lib/cicd/builder/manifest/mixlib/build.rb in manifest-builder-0.4.0 vs lib/cicd/builder/manifest/mixlib/build.rb in manifest-builder-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,379 +3,365 @@
module CiCd
module Builder
# noinspection RubySuperCallWithoutSuperclassInspection
module Manifest
module Build
- # module ClassMethods
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.included(includer)
- end
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # noinspection RubyHashKeysTypesInspection
- def prepareBuild()
- ret = super
- if ret == 0
- @vars[:artifacts] = []
- yaml = YAML.load(['MANIFEST_FILE']))
- keys = Hash[].keys.sort
- #
- ordr = []
- bads = []
- apps = {}
- vars = {}
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # noinspection RubyHashKeysTypesInspection
+ def prepareBuild()
+ ret = super
+ if ret == 0
+ @vars[:artifacts] = []
+ yaml = YAML.load(['MANIFEST_FILE']))
+ keys = Hash[].keys.sort
+ #
+ ordr = []
+ bads = []
+ apps = {}
+ vars = {}
- rmap = {
- sha256: %w[_sha256],
- base_url: %w[_repo_base_url],
- url: %w[_url],
- version: %w[_app_version],
- build: %w[_app_build],
- }
+ rmap = {
+ sha256: %w[_sha256],
+ base_url: %w[_repo_base_url],
+ url: %w[_url],
+ version: %w[_app_version],
+ build: %w[_app_build],
+ }
- keys.each do |prod|
- rmap.keys.each do |var|
- vars[var] = ''
- end
- name = ''
- match = nil
- rmap.each do |var,lst|
- lst.each do |regexstr|
- match = prod.match(%r'^(.*?)#{regexstr}$')
- if match
- name = match[1]
- vars[var] = yaml[prod]
- break
- end
+ keys.each do |prod|
+ rmap.keys.each do |var|
+ vars[var] = ''
+ end
+ name = ''
+ match = nil
+ rmap.each do |var,lst|
+ lst.each do |regexstr|
+ match = prod.match(%r'^(.*?)#{regexstr}$')
+ if match
+ name = match[1]
+ vars[var] = yaml[prod]
+ break
- break if match
- if match
- ordr << name
- unless apps[name]
- apps[name] = { name: name, }
- end
- rmap.keys.each do |var|
- apps[name][var] = vars[var] unless vars[var].empty?
- end
- else
- bads << prod
- end
+ break if match
- @logger.debug "App entries: #{}"
- if bads.size > 0
- @logger.fatal "Bad entries: #{{|p| "#{p}: #{yaml[p]}"}.ai}"
- ret = Errors::BAD_ARTIFACTS
+ if match
+ ordr << name
+ unless apps[name]
+ apps[name] = { name: name, }
+ end
+ rmap.keys.each do |var|
+ apps[name][var] = vars[var] unless vars[var].empty?
+ end
- @vars[:components] = apps
+ bads << prod
- @vars[:return_code] = ret
+ @logger.debug "App entries: #{}"
+ if bads.size > 0
+ @logger.fatal "Bad entries: #{{|p| "#{p}: #{yaml[p]}"}.ai}"
+ ret = Errors::BAD_ARTIFACTS
+ else
+ @vars[:components] = apps
+ end
+ @vars[:return_code] = ret
+ end
- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # def makeBuild()
- # super
- # end
- VER_RGX = %r'^\d+\.\d+(\.?\d)*$'
- MMP_RGX = %r'^(\d+\.?){2,3}$'
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getVersionBuildFromName(artifact)
- version = artifact.dup
- version.gsub!(%r'\.*(tar\.gz|tgz|bzip2|bz2|jar|war|[a-z]+)$', '')
- # if artifact =~ %r'^#{comp[0]}'
- # version.gsub!(%r'^#{comp[0]}\.*-*','')
- # else
- # version.gsub!(%r'^[a-zA-Z\-._]+','')
- # end
- version.gsub!(%r'^[a-zA-Z\-._]+', '')
- # build = if version.match(VER_RGX)
- # if version.match(%r'^(\d+\.?){2,3}$')
- # 0
- # elsif version.match(%r'\-')
- # version,build = version.split(/-/)
- # build
- # else
- # 0
- # end
- # else
- # 0
- # end
- build = ''
- if version.match(VER_RGX)
- if version.match(%r'\-')
- version,build = version.split(/-/)
- end
- # else
- # match = version.match(%r'^(\d+)-(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[_]\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2})\.(release|snapshot)$')
- # if match
- # build = match[1]
- # # version.gsub!(/^#{build}-/, '')
- # version = match[2]
- # end
+ VER_RGX = %r'^\d+\.\d+(\.?\d)*$'
+ MMP_RGX = %r'^(\d+\.?){2,3}$'
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def getVersionBuildFromName(artifact)
+ version = artifact.dup
+ version.gsub!(%r'\.*(tar\.gz|tgz|bzip2|bz2|jar|war|[a-z]+)$', '')
+ version.gsub!(%r'^[a-zA-Z\-._]+', '')
+ build = ''
+ if version.match(VER_RGX)
+ if version.match(%r'\-')
+ version,build = version.split(/-/)
- [version,build]
+ [version,build]
+ end
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getVersionBuild(path,artifact,comp)
- version,build = File.split(path)
- if build.match(%r'^\d+$') and version.match(%r'/?\d+\.\d+\.?\d*$') # Hole in one!
