lib/media_wiki/gateway.rb in mediawiki-gateway-0.5.0 vs lib/media_wiki/gateway.rb in mediawiki-gateway-0.5.1
- old
+ new
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
@options = default_options.merge(options)
@wiki_url = url
@log =[:logdevice])
@log.level = @options[:loglevel]
- @headers = { "User-Agent" => "MediaWiki::Gateway/#{MediaWiki::VERSION}" }
+ @headers = { "User-Agent" => "MediaWiki::Gateway/#{MediaWiki::VERSION}", "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip" }
@cookies = {}
attr_reader :base_url, :cookies
@@ -348,10 +348,55 @@
titles += REXML::XPath.match(res, "//p").map { |x| x.attributes["title"] }
end while offset
+ # Get a list of users
+ #
+ # [options] Optional hash of options, eg. { 'augroup' => 'sysop' }. See
+ #
+ # Returns array of user names (empty if no matches)
+ def users(options = {})
+ names = []
+ aufrom = nil
+ begin
+ form_data = options.merge(
+ {'action' => 'query',
+ 'list' => 'allusers',
+ 'aufrom' => aufrom,
+ 'aulimit' => @options[:limit]})
+ res, aufrom = make_api_request(form_data, '//query-continue/allusers/@aufrom')
+ names += REXML::XPath.match(res, "//u").map { |x| x.attributes["name"] }
+ end while aufrom
+ names
+ end
+ # Get user contributions
+ #
+ # user: The user name
+ # count: Maximum number of contributions to retreive, or nil for all
+ # [options] Optional hash of options, eg. { 'ucnamespace' => 4 }. See
+ #
+ # Returns array of hashes containing the "item" attributes defined here:
+ def contributions(user, count = nil, options = {})
+ result = []
+ ucstart = nil
+ begin
+ limit = [count, @options[:limit]].compact.min
+ form_data = options.merge(
+ {'action' => 'query',
+ 'list' => 'usercontribs',
+ 'ucuser' => user,
+ 'ucstart' => ucstart,
+ 'uclimit' => limit})
+ res, ucstart = make_api_request(form_data, '//query-continue/usercontribs/@ucstart')
+ result += REXML::XPath.match(res, "//item").map { |x| x.attributes.inject({}) { |hash, data| hash[data.first] = data.last; hash } }
+ break if count and result.size >= count
+ end while ucstart
+ result
+ end
# Upload a file, or get the status of pending uploads. Several
# methods are available:
# * Upload file contents directly.
# * Have the MediaWiki server fetch a file from a URL, using the
@@ -548,21 +593,45 @@
extensions[name] = extension.attributes["version"]
+ # Sends e-mail to a user
+ #
+ # [user] Username to send mail to (name only: eg. 'Bob', not 'User:Bob')
+ # [subject] Subject of message
+ # [content] Content of message
+ #
+ # Will raise a 'noemail' APIError if the target user does not have a confirmed email address, see for details.
+ def email_user(user, subject, text)
+ form_data = { 'action' => 'emailuser', 'target' => user, 'subject' => subject, 'text' => text, 'token' => get_token('email', "User:" + user) }
+ res, dummy = make_api_request(form_data)
+ res.elements['emailuser'].attributes['result'] == 'Success'
+ end
# Execute Semantic Mediawiki query
# [query] Semantic Mediawiki query
# [params] Array of additional parameters or options, eg. mainlabel=Foo or ?Place (optional)
# Returns result as an HTML string
def semantic_query(query, params = [])
- params << "format=list"
- form_data = { 'action' => 'parse', 'prop' => 'text', 'text' => "{{#ask:#{query}|#{params.join('|')}}}" }
- xml, dummy = make_api_request(form_data)
- return xml.elements["parse/text"].text
+ if extensions.include? 'Semantic MediaWiki'
+ smw_version = extensions['Semantic MediaWiki'].to_f
+ if smw_version >= 1.7
+ form_data = { 'action' => 'ask', 'query' => "#{query}|#{params.join('|')}"}
+ xml, dummy = make_api_request(form_data)
+ return xml
+ else
+ params << "format=list"
+ form_data = { 'action' => 'parse', 'prop' => 'text', 'text' => "{{#ask:#{query}|#{params.join('|')}}}" }
+ xml, dummy = make_api_request(form_data)
+ return xml.elements["parse/text"].text
+ end
+ else
+ raise "Semantic MediaWiki extension not installed."
+ end
# Set groups for a user
# [user] Username of user to modify
@@ -586,11 +655,11 @@
- # Fetch token (type 'delete', 'edit', 'import', 'move', 'protect')
+ # Fetch token (type 'delete', 'edit', 'email', 'import', 'move', 'protect')
def get_token(type, page_titles)
form_data = {'action' => 'query', 'prop' => 'info', 'intoken' => type, 'titles' => page_titles}
res, dummy = make_api_request(form_data)
token = res.elements["query/pages/page"].attributes[type + "token"]
raise "User is not permitted to perform this operation: #{type}" if token.nil?
@@ -642,9 +711,35 @@
'reason' => reason
res, dummy = make_api_request(form_data)
+ # Make a custom query
+ #
+ # [options] query options
+ #
+ # Returns the REXML::Element object as result
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # def creation_time(pagename)
+ # res = bot.custom_query(:prop => :revisions,
+ # :titles => pagename,
+ # :rvprop => :timestamp,
+ # :rvdir => :newer,
+ # :rvlimit => 1)
+ # timestr = res.get_elements('*/*/*/rev')[0].attribute('timestamp').to_s
+ # time.parse(timestr)
+ # end
+ #
+ def custom_query(options)
+ form_data = {}
+ options.each {|k,v| form_data[k.to_s] = v.to_s }
+ form_data['action'] = 'query'
+ make_api_request(form_data).first.elements['query']
+ end
# Make generic request to API
# [form_data] hash or string of attributes to post
# [continue_xpath] XPath selector for query continue parameter