DecodedFunction when jumped to
attr_accessor :c_parser
+ # if false, disassembler skips internal functions with a prototype defined in a C header (eg static libraries)
+ attr_accessor :disassemble_known_functions
# hash address => array of strings
# default dasm dump will only show comments at beginning of code blocks
attr_accessor :comment
# bool, set to true (default) if functions with undetermined binding should be assumed to return with ABI-conforming binding (conserve frame ptr)
attr_accessor :funcs_stdabi
@@ -416,10 +437,12 @@
attr_accessor :callback_prebacktrace
# callback called once all addresses have been disassembled
attr_accessor :callback_finished
# pointer to the gui widget we're displayed in
attr_accessor :gui
+ # arbitrary data stored by other objects
+ attr_accessor :misc
@@backtrace_maxblocks = 50
# creates a new disassembler
def initialize(program, cpu=program.cpu)
@@ -450,11 +473,11 @@
# adds a section, updates prog_binding
# base addr is an Integer or a String (label name for offset 0)
def add_section(encoded, base)
- encoded, base = base, encoded if base.kind_of? EncodedData
+ encoded, base = base, encoded if base.kind_of?(EncodedData)
case base
when ::Integer
when ::String
raise "invalid section base #{base.inspect} - not at section start" if encoded.export[base] and encoded.export[base] != 0
if ed = get_edata_at(base)
@@ -489,11 +512,11 @@
when ::Array; @xrefs[addr] |= [x]
else @xrefs[addr] = [@xrefs[addr], x]
- # yields each xref to a given address, optionnaly restricted to a type
+ # yields each xref to a given address, optionaly restricted to a type
def each_xref(addr, type=nil)
addr = normalize addr
x = @xrefs[addr]
x = case x
@@ -543,31 +566,31 @@
# returns the canonical form of addr (absolute address integer or label of start of section + section offset)
def normalize(addr)
return addr if not addr or addr == :default
- addr = Expression[addr].bind(@old_prog_binding).reduce if not addr.kind_of? Integer
+ addr = Expression[addr].bind(@old_prog_binding).reduce if not addr.kind_of?(Integer)
# returns [edata, edata_base] or nil
# edata.ptr points to addr
def get_section_at(addr, memcheck=true)
case addr = normalize(addr)
when ::Integer
- if s = @sections.find { |b, e| b.kind_of? ::Integer and addr >= b and addr < b + e.length } ||
- @sections.find { |b, e| b.kind_of? ::Integer and addr == b + e.length } # end label
+ if s = @sections.find { |b, e| b.kind_of?(::Integer) and addr >= b and addr < b + e.length } ||
+ @sections.find { |b, e| b.kind_of?(::Integer) and addr == b + e.length } # end label
s[1].ptr = addr - s[0]
return if memcheck and s[1].data.respond_to?(:page_invalid?) and s[1].data.page_invalid?(s[1].ptr)
[s[1], s[0]]
when Expression
- if addr.op == :+ and addr.rexpr.kind_of? ::Integer and addr.rexpr >= 0 and addr.lexpr.kind_of? ::String and e = @sections[addr.lexpr]
+ if addr.op == :+ and addr.rexpr.kind_of?(::Integer) and addr.rexpr >= 0 and addr.lexpr.kind_of?(::String) and e = @sections[addr.lexpr]
e.ptr = addr.rexpr
return if memcheck and and
[e, Expression[addr.lexpr]]
- elsif addr.op == :+ and addr.rexpr.kind_of? ::String and not addr.lexpr and e = @sections[addr.rexpr]
+ elsif addr.op == :+ and addr.rexpr.kind_of?(::String) and not addr.lexpr and e = @sections[addr.rexpr]
e.ptr = 0
return if memcheck and and
[e, addr.rexpr]
@@ -580,16 +603,18 @@
addr = Expression[addr].reduce
addrstr = "#{base}_#{Expression[addr]}"
return if addrstr !~ /^\w+$/
e, b = get_section_at(addr)
if not e
- l = Expression[addr].reduce_rec if Expression[addr].reduce_rec.kind_of? ::String
- l ||= addrstr if addr.kind_of? Expression and addr.externals.grep(::Symbol).empty?
+ l = Expression[addr].reduce_rec if Expression[addr].reduce_rec.kind_of?(::String)
+ l ||= addrstr if addr.kind_of?(Expression) and addr.externals.grep(::Symbol).empty?
elsif not l = e.inv_export[e.ptr]
l = @program.new_label(addrstr)
e.add_export l, e.ptr
- @label_alias_cache = nil
+ if @label_alias_cache ||= nil
+ (@label_alias_cache[b + e.ptr] ||= []) << l
+ end
@old_prog_binding[l] = @prog_binding[l] = b + e.ptr
elsif rewritepfx.find { |p| base != p and addrstr.sub(base, p) == l }
newl = addrstr
newl = @program.new_label(newl) unless @old_prog_binding[newl] and @old_prog_binding[newl] == @prog_binding[l] # avoid _uuid when a -> b -> a
rename_label l, newl
@@ -627,23 +652,28 @@
puts 'disassembly finished' if $VERBOSE
@callback_finished[] if callback_finished
return false
elsif @addrs_todo.empty?
ep = entrypoints.shift
- l = auto_label_at(normalize(ep), 'entrypoint')
+ cpu_context = get_initial_cpu_context(ep)
+ l = auto_label_at(normalize(ep), 'entrypoint') || normalize(ep)
puts "start disassemble from #{l} (#{entrypoints.length})" if $VERBOSE and not entrypoints.empty?