- version = File.basename(version)
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def getVersionBuild(path,artifact,comp)
+ version,build = File.split(path)
+ if build.match(%r'^\d+$') and version.match(%r'/?\d+\.\d+\.?\d*$') # Hole in one!
+ version = File.basename(version)
+ else
+ if build.match(VER_RGX)
+ version = build
+ build = ''
- if build.match(VER_RGX)
- version = build
- build = ''
- else
- version = comp[1][:build].nil? ? '' : ( comp[1][:build] > 0 ? build.to_s : '' )
- end
- unless version.match(VER_RGX)
- version = comp[1][:version] || ''
- end
- ver,bld = getVersionBuildFromName(artifact)
+ version = comp[1][:build].nil? ? '' : ( comp[1][:build] > 0 ? build.to_s : '' )
+ end
+ unless version.match(VER_RGX)
+ version = comp[1][:version] || ''
+ end
+ ver,bld = getVersionBuildFromName(artifact)
+ if version.empty?
+ version,build = [ver,bld]
if version.empty?
- version,build = [ver,bld]
- if version.empty?
- version = @vars[:build_ver]
- else
- uri,ver = File.split(path)
- if version =~ %r'^#{ver}'
- if version =~ VER_RGX
- if version =~ %r'^#{build}' # prob the major part of version
- build = ''
- end
- else
- unless version.eql?(ver)
- build = version.dup
- version = ver
- build = build.gsub(%r'^#{version}(\.|-)*','')
- end
+ version = @vars[:build_ver]
+ else
+ _,ver = File.split(path)
+ if version =~ %r'^#{ver}'
+ if version =~ VER_RGX
+ if version =~ %r'^#{build}' # prob the major part of version
+ build = ''
- build = version.dup
- version = ver
- build = build.gsub(%r'^#{version}(\.|-)*','')
+ unless version.eql?(ver)
+ build = version.dup
+ version = ver
+ build = build.gsub(%r'^#{version}(\.|-)*','')
+ end
+ else
+ build = version.dup
+ version = ver
+ build = build.gsub(%r'^#{version}(\.|-)*','')
- else
- if ver.match(VER_RGX)
- if ver.match(MMP_RGX)
- if version.length < ver.length
- version = ver # Guessing it is the better version
- end
- else
- build = ver.dup
- # version.gsub!(/\.d+$/, '')
- build.gsub!(/^#{version}\.?/, '')
+ end
+ else
+ if ver.match(VER_RGX)
+ if ver.match(MMP_RGX)
+ if version.length < ver.length
+ version = ver # Guessing it is the better version
+ else
+ build = ver.dup
+ # version.gsub!(/\.d+$/, '')
+ build.gsub!(/^#{version}\.?/, '')
- unless build.match(%r'^[1-9]\d*$')
- build = comp[1][:build]
- build = @vars[:build_num] if (build.nil? or build.empty? or build.to_i == 0)
- end
- [version,build]
+ unless build.match(%r'^[1-9]\d*$')
+ build = comp[1][:build]
+ build = @vars[:build_num] if (build.nil? or build.empty? or build.to_i == 0)
+ end
+ [version,build]
+ end
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def packageBuild()
- @logger.step __method__.to_s
- if isSameDirectory(Dir.pwd, ENV['WORKSPACE'])
- if @vars.has_key?(:components) and not @vars[:components].empty?
- @vars[:return_code] = 0
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def packageBuild()
+ @logger.step __method__.to_s
+ if isSameDirectory(Dir.pwd, ENV['WORKSPACE'])
+ if @vars.has_key?(:components) and not @vars[:components].empty?
+ @vars[:return_code] = 0
- clazz = getRepoClass('S3')
- if clazz.is_a?(Class) and not clazz.nil?
