test/design_test.rb in mattly-exegesis-0.0.10 vs test/design_test.rb in mattly-exegesis-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,113 +1,193 @@
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper.rb')
-class FoosDesign < Exegesis::Design; end
-class BarsDesign < Exegesis::Design
- use_design_doc_name :something_else
+class DesignTestDoc
+ include Exegesis::Document
-class TestForDesign < Exegesis::Document; end
+class DesignTestDatabase
+ include Exegesis::Database
+ designs_directory "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/designs"
+ design :tags do
+ docs :by_tag
+ hash :count, :view => :by_tag
+ end
+ design :stuff, :name => 'things', :directory => 'app/designs/stuff' do
+ end
class ExegesisDesignTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- before do
+ def setup_db(with_doc=true)
- @doc = FoosDesign.new(@db)
+ @db = DesignTestDatabase.new('exegesis-test')
+ if with_doc
+ @db.save({
+ '_id' => '_design/tags',
+ 'views' => {
+ 'by_tag' => {
+ 'map' => 'function(doc) { for (var tag in doc.tags) { emit(doc.tags[tag], 1); } }',
+ 'reduce' => 'function(keys, values, rereduce) { return sum(values); }'
+ }}
+ })
+ end
- expect { @doc.database.will == @db }
- expect { @doc.design_doc_name.will == "foos" }
- expect { FoosDesign.design_doc_name.will == "foos" }
- expect { BarsDesign.design_doc_name.will == "something_else" }
+ context "design instances" do
+ before { setup_db }
+ expect { @db.tags.database.will == @db }
+ end
- context "retrieving documents with #get" do
- before do
- @db.save_doc '_id' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'bar', '.kind' => 'TestForDesign'
- @obj = @doc.get('foo')
- end
- expect { @obj.will be_kind_of(TestForDesign) }
- expect { @obj['foo'].will == 'bar' }
+ context "design declarations" do
+ before { setup_db }
+ expect { @db.tags.class.will == DesignTestDatabase::TagsDesign }
+ expect { @db.tags.is_a?(Exegesis::Design).will == true }
+ expect { @db.tags.design_name.will == 'tags' }
- context "retreiving views" do
+ context "view declarations" do
before do
- @raw_docs = [
- {'_id' => 'bar', 'foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'bar', '.kind' => 'TestForDesign'},
- {'_id' => 'baz', 'foo' => 'baz', 'bar' => 'baz', '.kind' => 'TestForDesign'},
- {'_id' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'foo', 'bar' => 'foo', '.kind' => 'TestForDesign'}
+ setup_db
+ @docs = [
+ {'class' => 'DesignTestDoc', 'tags' => %w(foo bar bee)},
+ {'class' => 'DesignTestDoc', 'tags' => %w(foo bar baz)},
+ {'class' => 'DesignTestDoc', 'tags' => %w(foo bee ruby)}
- @db.bulk_save @raw_docs
- @db.save_doc({
- '_id' => '_design/foos',
- 'views' => {
- 'test' => { 'map'=>'function(doc) {emit(doc.foo, doc.bar);}' },
- }
- })
+ @db.save(@docs)
- context "parsing options" do
- context "when the key is a range" do
- before { @opts = @doc.parse_opts(:key => 'bar'..'baz') }
- expect { @opts[:key].will == nil }
- expect { @opts[:startkey].will == 'bar' }
- expect { @opts[:endkey].will == 'baz' }
+ context "declared docs" do
+ describe "with default key" do
+ before { @response = @db.tags.by_tag('foo') }
+ expect { @response.kind_of?(Array).will == true }
+ expect { @response.size.will == @docs.select{|d| d['tags'].include?('foo')}.size }
+ expect { @response.all? {|d| d.kind_of?(DesignTestDoc) }.will == true }
+ expect { @response.all? {|d| d['tags'].include?('foo') }.will == true }
- context "when the key is an array with a range in it" do
- before { @opts = @doc.parse_opts(:key => ['published', '2008'..'2008/13']) }
- expect { @opts[:key].will be(nil) }
- expect { @opts[:startkey].will == ['published', '2008'] }
- expect { @opts[:endkey].will == ['published', '2008/13'] }
+ describe "with multiple keys" do
+ before { @response = @db.tags.by_tag :keys => %w(bar bee) }
+ expect { @response.kind_of?(Array).will == true }
+ expect { @response.size.will == 3 }
+ # expect { @response.size.will == @docs.select{|d| (d['tags'] & %w(bar bee)).size > 0}.size }
+ expect { @response.all? {|d| d.kind_of?(DesignTestDoc) }.will == true }
- context "when a keys option is empty" do
- before { @opts = @doc.parse_opts(:keys => []) }
- expect { @opts[:keys].will be(nil) }
+ end
+ context "declared hashes" do
+ before do
+ @counts = Hash.new(0)
+ @docs.each {|doc| doc['tags'].each {|tag| @counts[tag] += 1 } }
+ expect { @db.tags.count.should == @counts }
+ expect { @db.tags.count(:group => false).should == @counts.values.inject(0){|sum,n| sum+=n } }