@entrypoints << l
- @addrs_todo << [ep]
+ @addrs_todo << { :addr => ep, :cpu_context => cpu_context }
+ def get_initial_cpu_context(addr)
+ @cpu.disassemble_init_context(self, addr)
+ end
def post_disassemble
@decoded.each_value { |di|
- next if not di.kind_of? DecodedInstruction
+ next if not di.kind_of?(DecodedInstruction)
next if not di.opcode or not di.opcode.props[:saveip]
if not di.block.to_subfuncret
di.add_comment 'noreturn'
# there is no need to re-loop on all :saveip as check_noret is transitive
di.block.each_to_normal { |fa| check_noreturn_function(fa) }
@@ -669,23 +699,24 @@
# disassembles one block from addrs_todo
# adds next addresses to handle to addrs_todo
# if @function[:default] exists, jumps to unknows locations are interpreted as to @function[:default]
def disassemble_step
- return if not todo = @addrs_todo.pop or @addrs_done.include? todo
- @addrs_done << todo if todo[1]
+ return if not x = @addrs_todo.pop or @addrs_done.include?(x)
+ @addrs_done << x if x[:from]
- # from_sfret is true if from is the address of a function call that returns to addr
- addr, from, from_subfuncret = todo
+ addr = x[:addr]
+ from = x[:from]
+ # from_subfuncret is true if from is the address of a function call that returns to addr
return if from == Expression::Unknown
- puts "disassemble_step #{Expression[addr]} #{Expression[from] if from} #{from_subfuncret} (/#{@addrs_todo.length})" if $DEBUG
+ puts "disassemble_step #{Expression[addr]} #{Expression[from] if from} #{x[:from_subfuncret]} (/#{@addrs_todo.length})" if $DEBUG
addr = normalize(addr)
- if from and from_subfuncret and di_at(from)
+ if from and x[:from_subfuncret] and di_at(from)
@decoded[from].block.each_to_normal { |subfunc|
subfunc = normalize(subfunc)
next if not f = @function[subfunc] or f.finalized
f.finalized = true
puts " finalize subfunc #{Expression[subfunc]}" if debug_backtrace
@@ -695,31 +726,40 @@
if di = @decoded[addr]
- if di.kind_of? DecodedInstruction
+ if di.kind_of?(DecodedInstruction)
split_block(di.block, di.address, true) if not di.block_head? # this updates di.block
- di.block.add_from(from, from_subfuncret ? :subfuncret : :normal) if from and from != :default
+ di.block.add_from(from, x[:from_subfuncret] ? :subfuncret : :normal) if from and from != :default
bf = di.block
elsif di == true
bf = @function[addr]
- elsif bf = @function[addr]
+ elsif from and bf = @function[addr]
detect_function_thunk_noreturn(from) if bf.noreturn
elsif s = get_section_at(addr)
- block =, s[0])
- block.add_from(from, from_subfuncret ? :subfuncret : :normal) if from and from != :default
- disassemble_block(block)
- elsif from and c_parser and name = Expression[addr].reduce_rec and name.kind_of? ::String and
- s = c_parser.toplevel.symbol[name] and s.type.untypedef.kind_of? C::Function
- bf = @function[addr] = @cpu.decode_c_function_prototype(@c_parser, s)
+ if from and c_parser and not disassemble_known_functions and name = get_all_labels_at(addr).find { |n|
+ cs = c_parser.toplevel.symbol[n] and cs.type.untypedef.kind_of?(C::Function) }
+ # do not disassemble internal function for which we have a prototype (eg static library)
+ puts "found known function #{name} at #{Expression[addr]}" if $VERBOSE
+ bf = @function[addr] = @cpu.decode_c_function_prototype(@c_parser, c_parser.toplevel.symbol[name])
+ detect_function_thunk_noreturn(from) if bf.noreturn
+ else
+ block =, s[0])
+ block.add_from(from, x[:from_subfuncret] ? :subfuncret : :normal) if from and from != :default
+ disassemble_block(block, x[:cpu_context])
+ end
+ elsif from and c_parser and name = Expression[addr].reduce_rec and name.kind_of?(::String) and
+ cs = c_parser.toplevel.symbol[name] and cs.type.untypedef.kind_of?(C::Function)
+ # use C header prototype for external functions if available
+ bf = @function[addr] = @cpu.decode_c_function_prototype(@c_parser, cs)
detect_function_thunk_noreturn(from) if bf.noreturn
- elsif from
+ elsif from and not @function[addr]
if bf = @function[:default]
puts "using default function for #{Expression[addr]} from #{Expression[from]}" if $DEBUG
- if name = Expression[addr].reduce_rec and name.kind_of? ::String
+ if name = Expression[addr].reduce_rec and name.kind_of?(::String)
@function[addr] = @function[:default].dup
addr = :default
if @decoded[from]
@@ -735,51 +775,51 @@
puts "not disassembling unknown address #{Expression[addr]}" if $VERBOSE
if bf and from and from != :default
- if bf.kind_of? DecodedFunction
+ if bf.kind_of?(DecodedFunction)
bff = bf.get_backtracked_for(self, addr, from)
bff = bf.backtracked_for
bff.each { |btt|
next if btt.address
- if @decoded[from].kind_of? DecodedInstruction and @decoded[from].opcode.props[:saveip] and not from_subfuncret and not @function[addr]
- backtrace_check_found(btt.expr, @decoded[addr], btt.origin, btt.type, btt.len, btt.maxdepth, btt.detached)
+ if @decoded[from].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction) and @decoded[from].opcode.props[:saveip] and not x[:from_subfuncret] and not @function[addr]
+ backtrace_check_found(btt.expr, @decoded[addr], btt.origin, btt.type, btt.len, btt.maxdepth, btt.detached, btt.cpu_context)
next if backtrace_check_funcret(btt, addr, from)
backtrace(btt.expr, from,
- :include_start => true, :from_subfuncret => from_subfuncret,
+ :include_start => true, :from_subfuncret => x[:from_subfuncret],
:origin => btt.origin, :orig_expr => btt.orig_expr, :type => btt.type,
- :len => btt.len, :detached => btt.detached, :maxdepth => btt.maxdepth)
+ :len => btt.len, :detached => btt.detached, :maxdepth => btt.maxdepth, :cpu_context => btt.cpu_context)
} if bff
# splits an InstructionBlock, updates the blocks backtracked_for
def split_block(block, address=nil, rebacktrace=false)
if not address # invoked as split_block(0x401012)
- return if not @decoded[block].kind_of? DecodedInstruction
+ return if not @decoded[block].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction)
block, address = @decoded[block].block, block
return block if address == block.address
new_b = block.split address
if rebacktrace
new_b.backtracked_for.dup.each { |btt|
backtrace(btt.expr, btt.address,
:only_upto => block.list.last.address,
:include_start => !btt.exclude_instr, :from_subfuncret => btt.from_subfuncret,
:origin => btt.origin, :orig_expr => btt.orig_expr, :type => btt.type, :len => btt.len,
- :detached => btt.detached, :maxdepth => btt.maxdepth)
+ :detached => btt.detached, :maxdepth => btt.maxdepth, :cpu_context => btt.cpu_context)
# disassembles a new instruction block at block.address (must be normalized)
- def disassemble_block(block)
+ def disassemble_block(block, cpu_context)
raise if not block.list.empty?