- @repo =
+ clazz = getRepoClass('S3')
+ if clazz.is_a?(Class) and not clazz.nil?
+ @repo =
+ if @vars[:return_code] == 0
+ lines = []
+ @vars[:artifacts] = []
+ # Deal with all artifacts of each component
+ @vars[:components].each { |comp|
+ processComponent(comp, lines)
+ }
if @vars[:return_code] == 0
- lines = []
- @vars[:artifacts] = []
- # Deal with all artifacts of each component
- @vars[:components].each { |comp|
- artifact, path, version, build = parseComponent(comp)
- require 'uri'
- begin
- parts = URI(path).path.gsub(%r'^#{File::SEPARATOR}','').split(File::SEPARATOR)
- name = parts.shift
- bucket = getBucket(name)
- key = File.join(parts, '')
- "S3://#{name}:#{key} URL: #{path} #{artifact}"
- objects = []
- bucket.objects(prefix: key).each do |object|
- if artifact.empty? or (not artifact.empty? and object.key =~ %r'#{key}#{artifact}')
- objects << object
- end
- end
- @logger.debug "S3://#{name}:#{key} has #{objects.size} objects"
- local_dir = File.join(@vars[:local_dirs]['artifacts'],comp[0], '')
- Dir.mkdir(local_dir, 0700) unless
- artifacts = []
- changed = false
- # 1 or more objects on the key/ path
- if objects.size > 0
- lines << "#{comp[0]}:#{artifact} v#{version} b#{build} - #{path}"
- # When we start pulling the artifacts then everything that is build 0 get this build number, in fact all artifacts get this build number!
- objects.each do |object|
- "\tchecking #{object.key}"
- local = File.join(local_dir,File.basename(object.key))
- etag = object.etag.gsub(%r/['"]/, '')
- download = if File.exists?(local)
- @logger.debug "\t\tchecking etag on #{local}"
- stat = File.stat(local)
- check = calcLocalETag(etag, local, stat.size)
- if etag != check or object.size != stat.size or object.last_modified > stat.mtime
- @logger.debug "\t\t#{etag} != \"#{check}\" #{object.size} != #{stat.size} #{object.last_modified} > #{stat.mtime}"
- true
- else
- @logger.debug "\t\tmatched #{etag}"
- false
- end
- else
- true
- end
- if download
- "\t\tdownload #{object.size} bytes"
- response = object.get(:response_target => local)
- File.utime(response.last_modified, response.last_modified, local)
- "\t\tdone"
- check = calcLocalETag(etag, local)
- unless check.eql?(etag)
- "\tETag different: #{etag} != #{check}"
- changed = true
- end
- else
- "\t\tunchanged"
- end
- artifacts << local
- end
- # The local file will be 1 artifact or an archive of the local artifacts when artifacts.size > 1
- local = if artifacts.size > 0
- if artifacts.size > 1
- begin
- # require 'zlib'
- # require 'archive/tar/minitar'
- file = File.join(local_dir, "#{comp[0]}-#{version}.zip")
- if changed or not File.exists?(file)
- # output =, 'wb')
- # output =, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION, Zlib::RLE)
- # Dir.chdir(local_dir) do
- # Archive::Tar::Minitar.pack({|f| f.gsub(%r'^#{local_dir}','')}, output, false )
- # end
- zipped_files ={|f| f.gsub(%r'^#{local_dir}','')}.join(' ')
- Dir.chdir(local_dir) do
- res = %x(zip -o9X #{file} #{zipped_files})
- end
- raise "Failed to zip #{file} containting #{zipped_files}" unless $?.exitstatus == 0
- end
- file
- rescue Exception => e
- @logger.error "Artifact error: #{file} #{} #{e.message}"
- File.unlink(file)
- raise e
- # ensure
- # output.close if output and not output.closed?
- end
- else
- artifacts[0]
- end
- else
- end
- addArtifact(@vars[:artifacts], local, local_dir, { module: comp[0], name: comp[0], build: build, version: version, file: local})
- else
- @logger.fatal "Artifact not found: s3://#{name}/#{key}#{artifact}"
- @vars[:return_code] = Errors::ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND
- end
- # rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NotFound => e
- # @logger.fatal "Artifact S3 error: #{artifact} #{} #{e.message}"
- # raise e
- # rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchKey => e
- # @logger.error "Artifact S3 error: #{artifact} #{} #{e.message}"
- rescue Exception => e
- @logger.error "Artifact error: #{artifact} #{} #{e.message}"
- raise e
- end
- }
- if @vars[:return_code] == 0
- cleanupAfterPackaging(lines)
- end
- else
- @logger.fatal "S3 repo error: Bucket #{ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET']}"
+ cleanupAfterPackaging(lines)
- @logger.error "CiCd::Builder::Repo::#{type} is not a valid repo class"
- @vars[:return_code] = Errors::BUILDER_REPO_TYPE
+ @logger.fatal "S3 repo error: Bucket #{ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET']}"
- @logger.error 'No components found during preparation?'