+ expect { @db.tags.count('foo').should == @counts['foo'] }
+ end
+ context "parsing query options" do
+ before { setup_db }
- context "when no key, keys, startkey or all option is present" do
- before { @response = @doc.view :test }
- expect { @response.will == [] }
+ context "with a key as an initial arguemnt" do
+ expect { @db.tags.parse_opts('foo').will == {:key => 'foo'} }
+ expect { @db.tags.parse_opts('foo', :include_docs => true).will == {:key => 'foo', :include_docs => true} }
+ expect { @db.tags.parse_opts('foo', {:stale => 'ok'}, {:include_docs => true}).will == {:key => 'foo', :stale => 'ok', :include_docs => true }}
- context "with an all key" do
- before { @response = @doc.view :test, :all => true }
- expect { @response.will == @raw_docs.map{|d| {'id' => d['_id'], 'key' => d['foo'], 'value' => d['bar']} } }
+ context "without an implied key" do
+ expect { @db.tags.parse_opts(:key => 'foo').will == {:key => 'foo'} }
+ expect { @db.tags.parse_opts({:key => 'foo'}, nil, {:stale => 'ok'}).will == {:key => 'foo', :stale => 'ok'} }
- context "with docs" do
- before { @response = @doc.docs_for :test, :key => 'foo' }
- expect { @response.will be_kind_of(Array) }
- expect { @response.size.will == 1 }
- expect { @response.first.will be_kind_of(TestForDesign) }
- expect { @response.first['foo'].will == 'foo' }
+ context "when a keys option is empty" do
+ expect { @db.tags.parse_opts(:keys => []).will == {} }
- context "for the view's data" do
- before { @response = @doc.values_for :test, :all => true }
+ context "for ranges" do
+ context "when the key _is_ a range" do
+ before { @opts = @db.tags.parse_opts(:key => 'bar'..'baz') }
+ expect { @opts.has_key?(:key).will == false }
+ expect { @opts[:startkey].will == 'bar' }
+ expect { @opts[:endkey].will == 'baz'}
+ end
- expect { @response.will == %w(bar baz foo) }
+ context "when the key is an array that includes a range" do
+ before { @opts = @db.tags.parse_opts(:key => ['published', '2009'..'2009/04']) }
+ expect { @opts.has_key?(:key).will == false }
+ expect { @opts[:startkey].will == ['published', '2009'] }
+ expect { @opts[:endkey].will == ['published', '2009/04'] }
+ end
+ context "for non inclusive ranges" do; end
+ context "when descending:true is an option" do
+ context "and first value is greater than the end value" do; end
+ end
+ context "when the first value is greater than the end value" do; end
+ context "invalid option configurations" do
+ expect { lambda {@db.tags.parse_opts(:startkey => 'foo')}.will raise_error(ArgumentError) }
+ end
+ end
+ context "design doc meta declarations" do
+ expect { DesignTestDatabase::StuffDesign.design_name.will == "things" }
+ expect { DesignTestDatabase::StuffDesign.design_directory.will == Pathname.new("app/designs/stuff") }
+ end
+ context "the design document" do
+ before do
+ @canonical = DesignTestDatabase::TagsDesign.canonical_design
+ end
- context "for the view's matching keys" do
- before { @response = @doc.keys_for :test, :key => 'bar'..'baz' }
+ context "composing the canonical version" do
+ context "from files" do
+ expect { @canonical['views']['by_tag']['map'].will == File.read(fixtures_path('designs/tags/views/by_tag/map.js')) }
+ expect { @canonical['views']['by_tag']['reduce'].will == File.read(fixtures_path('designs/tags/views/by_tag/reduce.js')) }
+ end
- expect { @response.will == %w(bar baz) }
+ context "from class declarations" do
+ # tk
+ end
- context "for the view's matching ids" do
- before { @response = @doc.ids_for :test, :key => 'bar'..'foo'}
+ context "syncronizing" do
+ context "when the design_doc doesn't exist in the db yet" do
+ before do
+ setup_db(false)
+ @db.tags
+ end
+ expect { lambda{@db.get('_design/tags')}.wont raise_error }
+ expect { @db.tags['views'].will == @canonical['views'] }
+ expect { @db.tags.rev.will =~ /\d-\d{10}/ }
+ end
- expect { @response.will == %w(bar baz foo) }
+ context "when the design_doc exists but is not canonical" do
+ before do
+ # there are no line breaks in the version that setup_db posts
+ setup_db
+ @old = @db.get('_design/tags')
+ @db.tags
+ end
+ expect { @db.tags.rev.wont == @old['_rev'] }
+ end
+ context "when the design_doc exists and is canonical" do
+ before do
+ setup_db(false)
+ @db.put('_design/tags', DesignTestDatabase::TagsDesign.canonical_design)
+ @old = @db.get('_design/tags')
+ @db.tags
+ end
+ expect { @db.tags.rev.will == @old['_rev'] }
+ end
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