di_addr = block.address
delay_slot = nil
di = nil
@@ -803,11 +843,12 @@
# decode instruction
block.edata.ptr = di_addr - block.address + block.edata_ptr
- if not di = @cpu.decode_instruction(block.edata, di_addr)
+ cpu_context = cpu_context.dup if cpu_context
+ if not di = @cpu.decode_instruction_context(self, block.edata, di_addr, cpu_context)
ed = block.edata
break if ed.ptr >= ed.length and get_section_at(di_addr) and di = block.list.last
puts "#{ed.ptr >= ed.length ? "end of section reached" : "unknown instruction #{[di_addr-block.address+block.edata_ptr, 4].to_s.unpack('H*').first}"} at #{Expression[di_addr]}" if $VERBOSE
@@ -843,22 +884,27 @@
if delay_slot
di, delay = delay_slot
if delay == 0 or not di_addr
- backtrace_xrefs_di_x(di)
+ backtrace_xrefs_di_x(di, cpu_context)
if di.opcode.props[:stopexec] or not di_addr; return
else break
delay_slot[1] = delay - 1
+ if block.edata.inv_export[di_addr - block.address + block.edata_ptr]
+ # ensure there is a block split if we have a label defined
+ break
+ end
ar = [di_addr]
ar = @callback_newaddr[block.list.last.address, ar] || ar if callback_newaddr
- ar.each { |di_addr_| backtrace(di_addr_, di.address, :origin => di.address, :type => :x) }
+ ar.each { |di_addr_| backtrace(di_addr_, di.address, :origin => di.address, :type => :x, :cpu_context => cpu_context) }
# retrieve the list of execution crossrefs due to the decodedinstruction
@@ -876,68 +922,75 @@
# disassembles_fast from a list of entrypoints, also dasm subfunctions
def disassemble_fast_deep(*entrypoints)
@entrypoints ||= []
@entrypoints |= entrypoints
- entrypoints.each { |ep| do_disassemble_fast_deep(normalize(ep)) }
+ entrypoints.each { |ep| do_disassemble_fast_deep(:addr => normalize(ep)) }
@callback_finished[] if callback_finished
def do_disassemble_fast_deep(ep)
disassemble_fast(ep) { |fa, di|
- fa = normalize(fa)
- do_disassemble_fast_deep(fa)
- if di and ndi = di_at(fa)
- ndi.block.add_from_normal(di.address)
- end
+ do_disassemble_fast_deep(:addr => normalize(fa), :from => di.address)
# disassembles fast from a list of entrypoints
# see disassemble_fast_step
def disassemble_fast(entrypoint, maxdepth=-1, &b)
- ep = [entrypoint]
- until ep.empty?
- disassemble_fast_step(ep, &b)
+ td = entrypoint
+ td = { :addr => entrypoint } unless td.kind_of?(::Hash)
+ td[:cpu_context] ||= get_initial_cpu_context(td[:addr])
+ todo = [td]
+ until todo.empty?
+ disassemble_fast_step(todo, &b)
maxdepth -= 1
- ep.delete_if { |a| not @decoded[normalize(a[0])] } if maxdepth == 0
+ todo.delete_if { |a| not @decoded[normalize(a[:addr])] } if maxdepth == 0
- check_noreturn_function(entrypoint)
+ check_noreturn_function(td[:addr])
# disassembles one block from the ary, see disassemble_fast_block
def disassemble_fast_step(todo, &b)
return if not x = todo.pop
- addr, from, from_subfuncret = x
- addr = normalize(addr)
+ addr = normalize(x[:addr])
if di = @decoded[addr]
- if di.kind_of? DecodedInstruction
+ if di.kind_of?(DecodedInstruction)
split_block(di.block, di.address) if not di.block_head?
