spec/asciidoctor/section_spec.rb in metanorma-standoc-1.9.1 vs spec/asciidoctor/section_spec.rb in metanorma-standoc-1.9.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
require "spec_helper"
RSpec.describe Asciidoctor::Standoc do
it "processes sections" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
@@ -93,116 +93,119 @@
This is an index
== Thematic Index
- #{BLANK_HDR.sub(/<status>/, '<abstract> <p>Text</p> </abstract><status>')}
- <preface><abstract id="_">
- <title>Abstract</title>
- <p id="_">Text</p>
- </abstract><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
- <title>Foreword</title>
- <p id="_">Text</p>
- </foreword><introduction id="_" obligation="informative">
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
- <title>Introduction Subsection</title>
- </clause>
- </introduction>
- <clause id='_' inline-header='false' obligation='informative'>
- <title>Dedication</title>
- </clause>
- <acknowledgements id='_' obligation='informative'>
- <title>Acknowledgements</title>
- </acknowledgements>
- </preface><sections>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative" type="scope">
- <title>Scope</title>
- <p id="_">Text</p>
- </clause>
- <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
- <title>Terms and definitions</title>
- <p id="_">For the purposes of this document,
- the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
- <term id="term-term1">
- <preferred>Term1</preferred>
- </term>
- </terms>
- <clause id="_" obligation="normative"><title>Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms</title>
- <p id='_'>Boilerplate text</p>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 1</title>
- </clause>
- </clause>
- <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 2</title>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 3</title>
- </clause>
- </terms>
- <clause id="_" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 4</title>
- <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 5</title>
- <term id="term-term1-1">
- <preferred>Term1</preferred>
- </term>
- </terms>
- </clause>
- <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
- <title>Normal Terms</title>
- <term id="term-term2">
- <preferred>Term2</preferred>
- </term>
- </terms>
- <definitions id="_" obligation="normative"><title>Symbols and abbreviated terms</title><clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>General</title>
- </clause>
- <definitions id="_" obligation="normative" type="symbols">
- <title>Symbols</title>
- </definitions></definitions></clause>
- <definitions id="_" obligation="normative" type="abbreviated_terms">
- <title>Abbreviated terms</title>
- </definitions>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative"><title>Clause 4</title><clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Introduction</title>
- </clause>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Clause 4.2</title>
- </clause></clause>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Terms and Definitions</title>
- </clause>
- </sections><annex id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Annex</title>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Annex A.1</title>
- </clause>
- </annex><bibliography><references id="_" obligation="informative" normative="true">
- <title>Normative references</title>
- <p id="_">There are no normative references in this document.</p>
- </references><clause id="_" obligation="informative">
- <title>Bibliography</title>
- <references id="_" obligation="informative" normative="false">
- <title>Bibliography Subsection</title>
- </references>
- </clause></bibliography>
- <indexsect id='_'>
- <title>Index</title>
- <p id='_'>This is an index</p>
- </indexsect>
- <indexsect id='_' type='thematic'>
- <title>Thematic Index</title>
- </indexsect>
- </standard-document>
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
+ #{BLANK_HDR.sub(/<status>/, '<abstract> <p>Text</p> </abstract><status>')}
+ <preface><abstract id="_">
+ <title>Abstract</title>
+ <p id="_">Text</p>
+ </abstract><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
+ <title>Foreword</title>
+ <p id="_">Text</p>
+ </foreword><introduction id="_" obligation="informative">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
+ <title>Introduction Subsection</title>
+ </clause>
+ </introduction>
+ <clause id='_' inline-header='false' obligation='informative'>
+ <title>Dedication</title>
+ </clause>
+ <acknowledgements id='_' obligation='informative'>
+ <title>Acknowledgements</title>
+ </acknowledgements>
+ </preface><sections>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative" type="scope">
+ <title>Scope</title>
+ <p id="_">Text</p>
+ </clause>
+ <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Terms and definitions</title>
+ <p id="_">For the purposes of this document,
+ the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
+ <term id="term-term1">
+ <preferred>Term1</preferred>
+ </term>
+ </terms>
+ <clause id="_" obligation="normative"><title>Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms</title>
+ <p id='_'>Boilerplate text</p>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 1</title>
+ </clause>
+ </clause>
+ <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 2</title>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 3</title>
+ </clause>
+ </terms>
+ <clause id="_" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 4</title>
