lib/memo_wise.rb in memo_wise-0.4.0 vs lib/memo_wise.rb in memo_wise-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "memo_wise/internal_api"
require "memo_wise/version"
# MemoWise is the wise choice for memoization in Ruby.
# - **Q:** What is *memoization*?
@@ -55,173 +56,29 @@
# :nocov:
class_eval <<-END_OF_METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
# On Ruby 2.7 or greater:
# def initialize(...)
- # MemoWise.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
+ # MemoWise::InternalAPI.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
# super
# end
# On Ruby 2.6 or lower:
# def initialize(*)
- # MemoWise.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
+ # MemoWise::InternalAPI.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
# super
# end
def initialize(#{all_args})
- MemoWise.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
+ MemoWise::InternalAPI.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
# @private
- # Determine whether `method` takes any *positional* args.
- #
- # These are the types of positional args:
- #
- # * *Required* -- ex: `def foo(a)`
- # * *Optional* -- ex: `def foo(b=1)`
- # * *Splatted* -- ex: `def foo(*c)`
- #
- # @param method [Method, UnboundMethod]
- # Arguments of this method will be checked
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- # Return `true` if `method` accepts one or more positional arguments
- #
- # @example
- # class Example
- # def no_args
- # end
- #
- # def position_arg(a)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # MemoWise.has_arg?(Example.instance_method(:no_args)) #=> false
- #
- # MemoWise.has_arg?(Example.instance_method(:position_arg)) #=> true
- #
- def self.has_arg?(method) # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName
- method.parameters.any? do |(param, _)|
- param == :req || param == :opt || param == :rest # rubocop:disable Style/MultipleComparison
- end
- end
- # @private
- #
- # Determine whether `method` takes any *keyword* args.
- #
- # These are the types of keyword args:
- #
- # * *Keyword Required* -- ex: `def foo(a:)`
- # * *Keyword Optional* -- ex: `def foo(b: 1)`
- # * *Keyword Splatted* -- ex: `def foo(**c)`
- #
- # @param method [Method, UnboundMethod]
- # Arguments of this method will be checked
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- # Return `true` if `method` accepts one or more keyword arguments
- #
- # @example
- # class Example
- # def position_args(a, b=1)
- # end
- #
- # def keyword_args(a:, b: 1)
- # end
- # end
- #
- # MemoWise.has_kwarg?(Example.instance_method(:position_args)) #=> false
- #
- # MemoWise.has_kwarg?(Example.instance_method(:keyword_args)) #=> true
- #
- def self.has_kwarg?(method) # rubocop:disable Naming/PredicateName
- method.parameters.any? do |(param, _)|
- param == :keyreq || param == :key || param == :keyrest # rubocop:disable Style/MultipleComparison
- end
- end
- # @private
- #
- # Returns visibility of an instance method defined on a class.
- #
- # @param klass [Class]
- # Class in which to find the visibility of an existing *instance* method.
- #
- # @param method_name [Symbol]
- # Name of existing *instance* method find the visibility of.
- #
- # @return [:private, :protected, :public]
- # Visibility of existing instance method of the class.
- #
- # @raise ArgumentError
- # Raises `ArgumentError` unless `method_name` is a `Symbol` corresponding
- # to an existing **instance** method defined on `klass`.
- #
- def self.method_visibility(klass, method_name)
- if klass.private_method_defined?(method_name)
- :private
- elsif klass.protected_method_defined?(method_name)
- :protected
- elsif klass.public_method_defined?(method_name)
- :public
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "#{method_name.inspect} must be a method on #{klass}"
- end
- end
- # @private
- #
- # Find the original class for which the given class is the corresponding
- # "singleton class".
- #
- # See
- #
- # @param klass [Class]
- # Singleton class to find the original class of
- #
- # @return Class
- # Original class for which `klass` is the singleton class.
- #
- # @raise ArgumentError
- # Raises if `klass` is not a singleton class.
- #
- def self.original_class_from_singleton(klass)
- unless klass.singleton_class?
