lib/md2man/document.rb in md2man-1.3.0 vs lib/md2man/document.rb in md2man-1.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,27 +1,57 @@
module Md2Man
module Document
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # document-level processing
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def preprocess document
+ @references = {}
+ encode_references document
+ end
def postprocess document
- # encode references to other manual pages
- document.gsub(/(\S+)\(([1-9nol])\)([[:punct:]]?\s*)/){ reference $1,$2,$3 }
+ decode_references document
- def reference page, section, addendum
- warn "md2man/document: reference not implemented: #{page}(#{section})"
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # block-level processing
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # This method blocks Redcarpet's default behavior, which cannot be accessed
+ # using super() due to the limitation of how Redcarpet is implemented in C.
+ # See for the complete details.
+ #
+ # You MUST override this method in derived classes and call super() therein:
+ #
+ # def block_code code, language
+ # code = super
+ # # now do something with code
+ # end
+ #
+ def block_code code, language
+ decode_references code, true
PARAGRAPH_INDENT = /^\s*$|^ (?=\S)/
+ # This method blocks Redcarpet's default behavior, which cannot be accessed
+ # using super() due to the limitation of how Redcarpet is implemented in C.
+ # See for the complete details.
+ #
+ # We don't call super() here deliberately: to replace paragraph nodes with
+ # normal_paragraph, tagged_paragraph, or indented_paragraph as appropriate.
+ #
def paragraph text
head, *body = text.lines.to_a
head_indented = head =~ PARAGRAPH_INDENT
body_indented = !body.empty? && body.all? {|s| s =~ PARAGRAPH_INDENT }
if head_indented || body_indented
text = text.gsub(PARAGRAPH_INDENT, '')
- if head_indented && body_indented
+ if head_indented && (body_indented || body.empty?)
indented_paragraph text
tagged_paragraph text
@@ -37,9 +67,59 @@
warn "md2man/document: tagged_paragraph not implemented: #{text.inspect}"
def normal_paragraph text
warn "md2man/document: normal_paragraph not implemented: #{text.inspect}"
+ end
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # span-level processing
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # This method blocks Redcarpet's default behavior, which cannot be accessed
+ # using super() due to the limitation of how Redcarpet is implemented in C.
+ # See for the complete details.
+ #
+ # You MUST override this method in derived classes and call super() therein.
+ #
+ # def codespan code
+ # code = super
+ # # now do something with code
+ # end
+ #
+ def codespan code
+ decode_references code, true
+ end
+ def reference page, section, addendum
+ warn "md2man/document: reference not implemented: #{page}(#{section})"
+ end
+ def encode object
+ "\0#{object.object_id}\0"
+ end
+ def encode_references text
+ # the [^\n\S] captures all non-newline whitespace
+ # basically, it's meant to be \s but excluding \n
+ text.gsub(/([\w\-\.]+)\((\w+)\)(\S*[^\n\S]*)/) do
+ match = $~
+ key = encode(match)
+ @references[key] = match
+ key
+ end
+ end
+ def decode_references text, verbatim=false
+ do |key, match|
+ replacement = verbatim ? match.to_s : reference(*match.captures)
+ text.sub! key, replacement
+ end.each_key {|key| @references.delete key }
+ text