+ <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 5</title>
+ <term id="term-term1-1">
+ <preferred>Term1</preferred>
+ </term>
+ </terms>
+ </clause>
+ <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Normal Terms</title>
+ <term id="term-term2">
+ <preferred>Term2</preferred>
+ </term>
+ </terms>
+ <definitions id="_" obligation="normative"><title>Symbols and abbreviated terms</title><clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>General</title>
+ </clause>
+ <definitions id="_" obligation="normative" type="symbols">
+ <title>Symbols</title>
+ </definitions></definitions></clause>
+ <definitions id="_" obligation="normative" type="abbreviated_terms">
+ <title>Abbreviated terms</title>
+ </definitions>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative"><title>Clause 4</title><clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ </clause>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Clause 4.2</title>
+ </clause></clause>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Terms and Definitions</title>
+ </clause>
+ </sections><annex id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Annex</title>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Annex A.1</title>
+ </clause>
+ </annex><bibliography><references id="_" obligation="informative" normative="true">
+ <title>Normative references</title>
+ <p id="_">There are no normative references in this document.</p>
+ </references><clause id="_" obligation="informative">
+ <title>Bibliography</title>
+ <references id="_" obligation="informative" normative="false">
+ <title>Bibliography Subsection</title>
+ </references>
+ </clause></bibliography>
+ <indexsect id='_'>
+ <title>Index</title>
+ <p id='_'>This is an index</p>
+ </indexsect>
+ <indexsect id='_' type='thematic'>
+ <title>Thematic Index</title>
+ </indexsect>
+ </standard-document>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes sections with number attributes" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Scope
@@ -262,10 +265,11 @@
== Bibliography
=== Bibliography Subsection
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<clause id='_' number='1bis' type='scope' inline-header='false' obligation='normative'>
<p id='_'>Text</p>
@@ -333,14 +337,16 @@
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes sections with language and script attributes" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Foreword
@@ -440,109 +446,112 @@
== Bibliography
=== Bibliography Subsection
- #{BLANK_HDR.sub(/<status>/, '<abstract> <p>Text</p> </abstract><status>')}
- <preface><abstract id="_" language="en" script="Latn">
- <title>Abstract</title>
- <p id="_">Text</p>
- </abstract><foreword id='_' language='en' script='Latn' obligation='informative'>
- <title>Foreword</title>
- <p id="_">Text</p>
- </foreword><introduction id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative">
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
- <title>Introduction Subsection</title>
- </clause>
- </introduction>
- <clause id='_' language='en' script='Latn' inline-header='false' obligation='informative'>
- <title>Dedication</title>
- </clause>
- <acknowledgements id='_' language='en' script='Latn' obligation='informative'>
- <title>Acknowledgements</title>
- </acknowledgements>
- </preface><sections>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative" type="scope">
- <title>Scope</title>
- <p id="_">Text</p>
- </clause>
- <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
- <title>Terms and definitions</title>
- <p id="_">For the purposes of this document,
- the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
- <term id="term-term1" language="en" script="Latn">
- <preferred>Term1</preferred>
- </term>
- </terms>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative"><title>Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms</title>
- <p id='_'>For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 1</title>
- </clause>
- </clause>
- <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 2</title>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 3</title>
- </clause>
- </terms>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 4</title>
- <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
- <title>Intro 5</title>
- <term id="term-term1-1">
- <preferred>Term1</preferred>
- </term>
- </terms>
- </clause>
- <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
- <title>Normal Terms</title>
- <term id="term-term2">
- <preferred>Term2</preferred>
- </term>
- </terms>
- <definitions id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative"><title>Symbols and abbreviated terms</title><clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>General</title>
- </clause>
- <definitions id="_" obligation="normative" type="symbols">
- <title>Symbols</title>
- </definitions></definitions></clause>
- <definitions id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative" type="abbreviated_terms">
- <title>Abbreviated terms</title>
- </definitions>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative"><title>Clause 4</title><clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Introduction</title>
- </clause>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Clause 4.2</title>
- </clause></clause>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Terms and Definitions</title>
- </clause>
- </sections><annex id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Annex</title>
