in markdown_exec- vs in markdown_exec-1.3.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,281 +1,29 @@
# Changelog
-## [ToDo]
-`reek lib/markdown_exec.rb --config .reek`
+## [1.3.6] - 2023-10-15
-- user settings
-- hidden w , w/o () in names
-- fix regexp in pathnames
+### Added
-- tree display
+- Option to inhibit display of menu decorations/chrome
+- Options for tasks
-- [ ] mde options, user prompt, in md file or included file
-- [ ] include blocks from local md file
-- execute? yes/no/save/clipboard + record/edit/history
-- [ ] list, view saved output
-- completion
- - [ ] include blocks in md file
-- [ ] ruby gem data model
-- [ ] extract yaml block into stdout
-- [ ] extract json block into stdout
-- [ ] import yaml, json data into environment
-- [ ] yq filter with imported or named yaml, json data
-- [ ] yaml dump of options w/ detail
-- [ ] re-exec last script v re-run named block in last script
-- [ ] repeat to reload last doc and block
-- [ ] option to log blended, timeline; stdin, stdout, stderr; labels: prefix and blocks
-- [ ] ren logged_stdout_filename_prefix to saved_stdout_filename_prefix
-- [ ] ignore '#' in fenced code blocks
-- [ ] write named block, can be included
-- [ ] file type per block type
-- [ ] file name per block name or specified in quotes ("")
-- [ ] overwrite-rules for writing blocks
-- [ ] erase-rules for written blocks
-- [ ] files to create named at top of script to execute; written prior to start of script
-- [ ] tab completion example ascii demo
-- [ ] parameters or (env vars) in menu
-- [ ] config menu or read env vars
-- [ ] enable/disable script, output saving per file
-- [ ] keep values between runs so same env vars are not prompted
-- [ ] option to list full menu
-- [ ] task confirmation block option or bash template, env names
-- [ ] configuration block `mde_config` anywhere in file
-- [ ] configuration block `mde_config` anywhere in folder config file
- ```yaml :(mde_config)```
-- [x] fix execution stdin, stdout to allow for ask function
-- [ ] fix execution stdin, stdout to allow for tty-prompt
-- [ ] accept stdin as filename `-`
-- [ ] fix
- $ bin/mde
- Choose a file: * Exit
- No blocks found.
- Choose a block: * Exit
-- [ ] accept `!` shell execute command at prompt
-- [ ] menu response: re-exec last saved script (like mde --select-recent-script)
-- [ ] process shebang in markdown
-- [ ] ignore shebang in markdown in rest of processing
-- [! ] search for document in path
-- [! ] search for document in custom path
-- [ ] doc use of `#!/usr/bin/env mde`
-- [ ] command to export each command to file, menu for list
-- [ ] option blocks to exclude by shell
-- #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results silent
-- [ ] requires extra CRs after ctrl-C of earlier script?
-- [! ] silent for `mde file block -q 0`
-- [! ] define for block: env var name, prompt if missing, default value
-- [! ] display env vars in menu
-- [! ] mde md -- --arg1 --arg2
-- [! ] display tasks (regex) similar to current `:::`
- diff done, tbd, important, progress, note, timestamp
-- [! ] redo block selection logic in
- def self.fcb_select?(options, fcb)
- used for selecting for 1) menu, 2) script composition, 3) list?
- layers 1) block name in cli, 2) required blocks, 3) hidden, 4) selected, 5) excluded, 6) also per shell name
-- [ ] opt to add block name as comment in bash script
-- [ ] marker in file separating VARS from CODE in bash script
- [ ] VARS, CODE section separately sourceable/executable
-- [ ] config to hide unnamed bash blocks
-- [ ] default to No after Save of script
-- [ ] block into file; template
-- [! ] option to use most recent named block if dupiclate, currently appends same-name blocks but lists twice in menu
-- [! ] improve error when imported file is not found
-- [ ] decorations for import block
-prefix line(s)
-inline replacements
-suffix line(s)
-# Replace substrings in an input string based on a regular expression pattern
-# with named capture groups. The replacements are formatted using a provided
-# format string. Additional context can be provided to supplement or override
-# the named captures in the format string.
-# @param input_str [String] The input string to process.
-# @param regex [Regexp] The regular expression pattern with named capture groups.
-# @param format_str [String] The format string for sprintf.
-# @param context [Hash] Additional context to supplement or override named captures.
-# @return [String] The processed string after replacements.
-# def gsub_format(input_str, regex, format_str, context: {})
-# input_str.gsub(regex) do
-# captures_hash = $~.names.each_with_object({}) do |name, hash|
-# hash[name.to_sym] = $~[name]
-# end
-# ### add import file name, line number, line, to captures_hash, chain
-# # $~ (MatchData) - MatchData object created from the match; thread-local and frame-local. - English - $LAST_MATCH_INFO.
-# # $& (Matched Substring) - The matched string. - English - $MATCH.
-# # $` (Pre-Match Substring) - The string to the left of the match. - English - $PREMATCH.
-# # $' (Post-Match Substring) - The string to the right of the match. - English - $POSTMATCH.
-# # $+ (Last Matched Group) - The last group matched. - English - $LAST_PAREN_MATCH.
-# sprintf(format_str, context.merge(captures_hash))
-# end
-# end
-class Regexp
- def gsub_format(input_str, format_str, context: {})
- input_str.gsub(self) do
- captures_hash = $~.names.each_with_object({}) do |name, hash|
- hash[name.to_sym] = $~[name]
- end
-# ### add import file name, line number, line, to captures_hash, chain
-# # $~ (MatchData) - MatchData object created from the match; thread-local and frame-local. - English - $LAST_MATCH_INFO.