- raise ArgumentError, "Must be a singleton class: #{klass.inspect}"
- end
- # Search ObjectSpace
- # * 1:1 relationship of singleton class to original class is documented
- # * Performance concern: searches all Class objects
- # But, only runs at load time
- ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).find { |cls| cls.singleton_class == klass }
- end
- # @private
- #
- # Create initial mutable state to store memoized values if it doesn't
- # already exist
- #
- # @param [Object] obj
- # Object in which to create mutable state to store future memoized values
- #
- # @return [Object] the passed-in obj
- def self.create_memo_wise_state!(obj)
- unless obj.instance_variables.include?(:@_memo_wise)
- obj.instance_variable_set(:@_memo_wise, {})
- end
- obj
- end
- # @private
- #
# Private setup method, called automatically by `prepend MemoWise` in a class.
# @param target [Class]
# The `Class` into to prepend the MemoWise methods e.g. `memo_wise`
@@ -246,34 +103,34 @@
# we still need to be able to access MemoWise's instance variable. Despite
# Ruby documentation indicating otherwise, `Class#new` does not call
# `Class#allocate`, so we need to override both.
def allocate
- MemoWise.create_memo_wise_state!(super)
+ MemoWise::InternalAPI.create_memo_wise_state!(super)
# NOTE: See YARD docs for {.memo_wise} directly below this method!
def memo_wise(method_name_or_hash) # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
klass = self
case method_name_or_hash
when Symbol
method_name = method_name_or_hash
if klass.singleton_class?
- MemoWise.create_memo_wise_state!(
- MemoWise.original_class_from_singleton(klass)
+ MemoWise::InternalAPI.create_memo_wise_state!(
+ MemoWise::InternalAPI.original_class_from_singleton(klass)
when Hash
unless method_name_or_hash.keys == [:self]
raise ArgumentError,
"`:self` is the only key allowed in memo_wise"
method_name = method_name_or_hash[:self]
- MemoWise.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
+ MemoWise::InternalAPI.create_memo_wise_state!(self)
# In Ruby, "class methods" are implemented as normal instance methods
# on the "singleton class" of a given Class object, found via
# {Class#singleton_class}.
# See:
@@ -282,14 +139,16 @@
unless method_name.is_a?(Symbol)
raise ArgumentError, "#{method_name.inspect} must be a Symbol"
- visibility = MemoWise.method_visibility(klass, method_name)
+ api =
+ visibility = api.method_visibility(method_name)
+ original_memo_wised_name =
+ MemoWise::InternalAPI.original_memo_wised_name(method_name)
method = klass.instance_method(method_name)
- original_memo_wised_name = :"_memo_wise_original_#{method_name}"
klass.send(:alias_method, original_memo_wised_name, method_name)
klass.send(:private, original_memo_wised_name)
# Zero-arg methods can use simpler/more performant logic because the
# hash key is just the method name.
@@ -306,26 +165,43 @@
@_memo_wise[:#{method_name}] = #{original_memo_wised_name}
- # If our method has arguments, we need to separate out our handling of
- # normal args vs. keyword args due to the changes in Ruby 3.
- # See: <link>
- # By only including logic for *args or **kwargs when they are used in
- # the method, we can avoid allocating unnecessary arrays and hashes.
- has_arg = MemoWise.has_arg?(method)
- if has_arg && MemoWise.has_kwarg?(method)
- args_str = "(*args, **kwargs)"
- fetch_key = "[args, kwargs].freeze"
- elsif has_arg
- args_str = "(*args)"
- fetch_key = "args"
+ if MemoWise::InternalAPI.has_only_required_args?(method)
+ args_str = do |type, name|
+ "#{name}#{':' if type == :keyreq}"
+ end.join(", ")
+ args_str = "(#{args_str})"
+ call_str = do |type, name|
+ type == :req ? name : "#{name}: #{name}"
+ end.join(", ")
+ call_str = "(#{call_str})"
+ fetch_key =
+ fetch_key = if fetch_key.size > 1
+ "[#{fetch_key.join(', ')}].freeze"
+ else
+ fetch_key.first.to_s
+ end
- args_str = "(**kwargs)"
- fetch_key = "kwargs"
+ # If our method has arguments, we need to separate out our handling
+ # of normal args vs. keyword args due to the changes in Ruby 3.
