spec/unit/plugins/mcollective/packagers/debpackage_packager_spec.rb in mcollective-client-2.2.4 vs spec/unit/plugins/mcollective/packagers/debpackage_packager_spec.rb in mcollective-client-2.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,307 +4,328 @@
module MCollective
module PluginPackager
describe DebpackagePackager, :unless => MCollective::Util.windows? do
- let(:maketmpdir) do
- tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("mc-test")
- @tmpdirs << tmpdir
- tmpdir
+ let(:plugin) do
+ plugin = mock
+ plugin.stubs(:mcname).returns('mcollective')
+ plugin.stubs(:metadata).returns({ :name => 'rspec', :version => '1.0'})
+ plugin.stubs(:target_path).returns('/rspec')
+ plugin
- before :all do
- @tmpdirs = []
+ let(:packager) do
+ p = DebpackagePackager.new(plugin)
+ p.instance_variable_set(:@plugin, plugin)
+ p.instance_variable_set(:@tmpdir, 'rspec_tmp')
+ p.instance_variable_set(:@build_dir, 'rspec_build')
+ p.instance_variable_set(:@libdir, 'rspec_libdir')
+ p
- before :each do
- PluginPackager.stubs(:build_tool?).with("debuild").returns(true)
- @plugin = mock()
- @plugin.stubs(:mcname).returns("mcollective")
+ let(:data) do
+ {:files => ['/rspec/agent/file.rb', '/rspec/agent/file.ddl', '/rspec/application/file.rb'],
+ :dependencies => [{:name => 'dep1', :version => nil, :revision => nil},
+ {:name => 'dep2', :version => '1.1', :revision => nil},
+ {:name => 'dep3', :version => '1.1', :revision => 2}],
+ :plugindependency => {:name => 'mcollective-rspec-common'}}
- after :all do
- @tmpdirs.each{|tmpdir| FileUtils.rm_rf tmpdir if File.directory? tmpdir}
+ before :each do
+ PluginPackager.stubs(:command_available?).returns(true)
- describe "#initialize" do
- it "should raise an exception if debuild isn't present" do
- PluginPackager.expects(:build_tool?).with("debuild").returns(false)
- expect{
- DebpackagePackager.new("plugin")
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "package 'debuild' is not installed")
+ describe '#initialize' do
+ it 'should set the instance variables' do
+ new_packager = DebpackagePackager.new(plugin)
+ new_packager.instance_variable_get(:@plugin).should == plugin
+ new_packager.instance_variable_get(:@verbose).should == false
+ new_packager.instance_variable_get(:@libdir).should == '/usr/share/mcollective/plugins/mcollective/'
+ new_packager.instance_variable_get(:@signature).should == nil
+ new_packager.instance_variable_get(:@package_name).should == 'mcollective-rspec'
- it "should set the correct libdir and verbose value" do
- PluginPackager.expects(:build_tool?).with("debuild").returns(true)
- packager = DebpackagePackager.new("plugin", nil, nil, true)
- packager.libdir.should == "/usr/share/mcollective/plugins/mcollective/"
- packager.verbose.should == true
+ it 'should fail if debuild is not present on the system' do
+ PluginPackager.stubs(:command_available?).with('debuild').returns(false)
+ expect{
+ DebpackagePackager.new(plugin)
+ }.to raise_error("Cannot build package. 'debuild' is not present on the system.")
