lib/saved_assets.rb in markdown_exec- vs lib/saved_assets.rb in markdown_exec-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -10,27 +10,61 @@
# given parameters. The `script_name` method derives a name for a script
# based on filename, prefix, time, and blockname. Similarly, the `stdout_name`
# method derives a name for stdout redirection.
class SavedAsset
- FNR11 = %r{[^!#%&()\+,\-0-9=A-Z_a-z~]}.freeze
+ FNR11 = %r{[^!#%\+\-0-9=@A-Z_a-z]}.freeze # characters than can be used in a file name without quotes or escaping
+ # except '.', ',', '~' reserved for tokenization
# / !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
FNR12 = '_'
+ JOIN_STR = '_'
+ MARK_STR = '~'
- # Generates a formatted script name based on the provided parameters.
- def self.script_name(filename:, prefix:, time:, blockname:, ftime: DEFAULT_FTIME, join_str: '_', pattern: FNR11, replace: FNR12, exts: '.sh')
- fne = filename.gsub(pattern, replace)
- bne = blockname.gsub(pattern, replace)
- "#{[prefix, time.strftime(ftime), fne, ',', bne].join(join_str)}#{exts}"
+ # @param filename [String] the name of the file
+ # @param prefix [String] the prefix to use
+ # @param time [Time] the time object for formatting
+ # @param blockname [String] the block name to include
+ # @param ftime [String] the time format (default: DEFAULT_FTIME)
+ # @param pattern [Regexp] the pattern to search (default: FNR11)
+ # @param replace [String] the string to replace the pattern (default: FNR12)
+ # @param exts [String] the extension to append (default: '.sh')
+ def initialize(
+ saved_asset_format:, filename: nil, prefix: nil, time: nil, blockname: nil,
+ ftime: DEFAULT_FTIME, pattern: FNR11, replace: FNR12, exts: nil,
+ mark: nil, join_str: nil
+ )
+ @filename = filename ? filename.gsub(pattern, replace) : '*' # [String] the name of the file
+ @prefix = prefix || '*' # [String] the prefix to use
+ @time = time ? time.strftime(ftime) : '*' # [Time] the time object for formatting
+ @blockname = blockname ? blockname.gsub(pattern, replace) : '*' # [String] the block name to include
+ # @ftime = ftime # [String] the time format (default: DEFAULT_FTIME)
+ # @pattern = pattern # [Regexp] the pattern to search (default: FNR11)
+ # @replace = replace # [String] the string to replace the pattern (default: FNR12)
+ @exts = exts || '.*' # [String] the extension to append (default: '.sh')
+ @mark = mark || MARK_STR
+ @join_str = join_str || JOIN_STR
+ @saved_asset_format = saved_asset_format
- # Generates a formatted stdout name based on the provided parameters.
- def self.stdout_name(filename:, prefix:, time:, blockname:, ftime: DEFAULT_FTIME, join_str: '_', pattern: FNR11, replace: FNR12, exts: '.out.txt')
- fne = filename.gsub(pattern, replace)
- bne = blockname.gsub(pattern, replace)
- "#{[prefix, time.strftime(ftime), fne, ',', bne].join(join_str)}#{exts}"
+ # Generates a formatted name based on the provided parameters.
+ #
+ # @return [String] the generated formatted name
+ def generate_name
+ format(
+ @saved_asset_format,
+ {
+ blockname: @blockname,
+ exts: @exts,
+ filename: @filename,
+ join: @join_str,
+ mark: @mark,
+ prefix: @prefix,
+ time: @time
+ }
+ )
return if $PROGRAM_NAME != __FILE__
@@ -56,9 +90,81 @@
time =, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
blockname = 'block/1:2'
expected_name = 'test_2023-01-01-12-00-00_sample_txt_,_block_1_2.out.txt'
assert_equal expected_name, MarkdownExec::SavedAsset.stdout_name(
+ filename: filename, prefix: prefix, time: time, blockname: blockname
+ )
+ end
+ def test_wildcard_name_with_all_parameters
+ filename = 'sample.txt'
+ prefix = 'test'
+ time =, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
+ blockname = 'block/1:2'
+ expected_wildcard = 'test_2023-01-01-12-00-00_sample_txt_,'
+ assert_equal expected_wildcard, MarkdownExec::SavedAsset.wildcard_name(
+ filename: filename, prefix: prefix, time: time, blockname: blockname
+ )
+ end
+ def test_wildcard_name_with_missing_time
+ filename = 'sample.txt'
+ prefix = 'test'
+ time = nil
+ blockname = 'block/1:2'
+ expected_wildcard = 'test_*_sample_txt_,'
+ assert_equal expected_wildcard, MarkdownExec::SavedAsset.wildcard_name(
+ filename: filename, prefix: prefix, time: time, blockname: blockname
+ )
+ end
+ def test_wildcard_name_with_missing_filename
+ filename = nil
+ prefix = 'test'
+ time =, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
+ blockname = 'block/1:2'
+ expected_wildcard = 'test_2023-01-01-12-00-00_*_,'
+ assert_equal expected_wildcard, MarkdownExec::SavedAsset.wildcard_name(
+ filename: filename, prefix: prefix, time: time, blockname: blockname
+ )
+ end
+ def test_wildcard_name_with_missing_prefix
+ filename = 'sample.txt'
+ prefix = nil
+ time =, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
+ blockname = 'block/1:2'
+ expected_wildcard = '*_2023-01-01-12-00-00_sample_txt_,'
+ assert_equal expected_wildcard, MarkdownExec::SavedAsset.wildcard_name(
+ filename: filename, prefix: prefix, time: time, blockname: blockname
+ )
+ end
+ def test_wildcard_name_with_missing_blockname
+ filename = 'sample.txt'
+ prefix = 'test'
+ time =, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
+ blockname = nil
+ expected_wildcard = 'test_2023-01-01-12-00-00_sample_txt_,_*.sh'
+ assert_equal expected_wildcard, MarkdownExec::SavedAsset.wildcard_name(
+ filename: filename, prefix: prefix, time: time, blockname: blockname
+ )
+ end
+ def test_wildcard_name_with_all_missing
+ filename = nil
+ prefix = nil
+ time = nil
+ blockname = nil
+ expected_wildcard = '*_*_*_,_*.sh'
+ assert_equal expected_wildcard, MarkdownExec::SavedAsset.wildcard_name(
filename: filename, prefix: prefix, time: time, blockname: blockname