lib/masterview/initializer.rb in masterview-0.2.4 vs lib/masterview/initializer.rb in masterview-0.2.5
- old
+ new
@@ -42,10 +42,13 @@
# todo - change configuration to accomodate non-file based storage, use MIOTree objects
# [JJB 13-Jun-2006]
+require 'date'
module MasterView
# A Configuration holds all the configuration settings used the
# MasterView::Initializer to configure the template engine.
@@ -74,11 +77,10 @@
# config.template_dst_dir_path = "masterview/output"
# #...set other config options...
# :process, config )
class Configuration
# directory in which the MasterView plugin or gem is installed
attr_reader :mv_installation_dir #:nodoc:
# root directory of MasterView itself and the built-in directives
# This is lib/masterview w/in the plugin or gem installation directory.
@@ -321,10 +323,11 @@
attr_accessor :handle_parse_exceptions
# Default option settings for template parsing (a hash)
# :tidy => false - run tidy before parsing (tidy_path must be set if enabled)
# :escape_erb => true - escapes <% %> before parsing
+ # :default_generate => true - adds in mv:generate="{template_path}" if none found
attr_accessor :default_parser_options
# Path on this system to tidy library if <tt>:tidy</tt> parser option is enabled
# so that masterview templates will be run through tidy before being parsed.
# Allows invalid xhmtl to be corrected before masterview template parsing is performed.
@@ -411,10 +414,16 @@
# setting is false, enable rails app to read rhtml(erb) directly from MasterView cache
# bypassing the serialization to the file system.
# Default: +false+
attr_accessor :generate_rhtml_files
+ # These are the original default parser options, whatever is set in the config
+ # will be merged with these to arrive at the result. This allows us to easily
+ # add new defaults in and even if users empty this hash, the defaults will get added
+ # to disable they specifically set something to false or nil
+ OriginalDefaultParserOptions = { :tidy => false, :escape_erb => true, :default_generate => true } # :nodoc: save the originals
# Create a new Configuration instance, initialized with the default
# values.
# Optional arguments to the constructor allow for initializing defaults
# for a rails app when not actually running rails or for initializing
@@ -427,17 +436,23 @@
# The +app_root_path+ and +rails_app_root_path+ arguments are mutually exclusive.
# Use +rails_app_root_path+ when operating on a Rails application which
# isn't actually running; use +app_root_path+ for a non-rails application.
+ # list of [ :log_level, msg ] pairs for config initialization/validation messages
+ # used by the initializer to validate load path and report any problems
+ attr_accessor :initialization_messages #:nodoc:
+ ####:invalid_directive_paths
def initialize( params={} )
+ rails_env = (defined?(RAILS_ENV)) ? RAILS_ENV : nil
# unpack the supported keyword args
app_root_path = params[:app_root_path]
rails_app_root_path = params[:rails_app_root_path]
- env = params[:environment]
+ env = params[:environment] || rails_env
is_development = env == 'development'
program_root_path = File.expand_path( '.' )
#assert program_root_path == Dir.pwd
@@ -554,13 +569,13 @@
STDOUT.puts "...template_dst_dir_path=#{template_dst_dir_path || 'nil'}" if debug_TRACE_HACK
# template parsing options
self.handle_parse_exceptions = true
- self.default_parser_options = { :tidy => false, :escape_erb => true }
+ self.default_parser_options = OriginalDefaultParserOptions.clone #we'll merge in whatever changes they make over the original set in const above
# default locations where tidy likely to be found; assume on user's PATH if on Windows
- self.tidy_path = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ ? 'tidy.exe' : '/usr/lib/'
+ self.tidy_path = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/ ? 'c:/tidy/lib/tidy.dll' : '/usr/lib/'
self.namespace_prefix = 'mv:'
self.inline_erb_start = '{{{'
self.inline_erb_end = '}}}'
self.inline_erb_substitution_regex = /\{\{\{(([^}]|\}[^}]|\}\}[^}])*)\}\}\}/
@@ -571,10 +586,12 @@
self.enable_view_rhtml = is_development
self.generate_rhtml_files = false
STDOUT.puts " config initialized with default settings\n" if debug_TRACE_HACK
+ self.initialization_messages = [] # for installer validation checking and problem reporting
def decide_if_running_rails #:nodoc:
#old way using program name except that this needs to be maintained
@running_rails = has_rails_context && ($PROGRAM_NAME =~ rails_runner_scripts_pattern) != nil