- di.block.add_from(from, from_subfuncret ? :subfuncret : :normal) if from and from != :default
+ di.block.add_from(x[:from], x[:from_subfuncret] ? :subfuncret : :normal) if x[:from] and x[:from] != :default
+ elsif @function[addr] and x[:from]
elsif s = get_section_at(addr)
- block =, s[0])
- block.add_from(from, from_subfuncret ? :subfuncret : :normal) if from and from != :default
- todo.concat disassemble_fast_block(block, &b)
- elsif name = Expression[addr].reduce_rec and name.kind_of? ::String and not @function[addr]
- if c_parser and s = c_parser.toplevel.symbol[name] and s.type.untypedef.kind_of? C::Function
- @function[addr] = @cpu.decode_c_function_prototype(@c_parser, s)
- detect_function_thunk_noreturn(from) if @function[addr].noreturn
+ if x[:from] and c_parser and not disassemble_known_functions and name = get_all_labels_at(addr).find { |n|
+ cs = c_parser.toplevel.symbol[n] and cs.type.untypedef.kind_of?(C::Function) }
+ # do not disassemble internal function for which we have a prototype (eg static library)
+ puts "found known function #{name} at #{Expression[addr]}" if $VERBOSE
+ @function[addr] = @cpu.decode_c_function_prototype(@c_parser, c_parser.toplevel.symbol[name])
+ detect_function_thunk_noreturn(x[:from]) if @function[addr].noreturn
+ else
+ block =, s[0])
+ block.add_from(x[:from], x[:from_subfuncret] ? :subfuncret : :normal) if x[:from] and x[:from] != :default
+ todo.concat disassemble_fast_block(block, x[:cpu_context], &b)
+ end
+ elsif name = Expression[addr].reduce_rec and name.kind_of?(::String) and not @function[addr]
+ if c_parser and cs = c_parser.toplevel.symbol[name] and cs.type.untypedef.kind_of?(C::Function)
+ @function[addr] = @cpu.decode_c_function_prototype(@c_parser, cs)
+ detect_function_thunk_noreturn(x[:from]) if @function[addr].noreturn
elsif @function[:default]
@function[addr] = @function[:default].dup
# check if an addr has an xref :x from a :saveip, if so mark as Function
def disassemble_fast_checkfunc(addr)
- if @decoded[addr].kind_of? DecodedInstruction and not @function[addr]
+ if @decoded[addr].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction) and not @function[addr]
func = false
each_xref(addr, :x) { |x_|
func = true if odi = di_at(x_.origin) and odi.opcode.props[:saveip]
if func
@@ -955,12 +1008,12 @@
# assumes all :saveip returns, except those pointing to a subfunc with noreturn
# yields subfunction addresses (targets of :saveip)
# no backtrace for :x (change with backtrace_maxblocks_fast)
# returns a todo-style ary
# assumes @addrs_todo is empty
- def disassemble_fast_block(block, &b)
- block =, get_section_at(block)[0]) if not block.kind_of? InstructionBlock
+ def disassemble_fast_block(block, cpu_context, &b)
+ block =, get_section_at(block)[0]) if not block.kind_of?(InstructionBlock)
di_addr = block.address
delay_slot = nil
di = nil
ret = []
@@ -969,11 +1022,12 @@
@disassemble_maxblocklength.times {
break if @decoded[di_addr]
# decode instruction
block.edata.ptr = di_addr - block.address + block.edata_ptr
- if not di = @cpu.decode_instruction(block.edata, di_addr)
+ cpu_context = cpu_context.dup if cpu_context
+ if not di = @cpu.decode_instruction_context(self, block.edata, di_addr, cpu_context)
break if block.edata.ptr >= block.edata.length and get_section_at(di_addr) and di = block.list.last
return ret
@decoded[di_addr] = di
@@ -1000,16 +1054,16 @@
if di.opcode.props[:setip]
@addrs_todo = []
ar = @program.get_xrefs_x(self, di)
ar = @callback_newaddr[di.address, ar] || ar if callback_newaddr
ar.each { |expr|
- backtrace(expr, di.address, :origin => di.address, :type => :x, :maxdepth => @backtrace_maxblocks_fast)
+ backtrace(expr, di.address, :origin => di.address, :type => :x, :maxdepth => @backtrace_maxblocks_fast, :cpu_context => cpu_context)
if di.opcode.props[:saveip]
@addrs_todo = []
- ret.concat disassemble_fast_block_subfunc(di, &b)
+ ret.concat disassemble_fast_block_subfunc(di, cpu_context, &b)
ret.concat @addrs_todo
@addrs_todo = []
delay_slot ||= [di, @cpu.delay_slot(di)]
@@ -1026,17 +1080,17 @@
ar = [di_addr]
ar = @callback_newaddr[block.list.last.address, ar] || ar if callback_newaddr
ar.each { |a|
- ret << [a, di.address]
+ ret << { :addr => a, :from => di.address, :cpu_context => cpu_context }
# handles when disassemble_fast encounters a call to a subfunction
- def disassemble_fast_block_subfunc(di)
+ def disassemble_fast_block_subfunc(di, cpu_context)
funcs = di.block.to_normal.to_a
do_ret = funcs.empty?
ret = []
na = di.next_addr + di.bin_length * @cpu.delay_slot(di)
funcs.each { |fa|
@@ -1045,26 +1099,27 @@
yield fa, di if block_given?
if f = @function[fa] and bf = f.get_backtracked_for(self, fa, di.address) and not bf.empty?
# this includes retaddr unless f is noreturn
bf.each { |btt|
next if btt.type != :x
- bt = backtrace(btt.expr, di.address, :include_start => true, :origin => btt.origin, :maxdepth => [@backtrace_maxblocks_fast, 1].max)
+ bt = backtrace(btt.expr, di.address, :include_start => true, :origin => btt.origin, :maxdepth => [@backtrace_maxblocks_fast, 1].max, :cpu_context => cpu_context)
if btt.detached
- ret.concat bt # callback argument
- elsif bt.find { |a| normalize(a) == na }
+ ret.concat { |a| { :addr => a } } # callback argument
+ elsif not f.noreturn and bt.find { |a| normalize(a) == na }
do_ret = true
elsif not f or not f.noreturn
do_ret = true
if do_ret
- ret << [na, di.address, true]
+ ret << { :addr => na, :from => di.address, :from_subfuncret => true, :cpu_context => cpu_context }
di.block.add_to_normal :default if not di.block.to_normal and @function[:default]
+ di.add_comment 'noreturn' if ret.empty?