- describe "#create_packages" do
- before :each do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
- @plugin.stubs(:packagedata).returns({:test => {:files => ["test.rb"]}})
- @plugin.stubs(:metadata).returns({:name => "test_plugin", :version => "1"})
- @plugin.stubs(:iteration).returns("1")
- @packager.stubs(:prepare_tmpdirs)
- @packager.stubs(:create_package)
- @packager.stubs(:move_packages)
- @packager.stubs(:cleanup_tmpdirs)
- Dir.stubs(:mktmpdir).with("mcollective_packager").returns("/tmp")
- Dir.stubs(:mkdir)
+ describe '#create_packages' do
+ it 'should run through the complete build process' do
+ build_dir = 'mc-tmp/mcollective-rspec_1.0'
+ tmpdir = 'mc-tmp'
+ packager.stubs(:puts)
+ Dir.expects(:mktmpdir).with('mcollective_packager').returns(tmpdir)
+ Dir.expects(:mkdir).with(build_dir)
+ packager.expects(:create_debian_dir)
+ plugin.stubs(:packagedata).returns({:agent => data})
+ packager.expects(:prepare_tmpdirs).with(data)
+ packager.expects(:create_install_file).with(:agent, data)
+ packager.expects(:create_pre_and_post_install).with(:agent)
+ packager.expects(:create_debian_files)
+ packager.expects(:create_tar)
+ packager.expects(:run_build)
+ packager.expects(:move_packages)
+ packager.expects(:cleanup_tmpdirs)
+ packager.create_packages
- it "should set the package instance variables" do
- @packager.create_packages
- @packager.current_package_type.should == :test
- @packager.current_package_data.should == {:files => ["test.rb"]}
- @packager.current_package_shortname.should == "mcollective-test_plugin-test"
- @packager.current_package_fullname.should == "mcollective-test_plugin-test_1-1"
+ it 'should clean up tmpdirs if keep_artifacts is false' do
+ packager.stubs(:puts)
+ Dir.stubs(:mktmpdir).raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:cleanup_tmpdirs)
+ expect{
+ packager.create_packages
+ }.to raise_error('error')
- it "Should create the build dir" do
- Dir.expects(:mkdir).with("/tmp/mcollective-test_plugin-test_1")
- @packager.create_packages
+ it 'should keep the build artifacts if keep_artifacts is true' do
+ packager.instance_variable_set(:@keep_artifacts, true)
+ packager.stubs(:puts)
+ Dir.stubs(:mktmpdir).raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:cleanup_tmpdirs).never
+ expect{
+ packager.create_packages
+ }.to raise_error('error')
+ end
- it "should create packages" do
- @packager.expects(:create_package)
- @packager.create_packages
+ describe '#create_debian_files' do
+ it 'should create all the debian build files' do
+ ['control', 'Makefile', 'compat', 'rules', 'copyright', 'changelog'].each do |f|
+ packager.expects(:create_file).with(f)
+ end
+ packager.send(:create_debian_files)
- describe "#create_package" do
- it "should raise an exception if the package cannot be created" do
- packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
- packager.stubs(:create_file).raises("test exception")
- expect{
- packager.create_package
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Could not build package - test exception")
+ describe '#run_build' do
+ it 'should build the packages' do
+ FileUtils.expects(:cd).with('rspec_build').yields
+ PluginPackager.stubs(:do_quietly).with(false).yields
+ PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).with('debuild --no-lintian -i -us -uc')
+ packager.send(:run_build)
- it "should correctly create a package" do
- packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin, nil, nil, true)
+ it 'should build the package and sign it with the set signature' do
+ packager.instance_variable_set(:@signature, '0x1234')
+ FileUtils.expects(:cd).with('rspec_build').yields
+ PluginPackager.stubs(:do_quietly).with(false).yields
+ PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).with('debuild --no-lintian -i -k0x1234')
+ packager.send(:run_build)
+ end
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("control")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("Makefile")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("compat")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("rules")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("copyright")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("changelog")
- packager.expects(:create_tar)
- packager.expects(:create_install)
- packager.expects(:create_preandpost_install)
- packager.build_dir = "/tmp"
- packager.tmpdir = "/tmp"
- packager.current_package_fullname = "test"
- PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).with("debuild -i -us -uc")
- packager.expects(:puts).with("Created package test")
- packager.create_package
+ it 'should sign with the exported gpg key' do
+ packager.instance_variable_set(:@signature, true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:cd).with('rspec_build').yields
+ PluginPackager.stubs(:do_quietly).with(false).yields
+ PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).with('debuild --no-lintian -i')
+ packager.send(:run_build)