@@ -680,13 +697,12 @@
# Create a new Initializer instance that references the given Configuration
# instance.
- def initialize(configuration) #:nodoc:
- @configuration = configuration
- @log_msg_q = [] # collect log messages that arrive prior to the logger
+ def initialize(config) #:nodoc:
+ @configuration = config
# Load the MasterView configuration settings
# and initialize the template engine.
def process
@@ -699,16 +715,19 @@
# Does *not* load and configure the template engine.
# Intended for use in testing.
def initialize_configuration
#?? return if MasterView.const_defined?(:ConfigSettings) ??
+ #ISSUE: support format_datetime option on the logger settings?? [DJL 30-Jul-2006]
+ configuration.initialization_messages << [ :info,
+ "Initializing MasterView configuration (#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')})" ]
+ configuration.initialization_messages << [ :info,
+ "Program name = #{$PROGRAM_NAME}" ] # log the program that is starting the session
# make a final check for running_rails? (in case config settings changed scripts spec)
- # this logging didn't seem to work??
- # @log_msg_q << [ :info, 'Program name = '+$PROGRAM_NAME ] # log the program that is starting
# keep a permananent record of how we got started
MasterView.const_set('ConfigSettings', configuration)
@@ -750,15 +769,16 @@
# ensure that the directive load path entries are clean and available
if not config.directive_paths.empty?
clean_paths = []
config.directive_paths.each { | dir |
- if dir.nil? || !
+ if dir.nil?: continue; end
+ if !
err_msg = "Invalid directive load path directory: '#{dir}'"
- #overzealous: raise
- #but doesn't exist yet: Log.error err_mage
- @log_msg_q << [ :error, err_msg ]
+ #overzealous: raise
+ # just note the problem and let initializer report it later
+ config.initialization_messages << [ :error, err_msg ]
dir_path = File.expand_path( dir )
clean_paths << dir_path if ! clean_paths.include?(dir_path) # no dups
@@ -792,10 +812,13 @@
def set_module_constants #:nodoc:
config = configuration
+ # save configuration so we can get to it later
+ MasterView.const_set('LoadedConfiguration', config)
# create loaded feature map - this map will track exactly what was loaded taking into account failures, so it can differ
# from what is configured. key = feature symbol, value = true if enabled and loaded
MasterView.const_set('LoadedFeatures', {} )
@@ -812,11 +835,11 @@
MasterView.const_set('OmitGeneratedComments', (not config.include_generated_file_comment))
MasterView.const_set('GeneratedCommentText', config.generated_file_comment)
# template parsing options
MasterView.const_set('RescueExceptions', config.handle_parse_exceptions)
- MasterView.const_set('DefaultParserOptions', config.default_parser_options)
+ MasterView.const_set('DefaultParserOptions', Configuration::OriginalDefaultParserOptions.merge(config.default_parser_options)) # merge in changes with original, so we can add more defaults later, users have to explicitly set an option to false to cancel them
MasterView.const_set('TidyPath', config.tidy_path)
MasterView.const_set('NamespacePrefix', config.namespace_prefix)
MasterView.const_set('InlineErbStart', config.inline_erb_start)
MasterView.const_set('InlineErbEnd', config.inline_erb_end)
MasterView.const_set('InlineErbSubstitutionRegex', config.inline_erb_substitution_regex)
@@ -838,57 +861,58 @@
# Load the masterview code
def load_plugin #:nodoc:
require 'masterview' #:nodoc:
- # Complete installation of masterview after its code has been loaded
+ # Complete installation of masterview after its own code has been loaded
def complete_plugin_installation #:nodoc:
#?? return if MasterView.const_defined?(:Initialized) ??
