in metaslug-0.3.3 vs in metaslug-0.3.4

- old
+ new

@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ ~~~ This generator takes options. For example: ~~~ -bundle exec rails g metaslug:locale -l eueui -o -m description,keywords,title +bundle exec rails g metaslug:locale -l de -o -m description,keywords,title ~~~ -will take generate a file for de locale. `-o` specifies to only print content on the console while `-m` takes your metas (defaults are title and description). +will generate a file for de locale. `-o` specifies to only print content on the console while `-m` takes your metas (defaults are title and description). On development mode, translations are reloaded for each request, not in the other environments. You can edit your locale file to add static or dynamic content.