lib/metamri/raw_image_file.rb in metamri-0.2.22 vs lib/metamri/raw_image_file.rb in metamri-0.2.24
- old
+ new
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
# Primarily used to instantiate a #RawImageDataset
class RawImageFile
DICOM_HDR = "dicom_hdr"
RDGEHDR = "rdgehdr"
PRINTRAW = "printraw"
+ PRINTRAW_SUMMARY = "cat" #"printraw_summary"
RUBYDICOM_HDR = "rubydicom"
:jan => "01", :feb => "02", :mar => "03", :apr => "04", :may => "05",
:jun => "06", :jul => "07", :aug => "08", :sep => "09", :oct => "10",
:nov => "11", :dec => "12"
@@ -95,17 +97,25 @@
# unzip a file to a temporary location, be sure to keep the same filename for the
# temporary file.
def initialize(pathtofile)
# raise an error if the file doesn't exist
absfilepath = File.expand_path(pathtofile)
+ puts "initialize raw image file ="+absfilepath
raise(IOError, "File not found at #{absfilepath}.") if not File.exists?(absfilepath)
@filename = File.basename(absfilepath)
@warnings = []
+ #if P*.7.summary need different read_header_summary
+ if @filename =~ /^P*\.summary/
+ @hdr_reader = PRINTRAW_SUMMARY
+ end
# try to read the header, raise an IOError if unsuccessful
@hdr_data, @hdr_reader = read_header(absfilepath)
+ if @hdr_reader == nil
+ puts " hdr_reader is nil"
+ end
rescue Exception => e
raise(IOError, "Header not readable for file #{@filename} using #{@current_hdr_reader ? @current_hdr_reader : "unknown header reader."}. #{e}")
# file type is based on file name but only if the header was read successfully
@@ -266,29 +276,41 @@
# Returns both the header data as either a RubyDicom object or one big string, and the name of the utility
# used to read it.
# Note: The rdgehdr is a binary file; the correct version for your architecture must be installed in the path.
def read_header(absfilepath)
+ tmp_filename= File.basename(absfilepath)
case File.basename(absfilepath)
when /^P.{5}\.7$|^I\..{3}/
+ # check for
# Try reading Pfiles or Genesis I-Files with GE's printraw
# printraw works on the new waisman p-files
# rdgehdr works on wimr p-files, and old waisman p-files
@current_hdr_reader = PRINTRAW
- puts "aaaaaaa absfilepath="+absfilepath
+ #puts "aaaaaaa absfilepath="+absfilepath
header = `#{PRINTRAW} '#{absfilepath}' 2> /dev/null`
#header = `#{RDGEHDR} #{absfilepath}`
- #puts "bbbbb header="+header
+ # puts "bbbbb pfile header="+header
header = header.encode("UTF-8", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "").force_encoding('UTF-8')
if ( header.chomp != "" and
header.length > MIN_HDR_LENGTH )
@current_hdr_reader = nil
return [ header, PRINTRAW ]
+ when /^P.{5}\.7\.summary/
+ # check for
+ @current_hdr_reader = PRINTRAW_SUMMARY
+ # puts "aaaaaaa summary absfilepath="+absfilepath
+ header = `#{PRINTRAW_SUMMARY} '#{absfilepath}' 2> /dev/null`
+ header = header.encode("UTF-8", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "").force_encoding('UTF-8')
+ if ( header.chomp != "" and
+ header.length > MIN_HDR_SUMMARY_LENGTH )
+ @current_hdr_reader = nil
+ return [ header, PRINTRAW_SUMMARY ]
