spec/javascripts/mercury/toolbar_spec.js.coffee in mercury-rails-0.2.3 vs spec/javascripts/mercury/toolbar_spec.js.coffee in mercury-rails-0.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
-require '/assets/mercury.js'
describe "Mercury.Toolbar", ->
template 'mercury/toolbar.html'
beforeEach ->
$.fx.off = true
- ajaxSpy = spyOn($, 'ajax').andCallFake (url, options) =>
+ spyOn($, 'ajax').andCallFake (url, options) =>
options.success('data') if options.success
afterEach ->
@toolbar = null
@@ -30,48 +28,65 @@
describe "#build", ->
- beforeEach ->
- @buildButtonSpy = spyOn(Mercury.Toolbar.prototype, 'buildButton').andCallFake(=> $('<div>'))
- @toolbar = new Mercury.Toolbar({appendTo: '#toolbar_container', visible: false})
+ describe "with a primary toolbar", ->
- it "builds an element", ->
- expect($('.mercury-toolbar-container').length).toEqual(1)
+ beforeEach ->
+ @buildButtonSpy = spyOn(Mercury.Toolbar.prototype, 'buildButton').andCallFake(=> $('<div>'))
+ @toolbar = new Mercury.Toolbar({appendTo: '#toolbar_container', visible: false})
- it "hides the element if options.visible is false", ->
- expect($('.mercury-toolbar-container').css('display')).toEqual('none')
+ it "builds an element", ->
+ expect($('.mercury-toolbar-container').length).toEqual(1)
- it "can append to any element", ->
- expect($('#toolbar_container .mercury-toolbar-container').length).toEqual(1)
+ it "hides the element if options.visible is false", ->
+ expect($('.mercury-toolbar-container').css('display')).toEqual('none')
- it "builds out toolbar elements from the configuration", ->
- expect($('.mercury-primary-toolbar').length).toEqual(1)
- expect($('.mercury-editable-toolbar').length).toEqual(1)
- expect($('.mercury-editable-toolbar').data('regions')).toEqual('editable,markupable')
+ it "can append to any element", ->
+ expect($('#toolbar_container .mercury-toolbar-container').length).toEqual(1)
- it "builds buttons etc.", ->
- expect(@buildButtonSpy.callCount).toBeGreaterThan(10)
+ it "builds out toolbar elements from the configuration", ->
+ expect($('.mercury-primary-toolbar').length).toEqual(1)
+ expect($('.mercury-editable-toolbar').length).toEqual(1)
+ expect($('.mercury-editable-toolbar').data('regions')).toEqual('editable,markupable')
- it "sets it's width back to 100%", ->
- expect(@toolbar.element.get(0).style.width).toEqual('100%')
+ it "builds buttons etc.", ->
+ expect(@buildButtonSpy.callCount).toBeGreaterThan(10)
- it "disables all but the primary toolbar", ->
- expect($('.mercury-editable-toolbar').hasClass('disabled')).toEqual(true)
+ it "sets it's width back to 100%", ->
+ expect(@toolbar.element.get(0).style.width).toEqual('100%')
- it "adds an expander when white-space: nowrap (meaning the toolbar shouldn't wrap)", ->
- expect($('.mercury-toolbar-button-container').length).toBeGreaterThan(1)
- expect($('.mercury-toolbar-expander').length).toEqual(1)
+ it "disables all but the primary toolbar", ->
+ expect($('.mercury-editable-toolbar').hasClass('disabled')).toEqual(true)
+ it "adds an expander when white-space: nowrap (meaning the toolbar shouldn't wrap)", ->
+ expect($('.mercury-toolbar-button-container').length).toBeGreaterThan(1)
+ expect($('.mercury-toolbar-expander').length).toEqual(1)
+ describe "without a primary toolbar", ->
+ beforeEach ->
+ @primaryToolbar = Mercury.config.toolbars.primary
+ delete(Mercury.config.toolbars.primary)
+ @buildButtonSpy = spyOn(Mercury.Toolbar.prototype, 'buildButton').andCallFake(=> $('<div>'))
+ @toolbar = new Mercury.Toolbar({appendTo: '#toolbar_container', visible: false})
+ afterEach ->
+ Mercury.config.toolbars.primary = @primaryToolbar
+ it "doesn't disable the toolbars", ->
+ expect($('.mercury-editable-toolbar').hasClass('disabled')).toEqual(false)
describe "#buildButton", ->
beforeEach ->
@toolbar = new Mercury.Toolbar({appendTo: '#test'})
it "throws an exception when invalid options are passed", ->
- expect(=> @toolbar.buildButton('foo', false)).toThrow('Unknown button structure -- please provide an array, object, or string for foo.')
+ expect(=> @toolbar.buildButton('foo', false)).toThrow('Unknown button structure -- please provide an array, object, or string for "foo".')
it "returns false if the name is _custom, or _regions", ->
expect(@toolbar.buildButton('_custom', 'foo')).toEqual(false)
expect(@toolbar.buildButton('_regions', ['regiontype', 'another_regiontype'])).toEqual(false)