# trace whose xrefs this di is responsible of
def backtrace_xrefs_di_rw(di)
@@ -1083,22 +1138,22 @@
# trace xrefs for execution
- def backtrace_xrefs_di_x(di)
+ def backtrace_xrefs_di_x(di, cpu_context)
ar = @program.get_xrefs_x(self, di)
ar = @callback_newaddr[di.address, ar] || ar if callback_newaddr
- ar.each { |expr| backtrace(expr, di.address, :origin => di.address, :type => :x) }
+ ar.each { |expr| backtrace(expr, di.address, :origin => di.address, :type => :x, :cpu_context => cpu_context) }
# checks if the function starting at funcaddr is an external function thunk (eg jmp [SomeExtFunc])
# the argument must be the address of a decodedinstruction that is the first of a function,
# which must not have return_addresses
# returns the new thunk name if it was changed
def detect_function_thunk(funcaddr)
- # check thunk linearity (no conditionnal branch etc)
+ # check thunk linearity (no conditional branch etc)
addr = funcaddr
count = 0
while b = block_at(addr)
count += 1
return if count > 5 or b.list.length > 5
@@ -1127,11 +1182,11 @@
if funcaddr != addr and f = @function[funcaddr]
# forward get_backtrace_binding to target
f.backtrace_binding = { :thunk => addr }
f.noreturn = true if @function[addr] and @function[addr].noreturn
- return if not fname.kind_of? ::String
+ return if not fname.kind_of?(::String)
l = auto_label_at(funcaddr, 'sub', 'loc')
return if l[0, 4] != 'sub_'
puts "found thunk for #{fname} at #{Expression[funcaddr]}" if $DEBUG
rename_label(l, @program.new_label("thunk_#{fname}"))
@@ -1165,18 +1220,18 @@
# it is if all its end blocks are calls to noreturn functions
# if it is, create a @function[fa] with noreturn = true
# should only be called with fa = target of a call
def check_noreturn_function(fa)
fb = function_blocks(fa, false, false)
+ return if fb.empty?
lasts = fb.keys.find_all { |k| fb[k] == [] }
- return if lasts.empty?
if lasts.all? { |la|
b = block_at(la)
next if not di = b.list.last
(di.opcode.props[:saveip] and b.to_normal.to_a.all? { |tfa|
tf = function_at(tfa) and tf.noreturn
- }) or (di.opcode.props[:stopexec] and not di.opcode.props[:setip])
+ }) or (di.opcode.props[:stopexec] and not (di.opcode.props[:setip] or not get_xrefs_x(di).empty?))
# yay
@function[fa] ||=
@function[fa].noreturn = true
@@ -1227,11 +1282,11 @@
# stopaddr is an [array of] address of instruction, the backtrace will stop just after executing it
# maxdepth is the maximum depth (in blocks) for each backtrace branch.
# (defaults to dasm.backtrace_maxblocks, which defaults do Dasm.backtrace_maxblocks)
def backtrace_walk(obj, addr, include_start, from_subfuncret, stopaddr, maxdepth)
start_addr = normalize(addr)
- stopaddr = [stopaddr] if stopaddr and not stopaddr.kind_of? ::Array
+ stopaddr = [stopaddr] if stopaddr and not stopaddr.kind_of?(::Array)
# array of [obj, addr, from_subfuncret, loopdetect]
# loopdetect is an array of [obj, addr, from_type] of each end of block encountered
todo = []
@@ -1254,11 +1309,11 @@
hadsomething = false
w_di.block.each_from { |f_addr, f_type|
next if f_type == :indirect
hadsomething = true
o_f_addr = f_addr
- f_addr = @decoded[f_addr].block.list.last.address if @decoded[f_addr].kind_of? DecodedInstruction # delay slot
+ f_addr = @decoded[f_addr].block.list.last.address if @decoded[f_addr].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction) # delay slot
if l = w_loopdetect.find { |l_obj, l_addr, l_type| l_addr == f_addr and l_type == f_type }
f_obj = yield(:loop, w_obj, :looptrace => w_loopdetect[w_loopdetect.index(l)..-1], :loopdetect => w_loopdetect)
if f_obj and f_obj != w_obj # should avoid infinite loops
f_loopdetect = w_loopdetect[0...w_loopdetect.index(l)]
@@ -1268,11 +1323,11 @@
next if f_obj == false
f_obj ||= w_obj
f_loopdetect ||= w_loopdetect
# only count non-trivial paths in loopdetect (ignore linear links)
add_detect = [[f_obj, f_addr, f_type]]
- add_detect = [] if @decoded[f_addr].kind_of? DecodedInstruction and tmp = @decoded[f_addr].block and
