README.adoc in metanorma-1.5.9 vs README.adoc in metanorma-1.5.10
- old
+ new
@@ -17,238 +17,29 @@
Metanorma is composed of a number of specifications and software
implementations. The Metanorma document model is based on the SecureDoc
document model.
-Metanorma includes the following sub-projects:
+For more on Metanorma and who uses it, refer to[]
-* The[Metanorma Standard Document model]
-* IETF Internet-Drafts and RFCs: the[AsciiRFC syntax],
-the[asciidoctor-rfc RFC XML v2 and v3 implementations]
-* ISO Standards: the AsciiISO syntax,
-the[Metanorma ISO model],
-the[metanorma-iso IsoDoc implementation]
-* CalConnect Standard Documents (CSD): the AsciiCSD syntax,
-[Metanorma CSD model],
-the[metanorma-csd implementation]
-* Chinese GuoBiao (GB) Standards: the AsciiGB syntax,
-[Metanorma GB models, for Chinese standards],
-the[metanorma-gb implementation]
-* Cloud Security Alliance Normal Documents (CSAND): the AsciiCSAND syntax,
-[Metanorma CSAND model],
-the[metanorma-csand implementation]
-* M3AAWG Documents (M3D): the AsciiM3D syntax,
-[Metanorma M3D model],
-the[metanorma-m3d implementation]
-* Ribose Specification Documents (RSD): AsciiRSD, RSD XML schema, and the[metanorma-rsd implementation]
-* Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority of Hong Kong Documents (MPFD):[metanorma-mpfd implementation] (still at proof-of-concept stage)
-* United Nations Economic Commision for Europe Documents (UNECE):[metanorma-unece implementation]
== Installation on supported platforms
-=== MacOS
-We recommend macOS users to directly run the Metanorma setup script
-located here:
-This is a one-stop installation script that setups Ruby, Node
-and all necessary parts for running Metanorma.
-Alternatively, you can also use the Metanorma Docker container (see below).
-=== Linux
-Please see:
-Alternatively, you can also use the Metanorma Docker container (see below).
-=== Docker: Windows and other platforms
-Please use the Metanorma Docker container:
-If you want to run Ubuntu on MacOS, you should do the following beforehand:
-# Setup docker through dinghy on MacOS:
-brew tap codekitchen/dinghy
-brew install dinghy
-brew install docker docker-machine
-dinghy create --provider virtualbox
-# Run the Ubuntu container:
-dinghy up
-eval $(dinghy env)
-docker run -it ubuntu:18.10 bash
=== Installing individual components
-The Metanorma workflow can be utilized via the `metanorma` Ruby gem.
+The Metanorma workflow can be utilized via the `metanorma-cli` Ruby gem.
gem install metanorma-cli
-If you are going to generate PDFs from HTML (which applies to CSD), you will also need to install
-the node library
-* Install Node, with at least version 7.6.0:,
- . (For macOS, `brew install node`)
-* Install npm:
-* Install puppeteer: `npm install -g --save --save-exact puppeteer`
== Usage
-Help command:
+Refer to[Metanorma man page] and[Metanorma usage]
-$ metanorma -h
-Usage: metanorma [options] <file>
- -t, --type TYPE Type of standard to generate: rfc2, rfc3, iso, gb, csd, csand, m3d
- -x, --extensions EXT1,EXT2,... | all Type of extension to generate per type:
- {
- :rfc2=>{:xmlrfc=>"v2.xml"},
- :rfc3=>{:xmlrfc=>"v3.xml"},
- :iso=>{:html=>"html", :html_alt=>"alt.html", :doc=>"doc"},
- :gb=>{:html=>"html", :compliant_html => "compliant_html", :doc=>"doc"},
- :csd=>{:html=>"html", :pdf=>"pdf", :doc => "doc"},
- :csand=>{:html=>"html"},
- :m3d=>{:html=>"html", :doc=>"doc", :pdf => "pdf"},
- :rsd=>{:html=>"html", :doc=>"doc", :pdf => "pdf"}
- :acme=>{:html=>"html", :doc=>"doc", :pdf => "pdf"}
- :mpdf=>{:html=>"html", :doc=>"doc", :pdf => "pdf"}
- :unece=>{:html=>"html", :doc=>"doc"}
- }
- In addition, xml (outside of rfc2, rfc3) generates IsoDoc XML. If the argument is "all" or the option is
- missing, all available extensions are generated.
