in masheri-0.3.1 vs in masheri-0.3.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,3 +1,58 @@
+# masheri
+A Rails library for the [Mashery API](
-Fix this!
+## Installation
+Add the following to your `Gemfile`
+gem "masheri"
+Then run the installer to create `config/masheri.yml`
+$ rails g masheri:install
+## Configuration
+Edit `config/masheri.yml` with your `site_key`, `api_key` and `shared_secret` options.
+ site_id: 123
+ api_key: abc
+ shared_secret: xyz
+ site_id: 123
+ api_key: abc
+ shared_secret: xyz
+ site_id: 123
+ api_key: abc
+ shared_secret: xyz
+## Usage
+### Members
+Masheri::Member.fetch_all #=>
+### ???
+### ???
+### ???