EXAMPLES in mechanize-0.4.4 vs EXAMPLES in mechanize-0.4.5
- old
+ new
@@ -51,5 +51,48 @@
img1.mime_type = img2.mime_type = 'image/jpeg'
+== Page Body Filter
+This example shows how to preprocess a body before mechanize parses it. The
+body filter sends the page body to the code block, and parses what the code
+block returns. The filter on WWW::Page#body_filter is a "per-page" filter,
+meaning that it is only applied to one page object.
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'mechanize'
+ agent = WWW::Mechanize.new
+ page = agent.get('http://google.com/')
+ page.body_filter = lambda { |body|
+ body.gsub(/google/i, "Net::DAAP::Client")
+ }
+ puts page.body
+ page = agent.get('http://google.com/')
+ puts page.body
+== Global Body Filter
+The body filter can be set on the WWW::Mechanize object for use as a global
+filter. The filter set will be applied to every page that is requested. The
+following example shows the global filter being used, then being set back to
+the original filter.
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'mechanize'
+ agent = WWW::Mechanize.new
+ old_filter = agent.body_filter
+ agent.body_filter = lambda { |body|
+ body.gsub(/(<a[^>]*>)[^<]*(<\/a[^>]*>)/i, "#{$1}Net::DAAP::Client#{$2}")
+ }
+ page = agent.get('http://google.com/')
+ page.links.each { |l| puts l.text }
+ agent.body_filter = old_filter
+ page = agent.get('http://google.com/')
+ page.links.each { |l| puts l.text }