- -f, --format FORMAT Format of source file: asciidoc (current default, only format supported)
- -r, --require LIBRARY Require LIBRARY prior to execution
- -w, --wrapper Create wrapper folder for HTML output
- -d, --data-uri-image Encode HTML output images as data URIs
- -a, --asciimath Preserve AsciiMath in Metanorma XML, instead of transforming it into MathML
- -R, --relaton FILENAME Export Relaton XML (bibdata) for this document to FILENAME
- (Also triggered through -x rxl)
- -e, --extract DIR(,ASSET1,ASSET2...) Extract assets from this document to directory DIR. If ASSET1,ASSET2 are named, only those types of asset are extracted.
- -h, --help Show this message
-Basically it is used like this:
-$ metanorma --type <chosen-type> [--format input-format] [--extensions EXT1,EXT2...] iso-my-standard-document.adoc
-`type`:: (mandatory, specified via `--type` or `-t`) takes one of the following types:
-`rfc2`, `rfc3`, `iso`, `gb`, `csd`, `csand`, `m3d`, `rsd`. Each of these corresponds to a
-standards class and a Metanorma gem; the list of standards classes supported by the script
-by default will grow (see also `require`).
-`extension`:: (optional) specifies the output formats to be generated. If not specified,
-all possible output formats are generated. The output formats generated are constrained by
-what has been defined for each standard type. All standards can generate Metanorma XML (`xml`),
-and at least one of HTML (`html`), DOC (`doc`), PDF (`pdf`). Some standards generate alternative
-HTML renderings (e.g. `html_alt` for ISO).
-`wrapper`:: create a separate folder for each instance of HTML output generated; the folder is named
-the same as the output file, without the `.html` suffix. Used to make distribution of HTML outputs
-more straightforward.
-`datauriimage`:: Encode all images as data URIs.
-`relaton`:: exports the bibdata Relaton XML description of the document (which is part of its Metanorma XML)
-to the nominated directory. The filename is the document identifier, if present, else the document filename.
-`asciimath`:: Preserve AsciiMath in Metanorma XML, instead of transforming it into MathML (which is the default).
-`extract`:: export assets found in the document to the nominated directory. If no other arguments are given,
-then all asset classes are exported, each to its own subdirectory. If trailing arguments are given, they
-are taken as naming which asset classes to extract from the document. Three asset classes are recognised:
-`sourcecode`, `image`, and `requirement` (which includes `recommendation` and `permission` elements).
-The assets are given autonumbered names, unless they were given a `filename` attribute in the source
-Metanorma XML, which is used instead.
-`format`:: (optional, specified via `--format` or `-f`) only accepts `asciidoc` for now,
-defaults to `asciidoc`
-As the `--format` argument is (currently) optional, so:
-$ metanorma --type iso -x html iso-my-standard-document.adoc
-`require`:: If you wish to use metanorma with a document class which has not been included in the types recognised
-by the metanorma script, you will need to name the corresponding Metnorma gem explicitly with the `-r`
-option; e.g.
-$ metanorma -t mpfd mpfd-bpn.adoc
-[metanorma] Error: mpfd is not a supported standard type.
-$ metanorma -t mpfd -r metanorma-mpfd mpfd-bpn.adoc
-The `asciimath`, `type`, `extension` and `relaton` options can be omitted if the corresponding metanorma directives
-are included in the document as Metanorma directives; for Asciidoctor input, these take the form
-of document attributes `mn-keep-asciimath:`, `mn-document-class:`, `:mn-output-extensions:`
-and `:mn-relaton-output-file:`, e.g.
-= My ISO document
-:mn-document-class: iso
-:mn-output-extensions: html,xml,pdf
-:mn-relaton-output-file: test.xml
-Metanorma can also be invoked within Ruby, through the metanorma gem:
-require "metanorma"
-, options)
-The options hash has the same structure it does when invoked in metanorma-cli:
-`:type`:: one of `"iso"`, `"csd"`, `"rsd"`, etc. (mandatory)
-`:format`:: `:asciidoc` is only value currently allowed
-`:extension_keys`:: array of symbols: `:all`, `:xml`:, `:doc` etc.
-`:wrapper`: true/false
-`:datauriimage`: true/false
-`:asciimath`: true/false
-`:require`: array of libraries to require
-`:relaton`: exports the bibdata Relaton XML description of the document (which is part of its Metanorma XML)
-to the nominated directory
-== Threaded execution
+=== Threaded execution
Metanorma has threaded execution, to generate output documents from the same Presentation XML input more quickly.
Similar to[relaton], the `METANORMA_PARALLEL` environment variable
can be used to override the default number of parallel fetches used.