lib/generators/templates/application/merb/Rakefile in merb-gen-0.9.6 vs lib/generators/templates/application/merb/Rakefile in merb-gen-0.9.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,37 +1,13 @@
require 'rubygems'
-# Figure out the merb root - defaults to the current directory.
-__DIR__ = ENV['MERB_ROOT'] || Dir.getwd
-# Piggyback on the merb-core rubygem for initial setup scripts.
-# Requiring it doesn't affect the local gem version of merb-core
-# we might effectively want to load here after.
-if merb_core_dir = Dir[File.join(__DIR__, 'gems', 'gems', 'merb-core-*')].last
- require File.join(merb_core_dir, 'lib', 'merb-core', 'script')
- require 'merb-core/script'
-# Include some script helper methods.
-include Merb::ScriptHelpers
-# Now setup local gems to be incorporated into the normal loaded gems.
-# When running rake tasks, you can disable local gems using NO_FROZEN:
-# rake NO_FROZEN=true -T # see all rake tasks, loaded from system gems.
require 'rake'
require 'rake/rdoctask'
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'spec/rake/spectask'
require 'fileutils'
-# Require the *real* merb-core, which is the local version for a frozen setup.
require "merb-core"
require 'merb-core/tasks/merb'
include FileUtils
# Load the basic runtime dependencies; this will include
# any plugins and therefore plugin rake tasks.
@@ -52,6 +28,6 @@
# NAME YOUR RAKE FILES file_name.rake
\ No newline at end of file