base/transfomer.rb in maroon-0.7.1 vs base/transfomer.rb in maroon-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,197 +1,196 @@
-context :Transformer do
- def initialize(context_name, roles, interactions,private_interactions, base_class,default_interaction)
- @context_name = context_name
- @roles = roles
- @interactions = interactions
- @base_class = base_class
- @default_interaction = default_interaction
- @private_interactions = private_interactions
- @definitions = {}
- end
- role :private_interactions do end
- role :context_name do end
- role :roles do
- def generated_source
- impl = ''
- getters = ''
- roles.each do |role, methods|
- getters << 'attr_reader :' + role.to_s + '
- '
- methods.each do |name, method_sources|
- bind :method_sources => :method , :name=> :method_name , :role => :defining_role
- definition = method.generated_source
- (impl << (' ' + definition )) if definition
- end
- end
- (impl.strip! || '')+ '
-' + (getters.strip! || '') + '
- end
- end
- role :interactions do
- def generated_source
- internal_methods = ''
- external_methods = interactions.default
- interactions.each do |name, interact|
- interact.each do |m|
- bind :m => :method, :name => :method_name
- @defining_role = nil
- code = method.generated_source
- (method.is_private? ? internal_methods : external_methods) << ' ' << code
- end
- end
- (external_methods.strip! || '') + '
- private
-' + (internal_methods.strip! || '') + '
- end
- def default
- if @default
- '
- def*args)
- arity = ' + name.to_s + '.method(:new).arity
- newArgs = args[0..arity-1]
- obj = ' + name.to_s + '.new *newArgs
- if arity < args.length
- methodArgs = args[arity..-1]
- obj.' + default.to_s + ' *methodArgs
- else
- obj.' + default.to_s + '
- end
- end
- def call(*args);' + default.to_s + ' *args; end
- else
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- role :method_name do end
- role :defining_role do end
- role :method do
- def is_private?
- defining_role != nil || (private_interactions.has_key?
- end
- def definition
- key = (@defining_role ? @defining_role.to_s : '') + method_name.to_s
- return @definitions[key] if @definitions.has_key? key
- unless method.instance_of? Sexp
- unless (method.instance_of? Array) && method.length < 2 then
- raise(('Duplicate definition of ' + method_name.to_s + '(' + method.to_s + ')'))
- end
- unless (method.instance_of? Array) && method.length > 0 then
- raise(('No source for ' + method_name.to_s))
- end
- end
- d = (method.instance_of? Array) ? method[0] : method
- raise 'Sexp require' unless d.instance_of? Sexp
- @definitions[key] = d
- end
- def body
- args = method.definition.detect { |d| d[0] == :args }
- index = method.definition.index(args) + 1
- if method.definition.length > index+1
- body = method.definition[index..-1]
- body.insert(0, :block)
- body
- else
- method.definition[index]
- end
- end
- def arguments
- args = method.definition.detect { |d| d[0] == :args }
- args && args.length > 1 ? args[1..-1] : []
- end
- def name
- name = if method.definition[1].instance_of? Symbol
- method.definition[1].to_s
- else
- (method.definition[1].select { |e| e.instance_of? Symbol }.map { |e| e.to_s }.join('.') + '.' + method.definition[2].to_s)
- end
- (
- unless defining_role
- name
- else
- 'self_' + @defining_role.to_s + '_' + name.to_s
- end).to_sym
- end
- def generated_source
-, interpretation_context).rewrite!