+ # See: <link>
+ # By only including logic for *args, **kwargs when they are used in
+ # the method, we can avoid allocating unnecessary arrays and hashes.
+ has_arg = MemoWise::InternalAPI.has_arg?(method)
+ if has_arg && MemoWise::InternalAPI.has_kwarg?(method)
+ args_str = "(*args, **kwargs)"
+ fetch_key = "[args, kwargs].freeze"
+ elsif has_arg
+ args_str = "(*args)"
+ fetch_key = "args"
+ else
+ args_str = "(**kwargs)"
+ fetch_key = "kwargs"
+ end
# Note that we don't need to freeze args before using it as a hash key
# because Ruby always copies argument arrays when splatted.
klass.module_eval <<-END_OF_METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
@@ -341,19 +217,66 @@
def #{method_name}#{args_str}
hash = @_memo_wise.fetch(:#{method_name}) do
@_memo_wise[:#{method_name}] = {}
hash.fetch(#{fetch_key}) do
- hash[#{fetch_key}] = #{original_memo_wised_name}#{args_str}
+ hash[#{fetch_key}] = #{original_memo_wised_name}#{call_str || args_str}
klass.send(visibility, method_name)
+ unless target.singleton_class?
+ # Create class methods to implement .preset_memo_wise and .reset_memo_wise
+ %i[preset_memo_wise reset_memo_wise].each do |method_name|
+ # Like calling 'module_function', but original method stays public
+ target.define_singleton_method(
+ method_name,
+ MemoWise.instance_method(method_name)
+ )
+ end
+ # Override [Module#instance_method](
+ # to proxy the original `UnboundMethod#parameters` results. We want the
+ # parameters to reflect the original method in order to support callers
+ # who want to use Ruby reflection to process the method parameters,
+ # because our overridden `#initialize` method, and in some cases the
+ # generated memoized methods, will have a generic set of parameters
+ # (`...` or `*args, **kwargs`), making reflection on method parameters
+ # useless without this.
+ def target.instance_method(symbol)
+ # TODO: Extract this method naming pattern
+ original_memo_wised_name = :"_memo_wise_original_#{symbol}"
+ super.tap do |curr_method|
+ # Start with calling the original `instance_method` on `symbol`,
+ # which returns an `UnboundMethod`.
+ # IF it was replaced by MemoWise,
+ # THEN find the original method's parameters, and modify current
+ # `UnboundMethod#parameters` to return them.
+ if symbol == :initialize
+ # For `#initialize` - because `prepend MemoWise` overrides the same
+ # method in the module ancestors, use `UnboundMethod#super_method`
+ # to find the original method.
+ orig_method = curr_method.super_method
+ orig_params = orig_method.parameters
+ curr_method.define_singleton_method(:parameters) { orig_params }
+ elsif private_method_defined?(original_memo_wised_name)
+ # For any memoized method - because the original method was renamed,
+ # call the original `instance_method` again to find the renamed
+ # original method.
+ orig_method = super(original_memo_wised_name)
+ orig_params = orig_method.parameters
+ curr_method.define_singleton_method(:parameters) { orig_params }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