+ add_detect = [] if @decoded[f_addr].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction) and tmp = @decoded[f_addr].block and
((w_di.block.from_subfuncret.to_a == [] and w_di.block.from_normal == [f_addr] and
tmp.to_normal == [w_di.address] and tmp.to_subfuncret.to_a == []) or
(w_di.block.from_subfuncret == [f_addr] and tmp.to_subfuncret == [w_di.address]))
todo << [f_obj, f_addr, f_type, f_loopdetect + add_detect ]
@@ -1281,11 +1336,11 @@
next if done.include? [w_obj, w_addr]
oldlen = todo.length
each_xref(w_addr, :x) { |x|
f_addr = x.origin
o_f_addr = f_addr
- f_addr = @decoded[f_addr].block.list.last.address if @decoded[f_addr].kind_of? DecodedInstruction # delay slot
+ f_addr = @decoded[f_addr].block.list.last.address if @decoded[f_addr].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction) # delay slot
if l = w_loopdetect.find { |l_obj, l_addr, l_type| l_addr == w_addr }
f_obj = yield(:loop, w_obj, :looptrace => w_loopdetect[w_loopdetect.index(l)..-1], :loopdetect => w_loopdetect)
if f_obj and f_obj != w_obj
f_loopdetect = w_loopdetect[0...w_loopdetect.index(l)]
@@ -1464,10 +1519,11 @@
# :max_complexity{_data} => maximum complexity of the expression before aborting its backtrace
# :log => Array, will be updated with the backtrace evolution
# :only_upto => backtrace only to update bt_for for current block & previous ending at only_upto
# :no_check => don't use backtrace_check_found (will not backtrace indirection static values)
# :terminals => array of symbols with constant value (stop backtracking if all symbols in the expr are terminals) (only supported with no_check)
+ # :cpu_context => disassembler cpu_context
def backtrace(expr, start_addr, nargs={})
include_start = nargs.delete :include_start
from_subfuncret = nargs.delete :from_subfuncret
origin = nargs.delete :origin
origexpr = nargs.delete :orig_expr
@@ -1480,10 +1536,11 @@
max_complexity_data = nargs.delete(:max_complexity) || @backtrace_maxcomplexity_data
bt_log = nargs.delete :log # array to receive the ongoing backtrace info
only_upto = nargs.delete :only_upto
no_check = nargs.delete :no_check
terminals = nargs.delete(:terminals) || []
+ cpu_context = nargs.delete :cpu_context
raise ArgumentError, "invalid argument to backtrace #{nargs.keys.inspect}" if not nargs.empty?
expr = Expression[expr]
origexpr = expr if origin == start_addr
@@ -1500,20 +1557,20 @@
max_complexity = max_complexity_data
maxdepth = @backtrace_maxblocks_data if backtrace_maxblocks_data and maxdepth > @backtrace_maxblocks_data
if vals = (no_check ? (!need_backtrace(expr, terminals) and [expr]) : backtrace_check_found(expr,
- di, origin, type, len, maxdepth, detached, snapshot_addr))
+ di, origin, type, len, maxdepth, detached, cpu_context, snapshot_addr))
# no need to update backtracked_for
return vals
elsif maxdepth <= 0
return [Expression::Unknown]
# create initial backtracked_for
if type and origin == start_addr and di
- btt =, origin, origexpr, type, len, maxdepth-1)
+ btt =, origin, origexpr, type, len, maxdepth-1, cpu_context)
btt.address = di.address
btt.exclude_instr = true if not include_start
btt.from_subfuncret = true if from_subfuncret and include_start
btt.detached = true if detached
di.block.backtracked_for |= [btt]
@@ -1530,63 +1587,63 @@
expr = expr_
case ev
when :unknown_addr, :maxdepth
puts " backtrace end #{ev} #{expr}" if debug_backtrace
result |= [expr] if not snapshot_addr
- @addrs_todo << [expr, (detached ? nil : origin)] if not snapshot_addr and type == :x and origin
+ @addrs_todo << { :addr => expr, :from => (detached ? nil : origin), :cpu_context => cpu_context } if not snapshot_addr and type == :x and origin
when :end
- if not expr.kind_of? StoppedExpr
+ if not expr.kind_of?(StoppedExpr)
oldexpr = expr
expr = backtrace_emu_blockup(h[:addr], expr)
puts " backtrace up #{Expression[h[:addr]]} #{oldexpr}#{" => #{expr}" if expr != oldexpr}" if debug_backtrace
bt_log << [:up, expr, oldexpr, h[:addr], :end] if bt_log and expr != oldexpr
if expr != oldexpr and not snapshot_addr and vals = (no_check ?
