CHANGELOG in masterview_gem_pack-0.1.5 vs CHANGELOG in masterview_gem_pack-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
+0.2.0 - June 20th, 2006 - Big release. Added capability for eliminating rhtml generation, extends rails so that rhtml can be pulled directly from MasterView.
+Support template compilation directly into Rails view cache for templates in app/views (rhtml generation now optional)
+New mechanism for configuring MasterView from settings files; internal initialization rework. Configuration can now be driven by editing config/masterview/settings.rb and/or config/masterview/environments/*.rb.
+Add support for configuring MasterView logger and log_level; default level INFO for dev, WARN otherwise
+Add keyword substitution for generate/import attributes (mv:generate="{template_path}" notation)
+Added capability to view rhtml from MasterView Admin pages.
+Add 'View Configuration' page in MasterView Admin pages to display config settings.
+Reorganize and enhance documentation: doc/index.html; improved installation guide, added config guide, improved User Guide
+Internals: Renamed PartialExtension to GeneratedFileDefaultExtension
+Internals: Renamed partial_filename_extension to generated_file_default_extension
+Internals: Major internal rework of file handling and I/O.
+--UPGRADE NOTE: you *must* redo any config customizations in plugin init.rb to use new settings file and config vars
+--UPGRADE NOTE: default location for masterview template files is now the app/views directory in your Rails app
+--UPGRADE NOTE: directive gen_render was renamed gen_partial for clarity, update any templates which reference gen_render
+0.1.6 - June 2nd - Implement basic dateselect and datetime_select in generator. Simplify only empty elements that are specified as empty in xhtml-1.0-Strict DTD.
0.1.5 - May 31st - Remove app_[ENV] customization hook in leau of a block based initializer approach (similar to rails) from Deborah Lewis which would allow customization from the environment config files.
0.1.4 - May 30th - Apply patch by Deborah Lewis to allow customized generated comment. Add omit_tag directive to conditionally suppress output of element tag. Add user configuration user.rb, user_RAILS_ENV.rb
0.1.3 - May 29th - Fixed generators to use m.file not m.template on non-erb files
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