- <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
- <title>Annex A.1</title>
- </clause>
- </annex><bibliography><references id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative" normative="true">
- <title>Normative references</title>
- <p id="_">There are no normative references in this document.</p>
- </references><clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative">
- <title>Bibliography</title>
- <references id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative" normative="false">
- <title>Bibliography Subsection</title>
- </references>
- </clause></bibliography>
- </standard-document>
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
+ #{BLANK_HDR.sub(/<status>/, '<abstract> <p>Text</p> </abstract><status>')}
+ <preface><abstract id="_" language="en" script="Latn">
+ <title>Abstract</title>
+ <p id="_">Text</p>
+ </abstract><foreword id='_' language='en' script='Latn' obligation='informative'>
+ <title>Foreword</title>
+ <p id="_">Text</p>
+ </foreword><introduction id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
+ <title>Introduction Subsection</title>
+ </clause>
+ </introduction>
+ <clause id='_' language='en' script='Latn' inline-header='false' obligation='informative'>
+ <title>Dedication</title>
+ </clause>
+ <acknowledgements id='_' language='en' script='Latn' obligation='informative'>
+ <title>Acknowledgements</title>
+ </acknowledgements>
+ </preface><sections>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative" type="scope">
+ <title>Scope</title>
+ <p id="_">Text</p>
+ </clause>
+ <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Terms and definitions</title>
+ <p id="_">For the purposes of this document,
+ the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
+ <term id="term-term1" language="en" script="Latn">
+ <preferred>Term1</preferred>
+ </term>
+ </terms>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative"><title>Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms</title>
+ <p id='_'>For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 1</title>
+ </clause>
+ </clause>
+ <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 2</title>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 3</title>
+ </clause>
+ </terms>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 4</title>
+ <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Intro 5</title>
+ <term id="term-term1-1">
+ <preferred>Term1</preferred>
+ </term>
+ </terms>
+ </clause>
+ <terms id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Normal Terms</title>
+ <term id="term-term2">
+ <preferred>Term2</preferred>
+ </term>
+ </terms>
+ <definitions id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative"><title>Symbols and abbreviated terms</title><clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>General</title>
+ </clause>
+ <definitions id="_" obligation="normative" type="symbols">
+ <title>Symbols</title>
+ </definitions></definitions></clause>
+ <definitions id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="normative" type="abbreviated_terms">
+ <title>Abbreviated terms</title>
+ </definitions>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative"><title>Clause 4</title><clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ </clause>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Clause 4.2</title>
+ </clause></clause>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Terms and Definitions</title>
+ </clause>
+ </sections><annex id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Annex</title>
+ <clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Annex A.1</title>
+ </clause>
+ </annex><bibliography><references id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative" normative="true">
+ <title>Normative references</title>
+ <p id="_">There are no normative references in this document.</p>
+ </references><clause id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative">
+ <title>Bibliography</title>
+ <references id="_" language="en" script="Latn" obligation="informative" normative="false">
+ <title>Bibliography Subsection</title>
+ </references>
+ </clause></bibliography>
+ </standard-document>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes sections with title and type attributes" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
@@ -596,10 +605,11 @@
== Βιβλιογραφία
=== Bibliography Subsection
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
#{BLANK_HDR.sub(/<status>/, '<abstract> <p>Text</p> </abstract><status>')}
<abstract id='_'>
<p id='_'>Text</p>
@@ -670,23 +680,26 @@
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "varies terms & symbols title" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
[heading="terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms"]
== Terms, Definitions, Symbols Section
=== Term
=== Symbols
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<terms id='_' obligation='normative'>
<title>Terms, definitions and symbols</title>
<p id='_'>For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
@@ -698,24 +711,27 @@
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "varies terms & abbreviated terms title" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
- [heading="terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms"]
- == Terms, Definitions, Abbreviated Terms Section
+ input = <<~INPUT