+ end
- it "should add a signature if one is given" do
- packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin, nil, "test", true)
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("control")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("Makefile")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("compat")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("rules")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("copyright")
- packager.expects(:create_file).with("changelog")
- packager.expects(:create_tar)
- packager.expects(:create_install)
- packager.expects(:create_preandpost_install)
- packager.build_dir = "/tmp"
- packager.tmpdir = "/tmp"
- packager.current_package_fullname = "test"
- PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).with("debuild -i -ktest")
- packager.expects(:puts).with("Created package test")
- packager.create_package
+ describe '#build_dependency_string' do
+ it 'should create the correct dependency string' do
+ PluginPackager.expects(:filter_dependencies).with('debian', data[:dependencies]).returns(data[:dependencies])
+ result = packager.send(:build_dependency_string, data)
+ result.should == 'dep1, dep2 (>=1.1), dep3 (>=1.1-2), mcollective-rspec-common (= ${binary:Version})'
- describe "#create_preandpost_install" do
- before :each do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
+ describe '#create_install_file' do
+ it 'should create the .install file in the correct location' do
+ file = mock
+ file.expects(:puts).with('rspec_libdir/agent/file.rb rspec_libdir/agent')
+ file.expects(:puts).with('rspec_libdir/agent/file.ddl rspec_libdir/agent')
+ file.expects(:puts).with('rspec_libdir/application/file.rb rspec_libdir/application')
+ File.expects(:open).with('rspec_build/debian/mcollective-rspec-agent.install', 'w').yields(file)
+ packager.send(:create_install_file, :agent, data)
- it "should raise an exception if preinstall is not null and preinstall script isn't present" do
- @plugin.stubs(:preinstall).returns("myscript")
- File.expects(:exists?).with("myscript").returns(false)
+ it 'should write a message and raise an error if we do not have permission' do
+ File.expects(:open).with('rspec_build/debian/mcollective-rspec-agent.install', 'w').raises(Errno::EACCES)
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not create install file 'rspec_build/debian/mcollective-rspec-agent.install'. Permission denied")
- @packager.create_preandpost_install
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "pre-install script 'myscript' not found")
+ packager.send(:create_install_file, :agent, data)
+ }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES)
- it "should raise an exception if postinstall is not null and postinstall script isn't present" do
- @plugin.stubs(:preinstall).returns(nil)
- @plugin.stubs(:postinstall).returns("myscript")
- File.expects(:exists?).with("myscript").returns(false)
+ it 'should write a message and raise an error if we cannot create the install file' do
+ File.expects(:open).with('rspec_build/debian/mcollective-rspec-agent.install', 'w').raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not create install file 'rspec_build/debian/mcollective-rspec-agent.install'.")
- @packager.create_preandpost_install
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "post-install script 'myscript' not found")
+ packager.send(:create_install_file, :agent, data)
+ }.to raise_error('error')
- it "should copy the preinstall and postinstall scripts to the correct directory with the correct name" do
- @plugin.stubs(:postinstall).returns("myscript")
- @plugin.stubs(:preinstall).returns("myscript")
- @packager.build_dir = "/tmp/"
- @packager.current_package_shortname = "test"
- File.expects(:exists?).with("myscript").twice.returns(true)
- FileUtils.expects(:cp).with("myscript", "/tmp/debian/test.preinst")
- FileUtils.expects(:cp).with("myscript", "/tmp/debian/test.postinst")
- @packager.create_preandpost_install
- end
- describe "#create_install" do
- before :each do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
- @plugin.stubs(:path).returns("")
+ describe '#move_packages' do
+ it 'should move the source package and debs to the cdw' do
+ files = ['rspec.deb', 'rspec.diff.gz', 'rspec.orig.tar.gz', 'rspec.changes']
+ Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(files)
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp).with(files, '.')
+ packager.send(:move_packages)
- it "should raise an exception if the install file can't be created" do
- File.expects(:join).raises("test error")
+ it 'should log an error and raise an error if the files cannot be moved' do
+ files = ['rspec.deb', 'rspec.diff.gz', 'rspec.orig.tar.gz', 'rspec.changes']
+ Dir.stubs(:glob).returns(files)
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp).with(files, '.').raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:puts).with('Could not copy packages to working directory.')