- body =
- raise 'Body is undefined' unless body
- args = method.arguments
- if args && args.length
- args = '('+ args.join(',') + ')'
- else
- args= ''
- end
- header = 'def ' + + args
- header + ' ' + body + ' end
- end
- end
- def transform(file_path, with_contracts)
- code = interactions.generated_source + roles.generated_source
- if file_path then
- name = context_name.to_s
- complete = ((((('class ' + name) + (@base_class ? (('<< ' + : (''))) + '
- ') + code.to_s) + '
- end')
-'./' + file_path.to_s) + '/') + name) + '.rb'), 'w') do |f|
- f.write(complete)
- end
- complete
- else
- c = @base_class ? ( : (
- if with_contracts then
- c.class_eval(
- 'def self.assert_that(obj)
-def self.refute_that(obj)
-def self.contracts
- @@contracts
-def self.contracts=(value)
- @@contracts = value
- c.contracts = contracts
- end
- Kernel.const_set(context_name, c)
- begin
- temp = c.class_eval(code)
- rescue SyntaxError
- p 'error: ' + code
- end
- (temp or c)
- end
- end
- private
- def contracts
- (@contracts ||= {})
- end
- def role_aliases
- (@role_aliases ||={})
- end
- def interpretation_context
-, contracts, role_aliases, defining_role, @private_interactions)
- end
+context :Transformer do
+ def initialize(context_name, roles, interactions,private_interactions, base_class,default_interaction)
+ @context_name = context_name
+ @roles = roles
+ @interactions = interactions
+ @base_class = base_class
+ @default_interaction = default_interaction
+ @private_interactions = private_interactions
+ @definitions = {}
+ end
+ role :private_interactions do end
+ role :context_name do end
+ role :roles do
+ def generated_source
+ impl = ''
+ getters = []
+ roles.each do |role, methods|
+ getters << role.to_s
+ methods.each do |name, method_sources|
+ bind :method_sources => :method , :name=> :method_name , :role => :defining_role
+ definition = method.generated_source
+ (impl << (' ' + definition )) if definition
+ end
+ end
+ (impl.strip! || '')+ '
+' + (getters.length > 0 ? 'attr_reader :' +getters.join(', :') : '') + '
+ end
+ end
+ role :interactions do
+ def generated_source
+ internal_methods = ''
+ external_methods = interactions.default
+ interactions.each do |name, interact|
+ interact.each do |m|
+ bind :m => :method, :name => :method_name
+ @defining_role = nil
+ code = method.generated_source
+ (method.is_private? ? internal_methods : external_methods) << ' ' << code
+ end
+ end
+ (external_methods.strip! || '') + '
+ private
+' + (internal_methods.strip! || '') + '
+ end
+ def default
+ if @default
+ '
+ def*args)
+ arity = ' + name.to_s + '.method(:new).arity
+ newArgs = args[0..arity-1]
+ obj = ' + name.to_s + '.new *newArgs
+ if arity < args.length
+ methodArgs = args[arity..-1]
+ obj.' + default.to_s + ' *methodArgs
+ else
+ obj.' + default.to_s + '
+ end
+ end
+ def call(*args);' + default.to_s + ' *args; end
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ role :method_name do end
+ role :defining_role do end
+ role :method do
+ def is_private?
+ defining_role != nil || (private_interactions.has_key?
+ end
+ def definition
+ key = (@defining_role ? @defining_role.to_s : '') + method_name.to_s
+ return @definitions[key] if @definitions.has_key? key
+ unless method.instance_of? Sexp
+ unless (method.instance_of? Array) && method.length < 2 then
+ raise(('Duplicate definition of ' + method_name.to_s + '(' + method.to_s + ')'))
+ end
+ unless (method.instance_of? Array) && method.length > 0 then
+ raise(('No source for ' + method_name.to_s))
+ end
+ end
+ d = (method.instance_of? Array) ? method[0] : method
+ raise 'Sexp require' unless d.instance_of? Sexp
+ @definitions[key] = d
+ end
+ def body
+ args = method.definition.detect { |d| d[0] == :args }
+ index = method.definition.index(args) + 1
+ if method.definition.length > index+1
+ body = method.definition[index..-1]
+ body.insert(0, :block)
+ body
+ else
+ method.definition[index]
+ end
+ end
+ def arguments
+ args = method.definition.detect { |d| d[0] == :args }
+ args && args.length > 1 ? args[1..-1] : []
+ end
+ def name
+ name = if method.definition[1].instance_of? Symbol
+ method.definition[1].to_s
+ else
+ (method.definition[1].select { |e| e.instance_of? Symbol }.map { |e| e.to_s }.join('.') + '.' + method.definition[2].to_s)
+ end
+ (
+ unless defining_role
+ name
+ else
+ 'self_' + @defining_role.to_s + '_' + name.to_s
+ end).to_sym
+ end
+ def generated_source
+, interpretation_context).rewrite!
+ body =
+ raise 'Body is undefined' unless body
+ args = method.arguments
+ if args && args.length
+ args = '('+ args.join(',') + ')'
+ else
+ args= ''
+ end
+ header = 'def ' + + args
+ header + ' ' + body + ' end
+ end
+ end
+ def transform(file_path, with_contracts)
+ code = interactions.generated_source + roles.generated_source
+ if file_path then
+ name = context_name.to_s
+ complete = ((((('class ' + name) + (@base_class ? (('<< ' + : (''))) + '
+ ') + code.to_s) + '
+ end')
+'./' + file_path.to_s) + '/') + name) + '.rb'), 'w') do |f|
+ f.write(complete)
+ end
+ complete
+ else
+ c = @base_class ? ( : (
+ if with_contracts then
+ c.class_eval(
+ 'def self.assert_that(obj)
+def self.refute_that(obj)
+def self.contracts
+ @contracts
+def self.contracts=(value)
+ @contracts = value
+ c.contracts = contracts
+ end
+ Kernel.const_set(context_name, c)
+ begin
+ temp = c.class_eval(code)
+ rescue SyntaxError
+ p 'error: ' + code
+ end
+ (temp or c)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def contracts
+ (@contracts ||= {})
+ end
+ def role_aliases
+ (@role_aliases ||={})
+ end
+ def interpretation_context
+, contracts, role_aliases, defining_role, @private_interactions)
+ end