- @vars[:return_code] = Errors::NO_COMPONENTS
+ @logger.error "CiCd::Builder::Repo::#{type} is not a valid repo class"
+ @vars[:return_code] = Errors::BUILDER_REPO_TYPE
- @logger.error "Not in WORKSPACE? '#{pwd}' does not match WORKSPACE='#{workspace}'"
- @vars[:return_code] = Errors::WORKSPACE_DIR
+ @logger.error 'No components found during preparation?'
+ @vars[:return_code] = Errors::NO_COMPONENTS
+ else
+ @logger.error "Not in WORKSPACE? '#{pwd}' does not match WORKSPACE='#{workspace}'"
+ @vars[:return_code] = Errors::WORKSPACE_DIR
+ end
- @vars[:return_code]
+ @vars[:return_code]
+ end
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def cleanupAfterPackaging(lines)
+ begin
+ unless IO.write(@vars[:build_mff], lines.join("\n")) > 0
+ @logger.error "Nothing was written to build manifest '#{@vars[:build_mff]}'"
+ @vars[:return_code] = Errors::MANIFEST_EMPTY
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ @logger.error "Failed to write manifest '#{@vars[:build_mff]}' (#{e.message})"
+ @vars[:return_code] = Errors::MANIFEST_WRITE
+ FileUtils.rmtree(@vars[:build_dir])
+ @vars[:return_code] =[:build_dir]) ? Errors::BUILD_DIR : 0
+ unless @vars[:return_code] == 0
+ @logger.warn "Remove manifest '#{@vars[:build_mff]}' due to error"
+ FileUtils.rm_f(@vars[:build_mff])
+ # @vars[:return_code] = File.exists?(@vars[:build_mff]) ? Errors::MANIFEST_DELETE : 0
+ end
+ end
- def cleanupAfterPackaging(lines)
- begin
- unless IO.write(@vars[:build_mff], lines.join("\n")) > 0
- @logger.error "Nothing was written to build manifest '#{@vars[:build_mff]}'"
- @vars[:return_code] = Errors::MANIFEST_EMPTY
+ private
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def processComponent(comp, lines)
+ artifact, path, version, build = parseComponent(comp)
+ require 'uri'
+ begin
+ key, name, objects = getObjects(artifact, path)
+ local_dir = File.join(@vars[:local_dirs]['artifacts'], comp[0], '')
+ Dir.mkdir(local_dir, 0700) unless
+ artifacts = []
+ changed = false
+ # 1 or more objects on the key/ path
+ if objects.size > 0
+ lines << "#{comp[0]}:#{artifact} v#{version} b#{build} - #{path}"
+ # When we start pulling the artifacts then everything that is build 0 get this build number, in fact all artifacts get this build number!
+ objects.each do |object|
+ "\tchecking #{object.key}"
+ local = File.join(local_dir, File.basename(object.key))
+ etag = object.etag.gsub(%r/['"]/, '')
+ download = shouldDownload?(etag, local, object)
+ if download
+ changed = doDownload(etag, local, object)
+ else
+ "\t\tunchanged"
+ end
+ artifacts << local
- rescue => e
- @logger.error "Failed to write manifest '#{@vars[:build_mff]}' (#{e.message})"
- @vars[:return_code] = Errors::MANIFEST_WRITE
+ # The local file will be 1 artifact or an archive of the local artifacts when artifacts.size > 1
+ if artifacts.size > 0
+ local = getLocalArtifact(artifacts, changed, comp, local_dir, version)
+ addArtifact(@vars[:artifacts], local, local_dir, {module: comp[0], name: comp[0], build: build, version: version, file: local})
+ end
+ else
+ @logger.fatal "Artifact not found: s3://#{name}/#{key}#{artifact}"
+ @vars[:return_code] = Errors::ARTIFACT_NOT_FOUND
- FileUtils.rmtree(@vars[:build_dir])
- @vars[:return_code] =[:build_dir]) ? Errors::BUILD_DIR : 0
- unless @vars[:return_code] == 0
- @logger.warn "Remove manifest '#{@vars[:build_mff]}' due to error"
- FileUtils.rm_f(@vars[:build_mff])
- # @vars[:return_code] = File.exists?(@vars[:build_mff]) ? Errors::MANIFEST_DELETE : 0
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @logger.error "Artifact error: #{artifact} #{} #{e.message}"
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def getObjects(artifact, path)
+ parts = URI(path).path.gsub(%r'^#{File::SEPARATOR}', '').split(File::SEPARATOR)
+ name = parts.shift
+ bucket = getBucket(name)
+ key = File.join(parts, '')
+ "S3://#{name}:#{key} URL: #{path} #{artifact}"
+ objects = []
+ bucket.objects(prefix: key).each do |object|
+ if artifact.empty? or (not artifact.empty? and object.key =~ %r'#{key}#{artifact}')
+ objects << object
+ @logger.debug "S3://#{name}:#{key} has #{objects.size} objects"
+ return key, name, objects
+ end
- def parseComponent(comp)
- if comp[1][:url]
- path, artifact = File.split(comp[1][:url])
- version, build = getVersionBuild(path, artifact, comp)
- elsif comp[1][:base_url]
- artifact = ''
- if comp[1][:build].nil?
