in marvel_api-0.1.3 vs in marvel_api-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,314 @@
# marvel_api
-Ruby bindings for the [Marvel API]( Still under construction... Feel free to contribute!
+Ruby bindings for the [Marvel API]( Still under construction... Feel free to contribute! In the meantime, check out the [marvelite]( gem for something that's further along in development (and likely a lot stabler :-).
## Installation
`gem install 'marvel_api'` or add `gem 'marvel_api'` to your Gemfile.
-## Documentation
+## Configuration
-Coming soon.
+You'll need an API key — get yours [here]( Configure like so:
+@client =
+@client.configure do |config|
+ config.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
+ config.private_key = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY'
+## Usage
+Descriptions and examples of the supported actions are below. Note, all methods currently return a `Hashie:Mash` object if successful. For a more detailed explanation of available actions and an exhaustive list of acceptable query parameters, see Marvel's own developer [documentation]( Each method described below links to the associated call in Marvel's interactive API tester.
+### Characters
+- Fetches lists of characters. [`GET /v1/public/characters`](!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_0)
+@client.characters(name: 'Thanos')
+@client.characters(nameStartsWith: 'Th', orderBy: 'modified')
+- Fetches a single character by id. [`GET /v1/public/characters/{characterId}`](!/public/getCharacterIndividual_get_1)
+- Fetches lists of comics filtered by a character id. [`GET /v1/public/characters/{characterId}/comics`](!/public/getComicsCharacterCollection_get_2)
+@client.character_comics(1009652, titleStartsWith: 'Infinity', hasDigitalIssue: true)
+- Fetches lists of events filtered by a character id. [`GET /v1/public/characters/{characterId}/events`](!/public/getCharacterEventsCollection_get_3)
+@client.character_events(1009652, name: 'Infinity Gauntlet')
+- Fetches lists of series filtered by a character id. [`GET /v1/public/characters/{characterId}/series`](!/public/getCharacterSeriesCollection_get_4)
+@client.character_series(1009652, contains: 'hardcover')
+- Fetches lists of stories filtered by a character id. [`GET /v1/public/characters/{characterId}/stories`](!/public/getCharacterStoryCollection_get_5)
+@client.character_stories(1009652, limit: 50)
+### Comics
+- Fetches lists of comics. [`GET /v1/public/comics`](!/public/getComicsCollection_get_6)
+@client.comics(title: 'Daredevil')
+@client.comics(startYear: 1950, issueNumber: 1)
+- Fetches a single comic by id. [`GET /v1/public/comics/{comicId}`](!/public/getComicIndividual_get_7)
+- Fetches lists of characters filtered by a comic id. [`GET /v1/public/comics/{comicId}/characters`](!/public/getComicCharacterCollection_get_8)
+@client.comic_characters(34249, orderBy: 'name')
+- Fetches lists of creators filtered by a comic id. [`GET /v1/public/comics/{comicId}/creators`](!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_9)
+@client.comic_creators(34249, lastNameStartsWith: 'V')
+- Fetches lists of events filtered by a comic id. [`GET /v1/public/comics/{comicId}/events`](!/public/getIssueEventsCollection_get_10)
+@client.comic_events(27272, orderBy: '-startDate')
+- Fetches lists of stories filtered by a comic id. [`GET /v1/public/comics/{comicId}/stories`](!/public/getComicStoryCollection_get_11)
+@client.comic_stories(27272, creators: [600, 801])
+### Creators
+- Fetches lists of creators. [`GET /v1/public/creators`](!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_12)
+@client.creators(firstName: 'Frank', lastName: 'Miller')
+@client.creators(lastNameStartsWith: 'Mo', limit: 20, offset: 20)
+- Fetches a single creator by id. [`GET /v1/public/creators/{creatorId}`](!/public/getCreatorIndividual_get_13)
+- Fetches lists of comics filtered by a creator id. [`GET /v1/public/creators/{creatorId}/comics`](!/public/getComicsCollection_get_14)
+@client.creator_comics(15, format: 'trade paperback')
+- Fetches lists of events filtered by a creator id. [`GET /v1/public/creators/{creatorId}/events`](!/public/getCreatorEventsCollection_get_15)
+@client.creator_events(30, nameStartsWith: 'Civil')
+- Fetches lists of series filtered by a creator id. [`GET /v1/public/creators/{creatorId}/series`](!/public/getCreatorSeriesCollection_get_16)