+ [heading="terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms"]
+ == Terms, Definitions, Abbreviated Terms Section
- === Term
+ === Term
- [heading="abbreviated terms"]
- === Symbols
+ [heading="abbreviated terms"]
+ === Symbols
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<terms id='_' obligation='normative'>
<title>Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms</title>
<p id='_'>For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.</p>
@@ -727,14 +743,16 @@
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes section obligations" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Clause 1
=== Clause 1a
@@ -743,10 +761,11 @@
== Clause 2
== Annex
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<sections><clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
<title>Clause 1</title>
<clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
<title>Clause 1a</title>
@@ -758,14 +777,16 @@
</sections><annex id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="informative">
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes inline headers" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Clause 1
=== Clause 1a
@@ -774,10 +795,11 @@
== Annex A
=== Clause Aa
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<sections><clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
<title>Clause 1</title>
<clause id="_" inline-header="true" obligation="normative">
<title>Clause 1a</title>
@@ -789,43 +811,49 @@
<title>Clause Aa</title>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes blank headers" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Clause 1
=== {blank}
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
<title>Clause 1</title>
<clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative">
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes terminal nodes in terms with term subsection names" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
=== Terms and definitions
=== Symbols
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<terms id='_' obligation='normative'>
<title>Terms, definitions and symbols</title>
<p id='_'>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
@@ -837,51 +865,57 @@
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes terms & definitions with external source" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Terms and Definitions
=== Term1
- <termdocsource bibitemid="iso1234"/><termdocsource bibitemid="iso5678"/>
- <preface><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
- <title>Foreword</title>
- <p id="_">Foreword</p>
- </foreword></preface><sections>
- <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
- <title>Terms and definitions</title><p id="_">For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions
- given in <eref bibitemid="iso1234"/> and <eref bibitemid="iso5678"/> and the following apply.</p>
- <term id="term-term1">
- <preferred>Term1</preferred>
- </term>
- </terms></sections>
- </standard-document>
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
+ <termdocsource bibitemid="iso1234"/><termdocsource bibitemid="iso5678"/>
+ <preface><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
+ <title>Foreword</title>
+ <p id="_">Foreword</p>
+ </foreword></preface><sections>
+ <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
+ <title>Terms and definitions</title><p id="_">For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions
+ given in <eref bibitemid="iso1234"/> and <eref bibitemid="iso5678"/> and the following apply.</p>
+ <term id="term-term1">
+ <preferred>Term1</preferred>
+ </term>
+ </terms></sections>
+ </standard-document>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes empty terms & definitions" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Terms and Definitions
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<preface><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
<p id="_">Foreword</p>
@@ -889,42 +923,44 @@
<title>Terms and definitions</title><p id="_">No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes empty terms & definitions with external source" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
== Terms and Definitions
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<termdocsource bibitemid="iso1234"/><termdocsource bibitemid="iso5678"/>
<preface><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
<p id="_">Foreword</p>
<terms id="_" obligation="normative">
<title>Terms and definitions</title>
<p id="_">For the purposes of this document,
the terms and definitions given in <eref bibitemid="iso1234"/> and <eref bibitemid="iso5678"/> apply.</p>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes term document sources in French" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
= Document title
:docfile: test.adoc
@@ -935,29 +971,29 @@
== Terms and Definitions
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
#{BLANK_HDR.sub(%r{<language>en</language>}, '<language>fr</language>')}
<termdocsource bibitemid="iso1234"/><termdocsource bibitemid="iso5678"/>
<preface><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
<p id="_">Foreword</p>
<terms id="_" obligation="normative">
<title>Terms et définitions</title>
<p id="_">Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions de <eref bibitemid="iso1234"/> et <eref bibitemid="iso5678"/> s’appliquent.</p>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "processes term document sources in Chinese" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
