lib/mailit/mailer.rb in manveru-mailit-2009.06.08 vs lib/mailit/mailer.rb in manveru-mailit-2009.08
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
module Mailit
# The Mailer is an abstraction layer for different SMTP clients, it provides
# #send and #defer_send methods
- # At the time of writing, Net::SMTP and EventMachine::SmtpClient are
+ # At the time of writing, Net::SMTP and EventMachine::Protocols::SmtpClient are
# supported, it should be trivial to add support for any other client.
# The difference between #send and #defer_send depends on the backend, but
# usually #send will block until the mail was sent while #defer_send does it
# in the background and allows you to continue execution immediately.
@@ -22,26 +22,19 @@
# Mailit::Mailer.send(mail)
# # Send in background thread and continue doing other things
# Mailit::Mailer.defer_send(mail)
- # The default Mailer backend is Mailit::Mailer::NetSmtp, you can change the
+ # The default Mailer backend is Net::SMTP, you can change the
# default by including another module into Mailit::mailer
# @example Using Mailt::Mailer::EventMachine by inclusion
# class Mailit::Mailer
# include Mailit::Mailer::EventMachine
# end
- # Another way is to extend an instance of Mailer with the backend you want to
- # use, which will not affect other instances.
- #
- # @example Using Mailit::mailer::EventMachine by extension
- #
- # mailer =
- # mailer.extend(Mailit::Mailer::EventMachine)
class Mailer
:server => 'smtp.localhost',
:port => 25,
:domain => 'localhost',
@@ -58,72 +51,81 @@
def self.defer_send(mail, options = {})
new.defer_send(mail, options)
- undef :send
attr_reader :options
def initialize(options = {})
@options = OPTIONS.merge(options)
- extend NetSmtp unless respond_to?(:send)
- private
+ def send(mail, override = {})
+ require 'net/smtp'
- def settings(override, *keys)
- options.merge(override).values_at(*keys)
+ server, port, domain, username, password, auth_type, noop =
+ settings(override, :server, :port, :domain, :username, :password, :auth_type, :noop)
+ ::Net::SMTP.start(server, port, domain, username, password, auth_type) do |smtp|
+ return if noop
+ smtp.send_message(mail.to_s, mail.from,
+ end
- module NetSmtp
- def send(mail, override = {})
- require 'net/smtp'
+ def defer_send(mail, override = {})
+{ send(mail, override) }
+ end
- server, port, domain, username, password, auth_type =
- settings(override, :server, :port, :domain, :username, :password, :auth_type)
+ private
- ::Net::SMTP.start(server, port, domain, username, password, auth_type) do |smtp|
- return if noop
- smtp.send_message(mail.to_s, mail.from,
- end
- end
- def defer_send(mail, override = {})
-{ send(mail, override) }
- end
+ def settings(override, *keys)
+ options.merge(override).values_at(*keys)
- # Allows you to comfortably use the EventMachine::SmtpClient.
- # In order to use it, you have to first include this module into
- # Mailit::Mailer or extend the Mailit::Mailer instance with it.
+ # Allows you to comfortably use the EventMachine::Protocols::SmtpClient.
+ # In order to use it, you have to first include this module into Mailit::Mailer
module EventMachine
# This assumes that EventMachine was required and we are inside the
# EventMachine::run block.
# Since EM implements some parts of the mail building we'll have to
# deconstruct our mail a bit.
# On the upside, it seems like it supports STARTTLS (without certificate
# options though)
- def send(mail, options = {})
- server, port, domain, username, password, auth_type =
- settings(override, :server, :port, :domain, :username, :password, :auth_type)
+ def self.included(base)
+ require 'em/protocols/smtpclient'
+ base.module_eval do
+ def send(mail, override = {})
+ server, port, domain, username, password, auth_type =
+ settings(override, :server, :port, :domain, :username, :password, :auth_type)
- mail.construct # prepare headers and body
+ mail.construct # prepare headers and body
- em_options = { :port => port, :host => host, :domain => domain,
- :from => mail.from, :to =>, :header => mail.header_string,
- :body => mail.body_string }
+ em_options = { :port => port, :host => server, :domain => domain,
+ :from => mail.from, :to =>, :header => mail.header_string,
+ :body => mail.body_string }
- if auth_type
- em_options[:auth] = {
- :type => auth_type, :username => username, :password => password }
- end
+ if auth_type
+ em_options[:auth] = {
+ :type => auth_type, :username => username, :password => password }
+ end
- ::EventMachine::SmtpClient.send(em_options)
- end
+ email = EM::Protocols::SmtpClient.send(em_options)
+ email.callback &@callback if @callback
+ email.errback &@errback if @errback
+ end
- alias defer_send send
- end
- end
+ def callback(proc=nil, &blk)
+ @callback = proc || blk
+ end
+ def errback(proc=nil, &blk)
+ @errback = proc || blk
+ end
+ alias defer_send send
+ end
+ end
+ end # module EventMachine
+ end # class Mailer
+end # module Mailit