+@client.creator_series(30, seriesType: 'limited')
+- Fetches lists of stories filtered by a creator id. [`GET /v1/public/creators/{creatorId}/stories`](!/public/getCreatorStoryCollection_get_17)
+@client.creator_stories(30, limit: 40, offset: 7750)
+### Events
+- Fetches lists of events. [`GET /v1/public/events`](!/public/getEventsCollection_get_18)
+```ruby 'Infinity Gauntlet') [1009156, 1009652])
+- Fetches a single event by id. [`GET /v1/public/events/{eventId}`](!/public/getEventIndividual_get_19)
+- Fetches lists of characters filtered by an event id. [`GET /v1/public/events/{eventId}/characters`](!/public/getEventCharacterCollection_get_20)
+@client.event_characters(227, modifiedSince: '2014-04-29')
+- Fetches lists of comics filtered by an event id. [`GET /v1/public/events/{eventId}/comics`](!/public/getComicsCollection_get_21)
+@client.event_comics(227, hasDigitalIssue: true, orderBy: 'onsaleDate')
+- Fetches lists of creators filtered by an event id. [`GET /v1/public/events/{eventId}/creators`](!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_22)
+@@client.event_creators(227, lastNameStartsWith: 'Lar')
+- Fetches lists of series filtered by an event id. [`GET /v1/public/events/{eventId}/series`](!/public/getEventSeriesCollection_get_23)
+@client.event_series(227, startYear: 1995, seriesType: 'limited')
+- Fetches lists of stories filtered by an event id. [`GET /v1/public/events/{eventId}/stories`](!/public/getEventStoryCollection_get_24)
+@client.event_stories(227, orderBy: 'id', limit: 30, offset: 20)
+### Series
+- Fetches lists of series. [`GET /v1/public/series`](!/public/getSeriesCollection_get_25)
+@client.series(title: 'Uncanny X-Men')
+@client.series(titleStartsWith: 'Astonishing', orderBy: 'startDate', limit: 100)
+- Fetches a single comic series by id. [`GET /v1/public/series/{seriesId}`](!/public/getSeriesIndividual_get_26)
+- Fetches lists of characters filtered by a series id. [`GET /v1/public/series/{seriesId}/characters`](!/public/getSeriesCharacterWrapper_get_27)
+@client.series_characters(354, nameStartsWith: 'Iron')
+- Fetches lists of comics filtered by a series id. [`GET /v1/public/series/{seriesId}/comics`](!/public/getComicsCollection_get_28)
+@client.series_comics(354, issueNumber: 1)
+- Fetches lists of creators filtered by a series id. [`GET /v1/public/series/{seriesId}/creators`](!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_29)
+@client.series_creators(354, lastName: 'Kirby')
+- Fetches lists of events filtered by a series id. [`GET /v1/public/series/{seriesId}/events`](!/public/getEventsCollection_get_30)
+@client.series_events(354, orderBy: 'startDate')
+- Fetches lists of stories filtered by a series id. [`GET /v1/public/series/{seriesId}/stories`](!/public/getSeriesStoryCollection_get_31)
+@client.series_stories(354, modifiedSince: '2013-06-01')
+### Stories
+- Fetches lists of stories. [`GET /v1/public/stories`](!/public/getStoryCollection_get_32)
+@client.stories(creators: 15)
+@client.stories(characters: [1009156, 1009652], orderBy: '-modified')
+- Fetches a single comic story by id. [`GET /v1/public/stories/{storyId}`](!/public/getStoryIndividual_get_33)
+- Fetches lists of characters filtered by a story id. [`GET /v1/public/stories/{storyId}/characters`](!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_34)
+@client.story_characters(14410, nameStartsWith: 'D')
+- Fetches lists of comics filtered by a story id. [`GET /v1/public/stories/{storyId}/comics`](!/public/getComicsCollection_get_35)
+@client.story_comics(126, format: 'trade paperback')
+- Fetches lists of creators filtered by a story id. [`GET /v1/public/stories/{storyId}/creators`](!/public/getCreatorCollection_get_36)
+@client.story_creators(126, lastNameStartsWith: 'S')
+- Fetches lists of events filtered by a story id. [`GET /v1/public/stories/{storyId}/events`](!/public/getEventsCollection_get_37)
+@client.story_events(12964, orderBy: 'name')
+- Fetches lists of series filtered by a story id. [`GET /v1/public/stories/{storyId}/series`](!/public/getStorySeriesCollection_get_38)
+@client.story_series(126, titleStartsWith: 'Infinity')
## Contributing to marvel_api
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
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