- @packager.create_install
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Could not create install file - test error")
+ packager.send(:move_packages)
+ }.to raise_error('error')
+ end
- it "should copy the package install file to the correct location" do
- tmpdir = maketmpdir
- Dir.mkdir(File.join(tmpdir, "debian"))
- @packager.build_dir = tmpdir
- @packager.current_package_shortname = "test"
- @packager.current_package_data = {:files => ["foo.rb"]}
- @packager.create_install
- install_file = File.read("#{tmpdir}/debian/test.install")
- install_file.should == "/usr/share/mcollective/plugins/mcollective/foo.rb /usr/share/mcollective/plugins/mcollective\n"
+ describe '#create_pre_and_post_install' do
+ it 'should create the pre-install file' do
+ plugin.stubs(:preinstall).returns('rspec-preinstall')
+ plugin.stubs(:postinstall).returns(nil)
+ File.expects(:exists?).with('rspec-preinstall').returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp).with('rspec-preinstall', 'rspec_build/debian/mcollective-rspec-agent.preinst')
+ packager.send(:create_pre_and_post_install, :agent)
- end
- describe "#move_packages" do
- before :each do
- @plugin = mock()
+ it 'should create the post-install file' do
+ plugin.stubs(:preinstall).returns(nil)
+ plugin.stubs(:postinstall).returns('rspec-postinstall')
+ File.expects(:exists?).with('rspec-postinstall').returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp).with('rspec-postinstall', 'rspec_build/debian/mcollective-rspec-agent.postinst')
+ packager.send(:create_pre_and_post_install, :agent)
- it "should move the packages to the working directory" do
- Dir.expects(:glob)
- File.expects(:join)
- FileUtils.expects(:cp)
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
- @packager.move_packages
+ it 'should fail if a pre-install script is defined but the file does not exist' do
+ plugin.stubs(:preinstall).returns('rspec-preinstall')
+ File.expects(:exists?).with('rspec-preinstall').returns(false)
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("pre-install script 'rspec-preinstall' not found.")
+ expect{
+ packager.send(:create_pre_and_post_install, :agent)
+ }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT, 'No such file or directory - rspec-preinstall')
- it "should raise an error if the packages could not be moved" do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
- File.expects(:join).raises("error")
+ it 'should fail if a post-install script is defined but the file does not exist' do
+ plugin.stubs(:preinstall).returns(nil)
+ plugin.stubs(:postinstall).returns('rspec-postinstall')
+ File.expects(:exists?).with('rspec-postinstall').returns(false)
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("post-install script 'rspec-postinstall' not found.")
- @packager.move_packages
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Could not copy packages to working directory: 'error'")
+ packager.send(:create_pre_and_post_install, :agent)
+ }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT, 'No such file or directory - rspec-postinstall')
- describe "#create_tar" do
- before :each do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin, nil, true)
+ describe '#create_tar' do
+ it 'should create the tarball' do
+ PluginPackager.stubs(:do_quietly?).yields
+ Dir.stubs(:chdir).with('rspec_tmp').yields
+ PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).with('tar -Pcvzf rspec_tmp/mcollective-rspec_1.0.orig.tar.gz mcollective-rspec_1.0')
+ packager.send(:create_tar)
- it "should raise an exception if the tarball can't be built" do
- PluginPackager.expects(:do_quietly?).raises("test error")
+ it 'should log an error and raise an exception if it cannot create the tarball' do
+ PluginPackager.stubs(:do_quietly?).yields
+ Dir.stubs(:chdir).with('rspec_tmp').yields
+ PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not create tarball - mcollective-rspec_1.0.orig.tar.gz")
- @packager.create_tar
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "Could not create tarball - test error")
+ packager.send(:create_tar)
+ }.to raise_error('error')
- it "should create a tarball containing the package files" do
- @packager.tmpdir = "/tmp"
- @packager.build_dir = "/build_dir"
- @packager.current_package_shortname = "test"
- @plugin.stubs(:metadata).returns(@plugin)
- @plugin.stubs(:[]).with(:version).returns("1")
- @plugin.stubs(:iteration).returns("1")
- PluginPackager.expects(:safe_system).with("tar -Pcvzf /tmp/test_1.orig.tar.gz test_1")
- @packager.create_tar
- end
- describe "#create_file" do
- before :each do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
+ describe '#create_file' do
+ it 'should create the named file in the build dir' do
+ file = mock
+ erb_content = mock
+ File.stubs(:read).returns('<%= "file content" %>')
+ ERB.expects(:new).with('<%= "file content" %>', nil, '-').returns(erb_content)
+ File.stubs(:open).with('rspec_build/debian/rspec', 'w').yields(file)
+ erb_content.expects(:result).returns('file content')
+ file.expects(:puts).with('file content')
+ packager.send(:create_file, 'rspec')
