lib/fcb.rb in markdown_exec-2.1.0 vs lib/fcb.rb in markdown_exec-2.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,25 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# encoding=utf-8
+require 'digest'
+require_relative 'namer'
+# require_relative 'poly'
-class Hash
- # block name in commands and documents
- def pub_name
- fetch(:nickname, nil) || fetch(:oname, nil)
- end
-# require 'ostruct'
-# class BlkS < OpenStruct
-# # Method to fetch the value associated with the attribute :nickname or :oname
-# def pub_name
-# self.nickname || self.oname
-# end
-# end
module MarkdownExec
class Error < StandardError; end
# Fenced Code Block (FCB)
@@ -104,11 +92,11 @@
def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false)
@attrs.key?(method_name.to_sym) || super
def to_h
- @attrs
+ @attrs.to_h
def to_yaml
@@ -169,5 +157,203 @@
# def test_method_missing_with_unknown_method
# assert_raises(NoMethodError) { @fcb.unknown_method }
# end
+# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# # frozen_string_literal: true
+# # encoding=utf-8
+# require 'digest'
+# require_relative 'poly'
+# # require 'ostruct'
+# module MarkdownExec
+# class Error < StandardError; end
+# # Fenced Code Block (FCB)
+# #
+# # This class represents a fenced code block in a markdown document.
+# # It allows for setting and getting attributes related to the code block,
+# # such as body, call, headings, and more.
+# #
+# class FCB
+# def initialize(options = {})
+# # @attrs = ({
+# @attrs ={
+# body: nil,
+# call: nil,
+# headings: [],
+# dname: nil,
+# indent: '',
+# name: nil,
+# nickname: nil,
+# oname: nil,
+# reqs: [],
+# shell: '',
+# title: '',
+# random:,
+# text: nil # displayable in menu
+# }.merge(options))
+# end
+# def is?(name)
+# (save_name == name).tap{|ret|pp [__LINE__,"is?(#{name})",'->',ret]}
+# end
+# # fenced_name: text from code
+# # save_name: for file system
+# # logical_name: used for requires, not displayed
+# # menu_name: displayed in menu
+# # used for requires, not displayed
+# def logical_name
+# (@attrs.fetch(:nickname, nil) || @attrs.fetch(:oname, nil)).tap{|ret|pp [__LINE__,"logical_name()",'->',ret]}
+# end
+# # displayed in menu
+# def menu_name # displayed in menu
+# @attrs.fetch(:nickname, nil).tap{|ret|pp [__LINE__,"menu_name()",'->',ret]}
+# end
+# # for file system
+# # block name in commands and documents
+# def save_name(id_len: 4, max_len: 48)
+# full = @attrs.fetch(:nickname, nil) || @attrs.fetch(:oname, nil)
+# trimmed = if full && full[max_len]
+# r = rand((10**(id_len - 1) + 1)..10**id_len).to_s
+# dig = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(full)[0, id_len]
+# full[0..max_len - id_len] + dig
+# else
+# full
+# end
+# trimmed&.to_blockname.tap{|ret|pp [__LINE__,"save_name()",'->',ret]}
+# end
+# def title=(value)
+# @attrs[:title] = value
+# end
+# # Derives a title from the body of an FCB object.
+# # @param fcb [Object] The FCB object whose title is to be derived.
+# # @return [String] The derived title.
+# def derive_title_from_body
+# unless (body_content = @attrs[:body])
+# # empty body -> empty title
+# @attrs[:title] = ''
+# return
+# end
+# # body -> title
+# @attrs[:title] = if body_content.count == 1
+# body_content.first
+# else
+# format_multiline_body_as_title(body_content)
+# end
+# end
+# private
+# # Formats multiline body content as a title string.
+# # indents all but first line with two spaces so it displays correctly in menu
+# # @param body_lines [Array<String>] The lines of body content.
+# # @return [String] Formatted title.
+# def format_multiline_body_as_title(body_lines)
+# do |line, index|
+# ? line : " #{line}"
+# end.join("\n") << "\n"
+# end
+# # :reek:ManualDispatch
+# def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+# method_name = method.to_s
+# if @attrs.respond_to?(method_name)
+# @attrs.send(method_name, *args, &block)
+# elsif method_name[-1] == '='
+# @attrs[method_name.chop.to_sym] = args[0]
+# else
+# @attrs[method_name.to_sym]
+# end
+# rescue StandardError => err
+# warn("ERROR ** FCB.method_missing(method: #{method_name}," \
+# " *args: #{args.inspect}, &block)")
+# warn err.inspect
+# warn(caller[0..4])
+# # raise StandardError, error
+# raise err # Here, we simply propagate the original error instead of wrapping it in a StandardError.
+# end
+# public
+# def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false)
+# @attrs.key?(method_name.to_sym) || super
+# end
+# def to_h
+# @attrs.to_h
+# end
+# def to_yaml
+# @attrs.to_yaml
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
+# require 'bundler/setup'
+# Bundler.require(:default)
+# require 'minitest/autorun'
+# require 'yaml'
+# class FCBTest < Minitest::Test
+# def setup
+# @fcb_data = {
+# body: 'Sample body',
+# call: 'Sample call',
+# headings: %w[Header1 Header2],
+# dname: 'Sample name',
+# indent: '',
+# nickname: nil,
+# name: 'Sample name',
+# oname: 'Sample name',
+# reqs: %w[req1 req2],
+# shell: 'bash',
+# text: 'Sample Text',
+# title: 'Sample Title'
+# }
+# @fcb =
+# end
+# def test_initialization_with_correct_data
+# assert_equal 'Sample body', @fcb.body
+# assert_equal %w[Header1 Header2], @fcb.headings
+# end
+# def test_to_h_method
+# assert_equal @fcb_data.merge({ random: @fcb.random }), @fcb.to_h
+# end
+# def test_to_yaml_method
+# assert_equal YAML.load(@fcb_data.merge({ random: @fcb.random }).to_yaml),
+# YAML.load(@fcb.to_yaml)
+# end
+# def test_method_missing_getter
+# assert_equal 'Sample Title', @fcb.title
+# end
+# def test_method_missing_setter
+# @fcb.title = 'New Title'
+# assert_equal 'New Title', @fcb.title
+# end
+# # 2023-10-09 does not trigger error; treats as option name
+# #
+# # def test_method_missing_with_unknown_method
+# # assert_raises(NoMethodError) { @fcb.unknown_method }
+# # end
+# end
+# end