spec/mangopay/shared_resources.rb in mangopay-3.0.25.pre.alpha.pre.20 vs spec/mangopay/shared_resources.rb in mangopay-3.0.25
- old
+ new
@@ -1,381 +1,381 @@
-shared_context 'users' do
- let(:new_natural_user) { create_new_natural_user }
- def define_new_natural_user
- {
- Tag: 'Test natural user',
- Email: 'my@email.com',
- FirstName: 'John',
- LastName: 'Doe',
- Address: {
- AddressLine1: 'Le Palais Royal',
- AddressLine2: '8 Rue de Montpensier',
- City: 'Paris',
- Region: '',
- PostalCode: '75001',
- Country: 'FR'
- },
- Birthday: 1300186358,
- Birthplace: 'Paris',
- Nationality: 'FR',
- CountryOfResidence: 'FR',
- Occupation: 'Worker',
- IncomeRange: 1
- }
- end
- def create_new_natural_user
- MangoPay::NaturalUser.create(define_new_natural_user)
- end
- let(:new_legal_user) {
- MangoPay::LegalUser.create({
- Name: 'Super',
- Email: 'super@email.com',
- LegalPersonType: 'BUSINESS',
- HeadquartersAddress: {
- AddressLine1: '6 Parvis Notre-Dame',
- AddressLine2: 'Pl. Jean-Paul II',
- City: 'Paris',
- Region: '',
- PostalCode: '75004',
- Country: 'FR'
- },
- LegalRepresentativeFirstName: 'John',
- LegalRepresentativeLastName: 'Doe',
- LegalRepresentativeAdress: {
- AddressLine1: '38 Rue de Montpensier',
- AddressLine2: '',
- City: 'Paris',
- Region: '',
- PostalCode: '75001',
- Country: 'FR'
- },
- LegalRepresentativeEmail: 'john@doe.com',
- LegalRepresentativeBirthday: 1300186358,
- LegalRepresentativeNationality: 'FR',
- LegalRepresentativeCountryOfResidence: 'FR',
- Statute: '',
- ProofOfRegistration: '',
- ShareholderDeclaration: ''
- })
- }
-shared_context 'wallets' do
- include_context 'users'
- let(:new_wallet) { create_new_wallet(new_natural_user) }
- let(:new_wallet_legal) { create_new_wallet(new_legal_user) }
- def create_new_wallet(user)
- MangoPay::Wallet.create({
- Owners: [user['Id']],
- Description: 'A test wallet',
- Currency: 'EUR',
- Tag: 'Test wallet'
- })
- end
- def wallets_check_amounts(wlt1, amnt1, wlt2 = nil, amnt2 = nil)
- expect(wlt1['Balance']['Amount']).to eq amnt1
- expect(wlt2['Balance']['Amount']).to eq amnt2 if wlt2
- end
- def wallets_reload_and_check_amounts(wlt1, amnt1, wlt2 = nil, amnt2 = nil)
- wlt1 = MangoPay::Wallet::fetch(wlt1['Id'])
- wlt2 = MangoPay::Wallet::fetch(wlt2['Id']) if wlt2
- wallets_check_amounts(wlt1, amnt1, wlt2, amnt2)
- end
-shared_context 'bank_accounts' do
- include_context 'users'
- let(:new_bank_account) {
- MangoPay::BankAccount.create(new_natural_user['Id'], {
- Type: 'IBAN',
- OwnerName: 'John',
- OwnerAddress: {
- AddressLine1: 'Le Palais Royal',
- AddressLine2: '8 Rue de Montpensier',
- City: 'Paris',
- Region: '',
- PostalCode: '75001',
- Country: 'FR'
- },
- IBAN: 'FR7618829754160173622224154',
- Tag: 'Test bank account'
- })
- }
-shared_context 'mandates' do
- include_context 'bank_accounts'
- let(:new_mandate) { create_new_mandate() }
- def create_new_mandate()
- MangoPay::Mandate.create({
- BankAccountId: new_bank_account['Id'],
- Culture: 'FR',
- ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
- Tag: 'Test mandate'
- })
- end
-shared_context 'kyc_documents' do
- include_context 'users'
- let(:new_document) { create_new_document(new_natural_user) }
- def create_new_document(user)
- MangoPay::KycDocument.create(user['Id'], {
- Tag: 'Test document'
- })
- end
-shared_context 'payins' do
- include_context 'users'
- include_context 'wallets'
- include_context 'mandates'
- ###############################################
- # directdebit/web
- ###############################################
- let(:new_payin_directdebit_web) {
- MangoPay::PayIn::DirectDebit::Web.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- DirectDebitType: 'GIROPAY',
- ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
- Culture: 'FR',
- Tag: 'Test PayIn/DirectDebit/Web'
- })
- }
- ###############################################
- # paypal/web