(!need_backtrace(expr, terminals) and [expr]) :
backtrace_check_found(expr, nil, origin, type, len,
- maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length, detached, snapshot_addr))
+ maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length, detached, cpu_context, snapshot_addr))
result |= vals
puts " backtrace end #{ev} #{expr}" if debug_backtrace
if not snapshot_addr
result |= [expr]
- btt =, origin, origexpr, type, len, maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length-1)
+ btt =, origin, origexpr, type, len, maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length-1, cpu_context)
btt.detached = true if detached
@decoded[h[:addr]].block.backtracked_for |= [btt] if @decoded[h[:addr]]
@function[h[:addr]].backtracked_for |= [btt] if @function[h[:addr]] and h[:addr] != :default
- @addrs_todo << [expr, (detached ? nil : origin)] if type == :x and origin
+ @addrs_todo << { :addr => expr, :from => (detached ? nil : origin), :cpu_context => cpu_context } if type == :x and origin
when :stopaddr
- if not expr.kind_of? StoppedExpr
+ if not expr.kind_of?(StoppedExpr)
oldexpr = expr
expr = backtrace_emu_blockup(h[:addr], expr)
puts " backtrace up #{Expression[h[:addr]]} #{oldexpr}#{" => #{expr}" if expr != oldexpr}" if debug_backtrace
bt_log << [:up, expr, oldexpr, h[:addr], :end] if bt_log and expr != oldexpr
puts " backtrace end #{ev} #{expr}" if debug_backtrace
result |= ((expr.kind_of?(StoppedExpr)) ? expr.exprs : [expr])
when :loop
- next false if expr.kind_of? StoppedExpr
+ next false if expr.kind_of?(StoppedExpr)
t = h[:looptrace]
oldexpr = t[0][0]
next false if expr == oldexpr # unmodifying loop
puts " bt loop at #{Expression[t[0][1]]}: #{oldexpr} => #{expr} (#{ { |z| Expression[z[1]] }.join(' <- ')})" if debug_backtrace
bt_log << [:loop, expr, oldexpr, { |z| z[1] }] if bt_log
when :up
next false if only_upto and h[:to] != only_upto
- next expr if expr.kind_of? StoppedExpr
+ next expr if expr.kind_of?(StoppedExpr)
oldexpr = expr
expr = backtrace_emu_blockup(h[:from], expr)
puts " backtrace up #{Expression[h[:from]]}->#{Expression[h[:to]]} #{oldexpr}#{" => #{expr}" if expr != oldexpr}" if debug_backtrace
bt_log << [:up, expr, oldexpr, h[:from], h[:to]] if bt_log
if expr != oldexpr and vals = (no_check ? (!need_backtrace(expr, terminals) and [expr]) :
backtrace_check_found(expr, @decoded[h[:from]], origin, type, len,
- maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length, detached, snapshot_addr))
+ maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length, detached, cpu_context, snapshot_addr))
if snapshot_addr
expr = vals
next expr
result |= vals
@@ -1604,11 +1661,11 @@
btf << new_btt
- btt =, origin, origexpr, type, len, maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length-1)
+ btt =, origin, origexpr, type, len, maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length-1, cpu_context)
btt.detached = true if detached
if x = di_at(h[:from])
update_btf[x.block.backtracked_for, btt]
if x = @function[h[:from]] and h[:from] != :default
@@ -1628,11 +1685,11 @@
when :di, :func
- next if expr.kind_of? StoppedExpr
+ next if expr.kind_of?(StoppedExpr)
if not snapshot_addr and @cpu.backtrace_is_stack_address(expr)
puts " not backtracking stack address #{expr}" if debug_backtrace
next false
@@ -1651,11 +1708,11 @@
bt_log << [ev, expr, oldexpr, h[:funcaddr], h[:addr]] if bt_log and expr != oldexpr
puts " backtrace #{h[:di] || Expression[h[:funcaddr]]} #{oldexpr} => #{expr}" if debug_backtrace and expr != oldexpr
if vals = (no_check ? (!need_backtrace(expr, terminals) and [expr]) : backtrace_check_found(expr,
- h[:di], origin, type, len, maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length, detached, snapshot_addr))
+ h[:di], origin, type, len, maxdepth-h[:loopdetect].length, detached, cpu_context, snapshot_addr))
if snapshot_addr
expr = vals
result |= vals
bt_log << [:found, vals, h[:addr]] if bt_log
@@ -1683,11 +1740,11 @@
@cpu.backtrace_is_function_return(btt.expr, @decoded[btt.origin]) and
retaddr = backtrace_emu_instr(di, btt.expr) and
not need_backtrace(retaddr)
puts " backtrace addrs_todo << #{Expression[retaddr]} from #{di} (funcret)" if debug_backtrace
di.block.add_to_subfuncret normalize(retaddr)
- if @decoded[funcaddr].kind_of? DecodedInstruction
+ if @decoded[funcaddr].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction)
# check that all callers :saveip returns (eg recursive call that was resolved
# before we found funcaddr was a function)
@decoded[funcaddr].block.each_from_normal { |fm|
if fdi = di_at(fm) and fdi.opcode.props[:saveip] and not fdi.block.to_subfuncret
backtrace_check_funcret(btt, funcaddr, fm)
@@ -1701,21 +1758,21 @@
# just before the 1st function block address in @addrs_todo (which is pop()ed by dasm_step)
faddrlist = []
todo = []
di.block.each_to_normal { |t| todo << normalize(t) }
while a = todo.pop
- next if faddrlist.include? a or not get_section_at(a)
+ next if faddrlist.include?(a) or not get_section_at(a)
faddrlist << a
- if @decoded[a].kind_of? DecodedInstruction
+ if @decoded[a].kind_of?(DecodedInstruction)
@decoded[a].block.each_to_samefunc(self) { |t| todo << normalize(t) }
- idx = @addrs_todo.index(@addrs_todo.find { |r, i, sfr| faddrlist.include? normalize(r) }) || -1
- @addrs_todo.insert(idx, [retaddr, instraddr, true])
+ idx = @addrs_todo.index(@addrs_todo.find { |aa| faddrlist.include? normalize(aa[:addr]) }) || -1
+ @addrs_todo.insert(idx, { :addr => retaddr, :from => instraddr, :from_subfuncret => true, :cpu_context => btt.cpu_context })
- @addrs_todo << [retaddr, instraddr, true]
+ @addrs_todo << { :addr => retaddr, :from => instraddr, :from_subfuncret => true, :cpu_context => btt.cpu_context }
@@ -1750,11 +1807,11 @@
# returns true if the expression needs more backtrace
# it checks for the presence of a symbol (not :unknown), which means it depends on some register value
def need_backtrace(expr, terminals=[])
- return if expr.kind_of? ::Integer
+ return if expr.kind_of?(::Integer)
!(expr.externals.grep(::Symbol) - [:unknown] - terminals).empty?