- it "should raise an exception if the file can't be created" do
- File.expects(:dirname).raises("test error")
+ it 'should log an error and raise if it cannot create the file' do
+ File.stubs(:read).returns('<%= "file content" %>')
+ ERB.stubs(:new).with('<%= "file content" %>', nil, '-').raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not create file - 'rspec'")
- @packager.create_file("test")
- }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "could not create test file - test error")
+ packager.send(:create_file, 'rspec')
+ }.to raise_error('error')
+ end
- it "should place a build file in the debian directory" do
- tmpdir = maketmpdir
- Dir.mkdir(File.join(tmpdir, "debian"))
- @packager.build_dir = tmpdir
- File.expects(:read).returns("testfile")
- @packager.create_file("testfile")
- File.unstub(:read)
- result = File.read(File.join(tmpdir, "debian", "testfile"))
- result.stubs(:result)
- result.should == "testfile\n"
+ describe '#prepare_tmpdirs' do
+ it 'should create the target directories and copy the files' do
+ FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with('rspec_build/rspec_libdir/agent').twice
+ FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with('rspec_build/rspec_libdir/application')
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp_r).with('/rspec/agent/file.rb', 'rspec_build/rspec_libdir/agent')
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp_r).with('/rspec/agent/file.ddl', 'rspec_build/rspec_libdir/agent')
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp_r).with('/rspec/application/file.rb', 'rspec_build/rspec_libdir/application')
+ packager.send(:prepare_tmpdirs, data)
- end
- describe "#prepare_tmpdirs" do
- before :each do
- @tmpfile = Tempfile.new("mc-file").path
+ it 'should log an error and raise if permissions means the dir cannot be created' do
+ FileUtils.stubs(:mkdir_p).with('rspec_build/rspec_libdir/agent').raises(Errno::EACCES)
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not create directory 'rspec_build/rspec_libdir/agent'. Permission denied")
+ expect{
+ packager.send(:prepare_tmpdirs, data)
+ }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES)
- after :each do
- begin
- FileUtils.rm(@tmpfile)
- rescue Exception
- end
+ it 'should log an error and raise if the file does not exist' do
+ FileUtils.stubs(:mkdir_p)
+ FileUtils.expects(:cp_r).with('/rspec/agent/file.rb', 'rspec_build/rspec_libdir/agent').raises(Errno::ENOENT)
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not copy file '/rspec/agent/file.rb' to 'rspec_build/rspec_libdir/agent'. File does not exist")
+ expect{
+ packager.send(:prepare_tmpdirs, data)
+ }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT)
- it "should create the correct tmp dirs and copy package contents to correct dir" do
- packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
- tmpdir = maketmpdir
- packager.build_dir = tmpdir
- @plugin.stubs(:target_path).returns("")
- packager.prepare_tmpdirs({:files => [@tmpfile]})
- File.directory?(tmpdir).should == true
- File.directory?(File.join(tmpdir, "debian")).should == true
- File.exists?(File.join(tmpdir, packager.libdir, "tmp", File.basename(@tmpfile))).should == true
+ it 'should log an error and raise for any other exception' do
+ File.stubs(:expand_path).raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:puts).with('Could not prepare build directory')
+ expect{
+ packager.send(:prepare_tmpdirs, data)
+ }.to raise_error('error')
- describe "#cleanup_tmpdirs" do
- before :all do
- @tmpdir = maketmpdir
+ describe '#create_debian_dir' do
+ it 'should create the debian dir in the build dir' do
+ FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with('rspec_build/debian')
+ packager.send(:create_debian_dir)
- before :each do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
+ it 'should log an error and raise an exception if the dir cannot be created' do
+ FileUtils.expects(:mkdir_p).with('rspec_build/debian').raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not create directory 'rspec_build/debian'")
+ expect{
+ packager.send(:create_debian_dir)
+ }.to raise_error('error')
+ end
- it "should cleanup temp directories" do
- @packager.tmpdir = @tmpdir
- @packager.cleanup_tmpdirs
- File.directory?(@tmpdir).should == false
+ describe '#cleanup_tmpdirs' do
+ it 'should remove the temporary build directory' do
+ File.stubs(:directory?).with('rspec_tmp').returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:rm_r).with('rspec_tmp')
+ packager.send(:cleanup_tmpdirs)
- it "should not delete any directories if @tmpdir isn't present" do
- @packager = DebpackagePackager.new(@plugin)
- @packager.tmpdir = rand.to_s
- FileUtils.expects(:rm_r).never
- @packager.cleanup_tmpdirs
+ it 'should log an error and raise an exception if the directory could not be removed' do
+ File.stubs(:directory?).with('rspec_tmp').returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:rm_r).with('rspec_tmp').raises('error')
+ packager.expects(:puts).with("Could not remove temporary build directory - 'rspec_tmp'")
+ expect{
+ packager.send(:cleanup_tmpdirs)
+ }.to raise_error('error')