+ input = <<~INPUT
= Document title
:docfile: test.adoc
@@ -969,81 +1005,90 @@
== Terms and Definitions
- #{BLANK_HDR.sub(%r{<language>en</language>}, '<language>zh</language>').sub(%r{<script>Latn</script>}, '<script>Hans</script>')}
- <termdocsource bibitemid="iso1234"/><termdocsource bibitemid="iso5678"/><preface><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
- <title>前言</title>
- <p id="_">Foreword</p>
- </foreword></preface><sections>
- <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
- <title>术语和定义</title><p id="_"><eref bibitemid="iso1234"/>和<eref bibitemid="iso5678"/>界定的术语和定义适用于本文件。</p>
- </terms></sections>
- </standard-document>
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
+ #{BLANK_HDR.sub(%r{<language>en</language>}, '<language>zh</language>').sub(%r{<script>Latn</script>}, '<script>Hans</script>')}
+ <termdocsource bibitemid="iso1234"/><termdocsource bibitemid="iso5678"/><preface><foreword id='_' obligation="informative">
+ <title>前言</title>
+ <p id="_">Foreword</p>
+ </foreword></preface><sections>
+ <terms id="_" obligation="normative">
+ <title>术语和定义</title><p id="_"><eref bibitemid="iso1234"/>和<eref bibitemid="iso5678"/>界定的术语和定义适用于本文件。</p>
+ </terms></sections>
+ </standard-document>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "warn about external source for terms & definitions that does not point anywhere" do
- expect { Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) }.to output(/not referenced/).to_stderr
+ input = <<~INPUT
- [source="iso712"]
- == Terms and Definitions
- === Term2
+ [source="iso712"]
+ == Terms and Definitions
+ === Term2
+ expect { Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true) }
+ .to output(/not referenced/).to_stderr
it "treats terminal terms subclause named as terms clause as a normal clause" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
- [[tda]]
- == Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
+ input = <<~INPUT
+ [[tda]]
+ == Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
- [[terms]]
- === Terms and definitions
+ [[terms]]
+ === Terms and definitions
- === Symbols
+ === Symbols
- <sections>
- <terms id='tda' obligation='normative'>
- <title>Terms, definitions and symbols</title>
- <p id='_'>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
- <clause id='terms' inline-header='false' obligation='normative'>
- <title>Terms and definitions</title>
- </clause>
- <definitions id='_' obligation="normative" type="symbols">
- <title>Symbols</title>
- </definitions>
- </terms>
- </sections>
- </standard-document>
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
+ <sections>
+ <terms id='tda' obligation='normative'>
+ <title>Terms, definitions and symbols</title>
+ <p id='_'>No terms and definitions are listed in this document.</p>
+ <clause id='terms' inline-header='false' obligation='normative'>
+ <title>Terms and definitions</title>
+ </clause>
+ <definitions id='_' obligation="normative" type="symbols">
+ <title>Symbols</title>
+ </definitions>
+ </terms>
+ </sections>
+ </standard-document>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "treats non-terminal terms subclause named as terms clause as a terms clause" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(<<~"OUTPUT")
- == Scope
+ input = <<~INPUT
+ == Scope
- [[tda]]
- == Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
+ [[tda]]
+ == Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
- [[terms]]
- === Terms and definitions
+ [[terms]]
+ === Terms and definitions
- [[terms-concepts]]
- ==== Basic concepts
+ [[terms-concepts]]
+ ==== Basic concepts
- [[term-date]]
- ===== date
+ [[term-date]]
+ ===== date
- _time_ (<<term-time>>) on the _calendar_ (<<term-calendar>>) _time scale_ (<<term-time-scale>>)
+ _time_ (<<term-time>>) on the _calendar_ (<<term-calendar>>) _time scale_ (<<term-time-scale>>)
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<clause id='_' inline-header='false' obligation='normative' type="scope">
@@ -1077,32 +1122,35 @@
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
it "leaves alone special titles in preface or appendix" do
- expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true)))).to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(strip_guid(<<~"OUTPUT"))
+ input = <<~INPUT
- [.preface]
- [[t1]]
- == Terms and definitions
+ [.preface]
+ [[t1]]
+ == Terms and definitions
- [[t2]]
- === Term1
+ [[t2]]
+ === Term1
- [appendix,language=fr]
- [[sym]]
- == Symbols and abbreviated terms
+ [appendix,language=fr]
+ [[sym]]
+ == Symbols and abbreviated terms
- [.appendix]
- [[app]]
- [bibliography]
- == Normative Reference
+ [.appendix]
+ [[app]]
+ [bibliography]
+ == Normative Reference
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
<terms id='t1' obligation='normative'>
<title>Terms and definitions</title>
<term id='t2'>
@@ -1121,7 +1169,29 @@
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
+ it "recognises special titles despite following indexterms" do
+ input = <<~INPUT
+ == Scope (((indexterm)))
+ output = <<~OUTPUT
+ <sections>
+ <clause id='_' type='scope' inline-header='false' obligation='normative'>
+ <title>Scope</title>
+ </clause>
+ </sections>
+ </standard-document>
+ expect(xmlpp(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(input, backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))))
+ .to be_equivalent_to xmlpp(output)
+ end