docs/maruku.html in maruku-0.5.3 vs docs/maruku.html in maruku-0.5.4

- old
+ new

@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ <h1 id='maruku_a_markdownsuperset_interpreter'>Mar<strong>u</strong>k<strong>u</strong>: a Markdown-superset interpreter</h1> <p><a href=''>Maruku</a> is a Markdown interpreter written in <a href=''>Ruby</a>.</p> <blockquote id='news'> -<p><a href='#release_notes'>Last release</a> is version 0.5.3 &#8211; 2007-02-05.</p> +<p><a href='#release_notes'>Last release</a> is version 0.5.4 &#8211; 2007-02-18.</p> <p>Use this command to update:</p> <pre><code>$ gem update maruku</code></pre> </blockquote> @@ -132,12 +132,11 @@ <p>This is the canonical benchmark (the Markdown specification), executed with Ruby 1.8.5 on a Powerbook 1.5GhZ:</p> <pre><code>BlueCloth (to_html): parsing 0.01 sec + rendering 1.87 sec = 1.88 sec (1.00x) Maruku (to_html): parsing 0.66 sec + rendering 0.43 sec = 1.09 sec (1.73x) - Maruku (to_latex): parsing 0.67 sec + rendering 0.23 sec = 0.90 sec (2.10x) -</code></pre> + Maruku (to_latex): parsing 0.67 sec + rendering 0.23 sec = 0.90 sec (2.10x)</code></pre> <p>Please note that Maruku has a lot more features and therefore is looking for much more patterns in the file.</p> <h2 id='features'><span class='maruku_section_number'>5. </span>Maruku summary of features</h2> @@ -231,12 +230,11 @@ <h3 id='toc-generation'><span class='maruku_section_number'>5.2. </span>Automatic generation of the table of contents</h3> <p>If you create a list, and then set the <code>toc</code> attribute, when rendering Maruku will create an auto-generated table of contents.</p> <pre><code>* This will become a table of contents (this text will be scraped). -{:toc} -</code></pre> +{:toc}</code></pre> <p>You can see an example of this at the beginning of this document.</p> <h3 id='entities'><span class='maruku_section_number'>5.3. </span>Use HTML entities</h3> @@ -321,6 +319,6 @@ [Pandoc]: [MultiMarkdown]: --><div class='footnotes'><hr /><ol><li id='fn:1'> <p>I really was missing those.</p> -<a href='#fnref:1' rev='footnote'>&#8617;</a></li></ol></div><div class='maruku_signature'><hr /><span style='font-size: small; font-style: italic'>Created by <a href='' title='Maruku: a Markdown-superset interpreter for Ruby'>Maruku</a> at 15:30 on Monday, February 05th, 2007.</span></div></body></html> +<a href='#fnref:1' rev='footnote'>&#8617;</a></li></ol></div><div class='maruku_signature'><hr /><span style='font-size: small; font-style: italic'>Created by <a href='' title='Maruku: a Markdown-superset interpreter for Ruby'>Maruku</a> at 13:32 on Sunday, February 18th, 2007.</span></div></body></html>