# returns an array of expressions, or nil if expr needs more backtrace
# it needs more backtrace if expr.externals include a Symbol != :unknown (symbol == register value)
@@ -1768,11 +1825,11 @@
# XXX global variable (modified by another function), exported data, multithreaded app..
# TODO handle memory aliasing (mov ebx, eax ; write [ebx] ; read [eax])
# TODO trace expr evolution through backtrace, to modify immediates to an expr involving label names
# TODO mov [ptr], imm ; <...> ; jmp [ptr] => rename imm as loc_XX
# eg. mov eax, 42 ; add eax, 4 ; jmp eax => mov eax, some_label-4
- def backtrace_check_found(expr, di, origin, type, len, maxdepth, detached, snapshot_addr=nil)
+ def backtrace_check_found(expr, di, origin, type, len, maxdepth, detached, cpu_context, snapshot_addr=nil)
# only entrypoints or block starts called by a :saveip are checked for being a function
# want to execute [esp] from a block start
if type == :x and di and di == di.block.list.first and @cpu.backtrace_is_function_return(expr, @decoded[origin]) and (
# which is an entrypoint..
(not di.block.from_normal and not di.block.from_subfuncret) or
@@ -1810,11 +1867,11 @@
#result << expr if not type # XXX returning multiple values for nothing is too confusing, TODO fix decompiler
# create xrefs/labels
result.each { |e|
- backtrace_found_result(e, di, type, origin, len, detached)
+ backtrace_found_result(e, di, type, origin, len, detached, cpu_context)
} if type and origin
@@ -1939,11 +1996,11 @@
# creates xrefs, updates addrs_todo, updates instr args
- def backtrace_found_result(expr, di, type, origin, len, detached)
+ def backtrace_found_result(expr, di, type, origin, len, detached, cpu_context)
n = normalize(expr)
fallthrough = true if type == :x and o = di_at(origin) and not o.opcode.props[:stopexec] and n == o.block.list.last.next_addr # delay_slot
add_xref(n,, origin, len)) if origin != :default and origin != Expression::Unknown and not fallthrough
unk = true if n == Expression::Unknown
@@ -1998,11 +2055,11 @@
origin = nil
@decoded[o].block.add_to_indirect(normalize(n)) if @decoded[o] and not unk
@decoded[origin].block.add_to_normal(normalize(n)) if @decoded[origin] and not unk
- @addrs_todo << [n, origin]
+ @addrs_todo << { :addr => n, :from => origin, :cpu_context => cpu_context }
def inspect
"<Metasm::Disassembler @%x>" % object_id
@@ -2012,16 +2069,16 @@
a = ''
dump { |l| a << l << "\n" }
- # dumps the source, optionnally including data
+ # dumps the source, optionally including data
# yields (defaults puts) each line
def dump(dump_data=true, &b)
b ||= lambda { |l| puts l }
@sections.sort_by { |addr, edata| addr.kind_of?(::Integer) ? addr : 0 }.each { |addr, edata|
- addr = Expression[addr] if addr.kind_of? ::String
+ addr = Expression[addr] if addr.kind_of?(::String)
blockoffs = @decoded.values.grep(DecodedInstruction).map { |di| Expression[di.block.address, :-, addr].reduce if di.block_head? }.grep(::Integer).sort.reject { |o| o < 0 or o >= edata.length }
b[@program.dump_section_header(addr, edata)]
if not dump_data and edata.length > 16*1024 and blockoffs.empty?
b["// [#{edata.length} data bytes]"]
@@ -2032,11 +2089,11 @@
if unk_off == blockoffs.first
di = @decoded[addr+unk_off]
if unk_off != di.block.edata_ptr
b["\n// ------ overlap (#{unk_off-di.block.edata_ptr}) ------"]
- elsif di.block.from_normal.kind_of? ::Array
+ elsif di.block.from_normal.kind_of?(::Array)
dump_block(di.block, &b)
unk_off += [di.block.bin_length, 1].max
unk_off = blockoffs.first if blockoffs.first and unk_off > blockoffs.first
@@ -2077,11 +2134,11 @@
if block.edata.inv_export[block.edata_ptr] and label_alias[block.address]
b["\n"] if xr.empty?
label_alias[block.address].each { |name| b["#{name}:"] }
if c = @comment[block.address]
- c = c.join("\n") if c.kind_of? ::Array
+ c = c.join("\n") if c.kind_of?(::Array)
c.each_line { |l| b["// #{l}"] }
# dumps data/labels, honours @xrefs.len if exists
@@ -2122,15 +2179,15 @@
# dup(?)
if off >=
dups = edata.virtsize - off
@prog_binding.each_value { |a|
tmp = Expression[a, :-, addr].reduce
- dups = tmp if tmp.kind_of? ::Integer and tmp > 0 and tmp < dups
+ dups = tmp if tmp.kind_of?(::Integer) and tmp > 0 and tmp < dups
@xrefs.each_key { |a|
tmp = Expression[a, :-, addr].reduce
- dups = tmp if tmp.kind_of? ::Integer and tmp > 0 and tmp < dups
+ dups = tmp if tmp.kind_of?(::Integer) and tmp > 0 and tmp < dups
dups /= elemlen
dups = 1 if dups < 1
b[(l + "#{dups} dup(?)").ljust(48) << cmt]
return off + dups*elemlen
@@ -2172,20 +2229,20 @@
# recognize strings
vals = vals.inject([]) { |vals_, value|
if (elemlen == 1 or elemlen == 2)
case value
when 0x20..0x7e, 0x0a, 0x0d
- if vals_.last.kind_of? ::String; vals_.last << value ; vals_
+ if vals_.last.kind_of?(::String); vals_.last << value ; vals_
else vals_ << value.chr
else vals_ << value
else vals_ << value
}! { |value|
- if value.kind_of? ::String
+ if value.kind_of?(::String)
if value.length > 2 # or value == vals.first or value == vals.last # if there is no xref, don't care
value.unpack('C*').map { |c| Expression[c] }