+ end
# Try reading Pfiles or Genesis I-Files with GE's rdgehdr -- rdgehdr newer version needs macos 10.8, adrcdev2 = 10.7.5 -
# works on old headers, not on new header format
###@current_hdr_reader = RDGEHDR
###header = `#{RDGEHDR} '#{absfilepath}' 2> /dev/null`
#header = `#{RDGEHDR} #{absfilepath}`
@@ -329,26 +351,35 @@
# files have no consistent naming conventions/suffixes. Here we chose to call a
# file a "pfile" if it is an image and the file name is of the form P*.7
# All other images are called "dicom".
def determine_file_type
return "pfile" if image? and (@filename =~ /^P.....\.7/) != nil
+ return "pfile" if (@filename =~ /^P.....\.7\.summary/) != nil
return "geifile" if image? and (@filename =~ /^I\.\d*/) != nil
return "dicom" if image? and (@filename =~ /^P.....\.7/) == nil
return nil
# Parses the header data and extracts a collection of instance variables. If
# @hdr_data and @hdr_reader are not already available, this function does nothing.
def import_hdr
- raise(IndexError, "No Header Data Available.") if @hdr_data == nil
- case @hdr_reader
- when "rubydicom" then rubydicom_hdr_import
- when "dicom_hdr" then dicom_hdr_import
- when "printraw" then printraw_import
- when "rdgehdr" then rdgehdr_import
- end
+ if @hdr_reader == nil
+ case @file_type
+ when "pfile" then printraw_summary_import
+ end
+ else
+ raise(IndexError, "No Header Data Available.") if @hdr_data == nil
+ case @hdr_reader
+ when "rubydicom" then rubydicom_hdr_import
+ when "dicom_hdr" then dicom_hdr_import
+ when "printraw" then printraw_import
+ when "rdgehdr" then rdgehdr_import
+ when "cat" then printraw_summary_import
+ end
+ end
# Extract a collection of metadata from @hdr_data retrieved using RubyDicom
@@ -624,15 +655,12 @@
#@hdr_data = @hdr_data.encode('UTF-8','UTF-8', :invalid => :replace,:undef => :replace, :replace =>'') # invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
#@hdr_data.encode('UTF-8','UTF-8', :invalid => :replace,:undef => :replace, :replace =>'') # invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
hdr_data_bak = @hdr_data
@hdr_data.encode!("ISO-8859-1", :invalid => :replace).encode("UTF-8") #Attribute was supposed to be a Hash, but was a String
- puts "aaaaaaaaaaa"
rmr_number_pat =~ @hdr_data
@rmr_number = ($1).nil? ? "rmr not found" : ($1).strip.chomp
- puts "bbbbbbbb "
source_pat =~ @hdr_data
@source = ($1).nil? ? "source not found" : ($1).strip.chomp
num_slices_pat =~ @hdr_data
@@ -674,10 +702,93 @@
series_uid_pat =~ @hdr_data
@series_uid = ($1).strip.chomp unless $1.nil?
image_uid_pat =~ @hdr_data
@image_uid = ($1).strip.chomp unless $1.nil?
-puts "rrrrrr @image_uid ="+@image_uid .to_s
+puts "printraw_import rrrrrr @image_uid ="+@image_uid .to_s
+ @hdr_data = nil
+ end
+ def printraw_summary_import
+ source_pat = /hospital [Nn]ame: ([[:graph:]\t ]+)/i
+ num_slices_pat = /rdb_hdr_nslices = ([0-9]+)/i
+ slice_thickness_pat = /slthick = ([[:graph:]]+)/i
+ slice_spacing_pat = /scanspacing = ([[:graph:]]+)/i
+ date_pat = /ex_datetime = (.*)\n/i
+ gender_pat = /patsex = (1|2)/i
+ acquisition_matrix_x_pat = /imatrix_X = ([0-9]+)/i
+ acquisition_matrix_y_pat = /imatrix_Y = ([0-9]+)/i
+ series_description_pat = /se_desc = ([[:graph:] \t]+)/i
+ recon_diam_pat = /dfov = ([0-9]+)/i
+ rmr_number_pat = /Patient ID for this exam: ([[:graph:]]+)/i
+ bold_reps_pat = /nex = ([0-9]+)/i
+ rep_time_pat = /reptime = ([0-9]+)/i # not sure ifg this is right
+ study_uid_pat = /Ssop_uid = ([[:graph:]]+)/i
+ series_uid_pat = /series_uid = ([[:graph:]]+)/i
+ image_uid_pat = /image_uid = (.*)/i #([[:graph:]]+)/i
+ # @hdr_data = @hdr_data.encode("UTF-8", :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "").force_encoding('UTF-8')
+ #@hdr_data = @hdr_data.encode!('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', :invalid => :replace)
+ #@hdr_data_2 = @hdr_data.encode("UTF-8")
+ #@hdr_data.encode!("ISO-8859-1", :invalid => :replace).encode("UTF-8")
+ #@hdr_data.encode("UTF-8", :invalid => :replace, :replace => "") == invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
+ #@hdr_data.encode!("UTF-8", :invalid => :replace, :replace => "") invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
+ #@hdr_data.encode("ISO-8859-1", :invalid => :replace) invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
+ #@hdr_data = @hdr_data.encode('UTF-8','binary', :invalid => :replace,:undef => :replace, :replace =>'') #Attribute was supposed to be a Hash, but was a String
+ #@hdr_data = @hdr_data.encode('UTF-8','UTF-8', :invalid => :replace,:undef => :replace, :replace =>'') # invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
+ #@hdr_data.encode('UTF-8','UTF-8', :invalid => :replace,:undef => :replace, :replace =>'') # invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
+ hdr_data_bak = @hdr_data
+ @hdr_data.encode!("ISO-8859-1", :invalid => :replace).encode("UTF-8") #Attribute was supposed to be a Hash, but was a String
+ rmr_number_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @rmr_number = ($1).nil? ? "rmr not found" : ($1).strip.chomp
+ source_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @source = ($1).nil? ? "source not found" : ($1).strip.chomp
+ num_slices_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @num_slices = ($1).to_i
+ slice_thickness_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @slice_thickness = ($1).to_f
+ slice_spacing_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @slice_spacing = ($1).to_f
+ date_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ #@timestamp =$1.to_i).to_datetime # thought summary date was 1969
+ @timestamp = DateTime.parse($1) # --- 2 rows- same start of line- first since epoch, 2nd date stamnp
+ gender_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @gender = $1 == 1 ? "M" : "F"
+ acquisition_matrix_x_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @acquisition_matrix_x = ($1).to_i
+ acquisition_matrix_y_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @acquisition_matrix_y = ($1).to_i
+ series_description_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @series_description = ($1).strip.chomp
+ recon_diam_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @reconstruction_diameter = ($1).to_i
+ bold_reps_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @bold_reps = ($1).to_i
+ rep_time_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @rep_time = ($1).to_f / 1000000
+ study_uid_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @study_uid = ($1).strip.chomp unless $1.nil?
+ series_uid_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @series_uid = ($1).strip.chomp unless $1.nil?
+ image_uid_pat =~ @hdr_data
+ @image_uid = ($1).strip.chomp unless $1.nil?
+puts "printraw_summary_import rrrrrr @image_uid ="+@image_uid .to_s
@hdr_data = nil
# Extracts a collection of metadata from @hdr_data retrieved using the rdgehdr
\ No newline at end of file