in mblox-0.0.3 vs in mblox-0.1.0

- old
+ new

@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ config.sender_id = ... config.password = ... config.partner_name = ... config.tariff = ... config.service_id = ... - + # You can also configure some logging options # In a Rails environment, config.logger will default to Rails.logger and config.log_at will default to :debug # config.log_at means the level at which Mblox will log. # For instance, if config.log_at == :debug, Mblox will log only if the logger's log level is :debug # Note that if config.log_at == :debug and your logger's log level is :info, # logging will be suppressed because it is below the log level of the logger. config.logger = config.log_at :info - + # What to do if messages are longer than 160 characters. Default is :raise_error # Other options are :truncate and :split config.on_message_too_long = :truncate end