lib/merit/model_additions.rb in merit-1.0.1 vs lib/merit/model_additions.rb in merit-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -19,37 +19,40 @@
field :level, :type => Integer, :default => 0
def find_by_id(id)
where(:_id => id).first
- end
- end
- # Delegate relationship methods from meritable models to their sash
- %w(badge_ids badges points).each do |method|
- define_method(method) do
- _sash = sash || create_sash_and_scores
- _sash.send method
- end
- end
+ # Add instance methods to meritable models
+ # Using define_method on meritable classes to not pollute every model
- def add_points(num_points, log = 'Manually granted through `add_points`', category = 'default')
- _sash = sash || create_sash_and_scores
- _sash.add_points num_points, log, category
- end
- def substract_points(num_points, log = 'Manually granted through `add_points`', category = 'default')
- _sash = sash || create_sash_and_scores
- _sash.substract_points num_points, log, category
- end
+ # Delegate relationship methods from meritable models to their sash
+ %w(badge_ids badges points).each do |method|
+ define_method(method) do
+ _sash = sash || create_sash_and_scores
+ _sash.send method
+ end
+ end
- # Create sash if doesn't have
- def create_sash_and_scores
- if self.sash.blank?
- self.sash = Sash.create
- self.sash.scores << Merit::Score.create
- => false)
+ define_method(:add_points) do |num_points, log = 'Manually through `add_points`', category = 'default'|
+ _sash = sash || create_sash_and_scores
+ _sash.add_points num_points, log, category
+ end
+ define_method(:substract_points) do |num_points, log = 'Manually through `substract_points`', category = 'default'|
+ _sash = sash || create_sash_and_scores
+ _sash.substract_points num_points, log, category
+ end
+ # Create sash if doesn't have
+ define_method(:create_sash_and_scores) do
+ if self.sash.blank?
+ self.sash = Sash.create
+ self.sash.scores << Merit::Score.create
+ => false)
+ end
+ self.sash
+ end
- self.sash
if Object.const_defined?('ActiveRecord')
ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Merit