# @!method self.memo_wise(method_name)
# Implements memoization for the given method name.
@@ -390,10 +313,72 @@
# ex.method_to_memoize("b") #=> 2
# ex.method_to_memoize("b") #=> 2
+ ##
+ # @!method self.preset_memo_wise(method_name, *args, **kwargs)
+ # Implementation of {#preset_memo_wise} for class methods.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # class Example
+ # prepend MemoWise
+ #
+ # def self.method_called_times
+ # @method_called_times
+ # end
+ #
+ # def self.method_to_preset
+ # @method_called_times = (@method_called_times || 0) + 1
+ # "A"
+ # end
+ # memo_wise self: :method_to_preset
+ # end
+ #
+ # Example.preset_memo_wise(:method_to_preset) { "B" }
+ #
+ # Example.method_to_preset #=> "B"
+ #
+ # Example.method_called_times #=> nil
+ ##
+ # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength
+ ##
+ # @!method self.reset_memo_wise(method_name = nil, *args, **kwargs)
+ # Implementation of {#reset_memo_wise} for class methods.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # class Example
+ # prepend MemoWise
+ #
+ # def self.method_to_reset(x)
+ # @method_called_times = (@method_called_times || 0) + 1
+ # end
+ # memo_wise self: :method_to_reset
+ # end
+ #
+ # Example.method_to_reset("a") #=> 1
+ # Example.method_to_reset("a") #=> 1
+ # Example.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
+ # Example.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
+ #
+ # Example.reset_memo_wise(:method_to_reset, "a") # reset "method + args" mode
+ #
+ # Example.method_to_reset("a") #=> 3
+ # Example.method_to_reset("a") #=> 3
+ # Example.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
+ # Example.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
+ #
+ # Example.reset_memo_wise(:method_to_reset) # reset "method" (any args) mode
+ #
+ # Example.method_to_reset("a") #=> 4
+ # Example.method_to_reset("b") #=> 5
+ #
+ # Example.reset_memo_wise # reset "all methods" mode
+ ##
+ # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength
# Presets the memoized result for the given method to the result of the given
# block.
# This method is for situations where the caller *already* has the result of
# an expensive method call, and wants to preset that result as memoized for
@@ -441,26 +426,25 @@
# ex.method_to_preset #=> "B"
# ex.method_called_times #=> nil
def preset_memo_wise(method_name, *args, **kwargs)
- validate_memo_wised!(method_name)
unless block_given?
raise ArgumentError,
"Pass a block as the value to preset for #{method_name}, #{args}"
- validate_params!(method_name, args)
+ api =
+ api.validate_memo_wised!(method_name)
if method(method_name)
@_memo_wise[method_name] = yield
hash = @_memo_wise.fetch(method_name) do
@_memo_wise[method_name] = {}
- hash[fetch_key(method_name, *args, **kwargs)] = yield
+ hash[api.fetch_key(method_name, *args, **kwargs)] = yield
# Resets memoized results of a given method, or all methods.
@@ -508,19 +492,17 @@
# ex =
# ex.method_to_reset("a") #=> 1
# ex.method_to_reset("a") #=> 1
- #
# ex.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
# ex.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
# ex.reset_memo_wise(:method_to_reset, "a") # reset "method + args" mode
# ex.method_to_reset("a") #=> 3
# ex.method_to_reset("a") #=> 3
- #
# ex.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
# ex.method_to_reset("b") #=> 2
# ex.reset_memo_wise(:method_to_reset) # reset "method" (any args) mode
@@ -548,42 +530,16 @@
unless respond_to?(method_name, true)
raise ArgumentError, "#{method_name} is not a defined method"
- validate_memo_wised!(method_name)
+ api =
+ api.validate_memo_wised!(method_name)
if args.empty? && kwargs.empty?
- @_memo_wise[method_name]&.delete(fetch_key(method_name, *args, **kwargs))
+ @_memo_wise[method_name]&.
+ delete(api.fetch_key(method_name, *args, **kwargs))
- private
- # Validates that {.memo_wise} has already been called on `method_name`.
- def validate_memo_wised!(method_name)
- original_memo_wised_name = :"_memo_wise_original_#{method_name}"
- unless self.class.private_method_defined?(original_memo_wised_name)
- raise ArgumentError, "#{method_name} is not a memo_wised method"
- end
- end
- # Returns arguments key to lookup memoized results for given `method_name`.
- def fetch_key(method_name, *args, **kwargs)
- method = self.class.instance_method(method_name)
- has_arg = MemoWise.has_arg?(method)
- if has_arg && MemoWise.has_kwarg?(method)
- [args, kwargs].freeze
- elsif has_arg
- args
- else
- kwargs
- end
- end
- # TODO: Parameter validation for presetting values
- def validate_params!(method_name, args); end