- initialize_mio
+ initialize_mio
#Back out experiment: causes load order problems
##load_directives # held off on this until logger is installed
# mark the module as fully loaded and configured
MasterView.const_set('Initialized', true)
after_initialize # callback to client's afer_initialize block
+ # Initialize MasterView::Log with a logger which emits to std output, default DEBUG level
+ def initialize_logger #:nodoc:
+ #?return if defined?(Log)
+ require 'masterview/extras/init_logger'
+ # release any queued-up initialization messages yearning to be free
+ configuration.initialization_messages.each { | msg_level, msg |
+ Log.send msg_level, msg
+ }
+ end
# Initialize the MasterView I/O subsystem
def initialize_mio
config = configuration
MasterView.const_set('DefaultSerializer', MIOSerializer)
# all root_path directory anchor points for I/O are expanded absolute paths
io_mgr =
template_extension = File.extname( config.template_filename_pattern )
io_mgr.template = config.template_src_dir_path, template_extension,
- :escape_erb => config.default_parser_options[:escape_erb],
- :tidy => config.default_parser_options[:tidy],
+ :escape_erb => DefaultParserOptions[:escape_erb], # use DefaultParserOptions since already has config merged
+ :tidy => DefaultParserOptions[:tidy],
+ :default_generate => DefaultParserOptions[:default_generate],
#TODO: expose the following in Configuration.default_parser_options and document
:caching => false,
:logging => true )
if config.generate_rhtml_files
io_mgr.erb = config.template_dst_dir_path, config.generated_file_default_extension, :logging => true)
io_mgr.erb = config.generated_file_default_extension, :logging => true)
io_mgr.backup = config.rebuild_backups_tmp_dir_path ) if config.rebuild_backups_tmp_dir_path
MasterView.const_set('IOMgr', io_mgr)
MasterView::LoadedFeatures[:tidy_template_read] = config.default_parser_options[:tidy]
- # Initialize MasterView::Log with a logger which emits to std output, default DEBUG level
- def initialize_logger #:nodoc:
- #?return if defined?(Log)
- require 'masterview/extras/init_logger'
- # Kick out any queued-up log messages yearning to be free
- @log_msg_q.each { | msg_level, msg |
- Log.send err_level, msg
- }
- @log_msg_q.clear
- end
def load_directives #:nodoc:
# get the directives loaded prior to firing up any template parsing
return if ! configuration.on_rails? #ISSUE: causes problem for test cases; is this ever a good idea??
@@ -905,41 +929,10 @@
# install the MasterviewController to support masterview admin pages in the site
def enable_mv_admin_pages #:nodoc:
return if ! configuration.enable_admin_pages #MasterView::EnableMasterViewAdminPages
-{ 'MasterView Admin pages enabled' }
- # verify that stylesheets we use are available and if not copy them to public/stylesheets
- mv_generator_templates_dir = "#{configuration.mv_installation_dir}/generators/masterview/templates"
- unless File.exist?(mv_generator_templates_dir)
- # we are in a gem so things are in different directories
- MasterView::Log.debug{ 'MasterView appears to be installed as a gem...' }
- mv_generator_dir = configuration.mv_installation_dir.gsub('\\','/').gsub( %r{/masterview-([^/]+)$}, '/masterview_generator-\1' )
- mv_generator_templates_dir = "#{mv_generator_dir}/templates"
- end
- MasterView::Log.debug{ 'MasterView gem admin stylesheet src dir='+mv_generator_templates_dir }
- if
- rails_app_stylesheets_dir = Pathname.for_path(RAILS_ROOT) + 'public/stylesheets/masterview'
- stylesheet_specs = [
- # from/to spec: [ <src filename in templates dir>, <target filename in app stylesheets dir> ]
- [ 'style.css', 'style.css' ],
- [ 'sidebox.css', 'sidebox.css' ],
- [ 'color-scheme.css', 'color-scheme.css' ]
- ]
- src_dir_accessor = mv_generator_templates_dir )
- dst_dir_accessor = rails_app_stylesheets_dir, '.css', :logging => true)
- stylesheet_specs.each { | from, to |
- src_file = src_dir_accessor.path(from)
- dst_file = dst_dir_accessor.path(to)
- dst_file.write( ) unless dst_file.exist?
- }
- end
- # add our app directories with the masterview_controller to the load path
- mv_controller_code_dirs = Dir[File.join(configuration.mv_code_base_dir, '/extras/app/**/*')].select { |dir|
- }
- mv_controller_code_dirs.each { |dir| $LOAD_PATH.push dir }
+ require 'masterview/extras/init_mv_admin_pages'
def parse_templates_at_startup #:nodoc:
if configuration.parse_masterview_templates_at_startup
require 'masterview/extras/watcher'