-# # $& (Matched Substring) - The matched string. - English - $MATCH.
-# # $` (Pre-Match Substring) - The string to the left of the match. - English - $PREMATCH.
-# # $' (Post-Match Substring) - The string to the right of the match. - English - $POSTMATCH.
-# # $+ (Last Matched Group) - The last group matched. - English - $LAST_PAREN_MATCH.
- # # Add file name, line number, line to captures_hash
- # captures_hash[:file_name] = $~.pre_match.split("\n").last
- # captures_hash[:line_number] = $~.pre_match.count("\n") + 1
- # captures_hash[:line] = $&
- sprintf(format_str, context.merge(captures_hash))
- end
- end
-# # Example usage:
-# str = "123 example"
-# re = /(?<foo>\d+) (?<bar>\w+)/
-# fmt = "%<foo>d : %<bar>s"
-# new_str = gsub_format(str, re, fmt)
-# puts new_str # Outputs: 123 : example
-require 'minitest/autorun'
-require_relative 'path_to_your_file' # Make sure to replace this with the path to the file containing the function
-class ReplaceWithFormatTest < Minitest::Test
- def test_basic_replacement
- input_str = "123 example"
- re = /(?<foo>\d+) (?<bar>\w+)/
- fmt = "%<foo>d : %<bar>s"
- result = gsub_format(input_str, re, fmt)
- assert_equal "123 : example", result
- end
- def test_no_match
- input_str = "This is a test."
- re = /(?<foo>\d+) (?<bar>\w+)/
- fmt = "%<foo>d : %<bar>s"
- result = gsub_format(input_str, re, fmt)
- assert_equal "This is a test.", result
- end
- def test_multiple_matches
- input_str = "123 example, 456 test"
- re = /(?<foo>\d+) (?<bar>\w+)/
- fmt = "[%<foo>d %<bar>s]"
- result = gsub_format(input_str, re, fmt)
- assert_equal "[123 example], [456 test]", result
- end
- def test_different_named_captures
- input_str = "Jane is 25 years old."
- re = /(?<name>\w+) is (?<age>\d+)/
- fmt = "%<name>s's age is %<age>d"
- result = gsub_format(input_str, re, fmt)
- assert_equal "Jane's age is 25", result
- end
- def test_with_context
- input_str = "Jane is 25 years old."
- re = /(?<name>\w+) is (?<age>\d+)/
- fmt = "%<name>s's age is %<age>d and she lives in %<city>s"
- result = gsub_format(input_str, re, fmt, context: { city: "New York" })
- assert_equal "Jane's age is 25 and she lives in New York", result
- end
-require 'minitest/autorun'
-require_relative 'path_to_your_file' # Ensure this path is correct
-class RegexpGsubFormatTest < Minitest::Test
- def test_basic_replacement
- input_str = "123 example"
- re = /(?<foo>\d+) (?<bar>\w+)/
- fmt = "%<foo>d : %<bar>s"
- result = re.gsub_format(input_str, fmt)
- assert_equal "123 : example", result
- end
- # ... [other tests remain mostly unchanged, just updating the method call]
- def test_with_context
- input_str = "Jane is 25 years old."
- re = /(?<name>\w+) is (?<age>\d+)/
- fmt = "%<name>s's age is %<age>d and she lives in %<city>s"
- result = re.gsub_format(input_str, fmt, context: { city: "New York" })
- assert_equal "Jane's age is 25 and she lives in New York", result
- end
## [1.3.5] - 2023-10-05
### Changed
-- Fix display of menu dividers.
+- Fix display of menu dividers
## [1.3.3] - 2023-10-03
### Added
-- Nest scripts by using an `import` directive.
+- Nest scripts by using an `import` directive
### Changed
-- Convert constants for block selection into options.
+- Convert constants for block selection into options
## [1.3.2] - 2022-11-12
### Added
@@ -305,12 +53,12 @@
- Data transformations are embedded in the script at every invocation
with arguments to the transformation as stdin and stdout for the `yq` process
eg `export fruit_summary=$(yq e '[,.fruit.price]' fruit.yml)`
for invocation `%(summarize_fruits <fruit.yml >fruit_summary)`
and transformation `[,.fruit.price]`
-- Option to extract document text and display it as disabled items in-line with the blocks in the selection menu.
- Add options for constants used in parsing.
+- Option to extract document text and display it as disabled items in-line with the blocks in the selection menu
+ Add options for constants used in parsing
- [x] yaml processing
- ```yaml :(make_fruit_file) >fruit.yml```
write to: fruit.yml
- ```yq [summarize_fruits] +(make_fruit_file) <fruit.yml =color_price```
not included in linear script
@@ -321,35 +69,35 @@
output value of var color_price
### Changed
- Refactoring
- - Run-time menu in YAML file.
+ - Run-time menu in YAML file
- Tap module initialization
## [1.2.0] - 2022-06-11
### Added
- Options
- Display document name in block selection menu
- Display headings (levels 1,2,3) in block selection menu
-- Trap Ctrl-C (SIGTERM) while script is executing.
- Completes MDE processes such as saving output and reporting results.
+- Trap Ctrl-C (SIGTERM) while script is executing
+ Completes MDE processes such as saving output and reporting results
### Changed
- Refactoring
## [1.1.1] - 2022-05-25
### Added
-- Post-install instructions to add tab completions permanently to the shell.
+- Post-install instructions to add tab completions permanently to the shell
### Changed
-- Improve handling of threads ending while executing scripts.
+- Improve handling of threads ending while executing scripts
## [1.1.0] - 2022-05-21
### Added