- version, build = comp[1][:version].split(%r'-')
- path = File.join(comp[1][:base_url], comp[1][:version])
- else
- version, build = [comp[1][:version], comp[1][:build]]
- path = File.join(comp[1][:base_url], comp[1][:version], comp[1][:build])
- end
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def doDownload(etag, local, object)
+ "\t\tdownload #{object.size} bytes"
+ response = object.get(:response_target => local)
+ File.utime(response.last_modified, response.last_modified, local)
+ "\t\tdone"
+ check = calcLocalETag(etag, local)
+ if check.eql?(etag)
+ false
+ else
+ "\tETag different: #{etag} != #{check}"
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def shouldDownload?(etag, local, object)
+ if File.exists?(local)
+ @logger.debug "\t\tchecking etag on #{local}"
+ stat = File.stat(local)
+ check = calcLocalETag(etag, local, stat.size)
+ if etag != check or object.size != stat.size or object.last_modified > stat.mtime
+ @logger.debug "\t\t#{etag} != \"#{check}\" #{object.size} != #{stat.size} #{object.last_modified} > #{stat.mtime}"
+ true
- path = ''
- artifact = ''
- version, build = getVersionBuild(path, artifact, comp)
+ @logger.debug "\t\tmatched #{etag}"
+ false
- return artifact, path, version, build
+ else
+ true
+ end
- def getBucket(name = nil)
- @s3 = @repo.getS3()
- bucket = begin
- name || ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET'], client: @s3)
- rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NotFound
- @vars[:return_code] = Errors::BUCKET
- nil
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def getLocalArtifact(artifacts, changed, comp, local_dir, version)
+ if artifacts.size > 1
+ begin
+ file = File.join(local_dir, "#{comp[0]}-#{version}.zip")
+ if changed or not File.exists?(file)
+ zipped_files = { |f| f.gsub(%r'^#{local_dir}', '') }.join(' ')
+ Dir.chdir(local_dir) do
+ res = %x(zip -o9X #{file} #{zipped_files} 2>&1)
+ res
+ end
+ raise "Failed to zip #{file} containting #{zipped_files}" unless $?.exitstatus == 0
+ end
+ file
rescue Exception => e
- @logger.error "S3 Bucket resource API error: #{} #{e.message}"
+ @logger.error "Artifact error: #{file} #{} #{e.message}"
+ File.unlink(file)
raise e
- bucket
+ else
+ artifacts[0]
+ end
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def parseComponent(comp)
+ if comp[1][:url]
+ path, artifact = File.split(comp[1][:url])
+ version, build = getVersionBuild(path, artifact, comp)
+ elsif comp[1][:base_url]
+ artifact = ''
+ if comp[1][:build].nil?
+ # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable
+ version, build = comp[1][:version].split(%r'-')
+ # noinspection RubyUnusedLocalVariable
+ path = File.join(comp[1][:base_url], comp[1][:version])
+ else
+ version, build = [comp[1][:version], comp[1][:build]]
+ path = File.join(comp[1][:base_url], comp[1][:version], comp[1][:build])
+ end
+ else
+ path = ''
+ artifact = ''
+ version, build = getVersionBuild(path, artifact, comp)
+ end
+ return artifact, path, version, build
+ end
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def getBucket(name = nil)
+ @s3 = @repo.getS3()
+ begin
+ name || ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET'], client: @s3)
+ rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NotFound
+ @vars[:return_code] = Errors::BUCKET
+ nil
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @logger.error "S3 Bucket resource API error: #{} #{e.message}"
+ raise e
+ end
+ end