- ###############################################
- let(:new_payin_paypal_web) {
- MangoPay::PayIn::PayPal::Web.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
- Tag: 'Test PayIn/PayPal/Web'
- })
- }
- ###############################################
- # directdebit/direct
- ###############################################
- let(:new_payin_directdebit_direct) {
- MangoPay::PayIn::DirectDebit::Direct.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- MandateId: new_mandate['Id'],
- ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
- Tag: 'Test PayIn/DirectDebit/Direct'
- })
- }
- ###############################################
- # card/web
- ###############################################
- let(:new_payin_card_web) {
- MangoPay::PayIn::Card::Web.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
- Culture: 'FR',
- Tag: 'Test PayIn/Card/Web'
- })
- }
- ###############################################
- # card/direct
- ###############################################
- let(:new_card_registration) {
- MangoPay::CardRegistration.create({
- UserId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- Currency: 'EUR',
- Tag: 'Test Card Registration'
- })
- }
- let(:new_card_registration_completed) {
- # 1st step: create
- cardreg = new_card_registration
- # 2nd step: tokenize by payline (fills-in RegistrationData)
- data = {
- data: cardreg['PreregistrationData'],
- accessKeyRef: cardreg['AccessKey'],
- cardNumber: 4970100000000154,
- cardExpirationDate: 1218,
- cardCvx: 123}
- res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI(cardreg['CardRegistrationURL']), data)
- raise Exception, [res, res.body] unless (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK) && res.body.start_with?('data='))
- cardreg['RegistrationData'] = res.body
- # 3rd step: update (fills-in CardId) and return it
- MangoPay::CardRegistration.update(cardreg['Id'], {
- RegistrationData: cardreg['RegistrationData']
- })
- }
- let(:new_payin_card_direct) { create_new_payin_card_direct(new_wallet) }
- def create_new_payin_card_direct(to_wallet, amnt = 1000)
- cardreg = new_card_registration_completed
- MangoPay::PayIn::Card::Direct.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- CardId: cardreg['CardId'],
- SecureModeReturnURL: 'http://test.com',
- Tag: 'Test PayIn/Card/Direct'
- })
- end
- ###############################################
- # card/direct with pre-authorization
- ###############################################
- let(:new_card_preauthorization) { create_new_card_preauthorization(new_card_registration_completed) }
- def create_new_card_preauthorization(cardreg, amnt = 1000)
- MangoPay::PreAuthorization.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
- CardId: cardreg['CardId'],
- SecureMode: 'DEFAULT',
- SecureModeReturnURL: 'http://test.com',
- Tag: 'Test Card PreAuthorization'
- })
- end
- let(:new_payin_preauthorized_direct) { create_new_payin_preauthorized_direct(new_wallet) }
- def create_new_payin_preauthorized_direct(to_wallet, amnt = 1000)
- preauth = new_card_preauthorization
- MangoPay::PayIn::PreAuthorized::Direct.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- PreauthorizationId: preauth['Id'],
- Tag: 'Test PayIn/PreAuthorized/Direct'
- })
- end
- ###############################################
- # bankwire/direct
- ###############################################
- let(:new_payin_bankwire_direct) { create_new_payin_bankwire_direct(new_wallet) }
- def create_new_payin_bankwire_direct(to_wallet, amnt = 1000)
- MangoPay::PayIn::BankWire::Direct.create({
- AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
- DeclaredDebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
- DeclaredFees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- Tag: 'Test PayIn/BankWire/Direct'
- })
- end
-shared_context 'payouts' do
- include_context 'bank_accounts'
- let(:new_payout_bankwire) { create_new_payout_bankwire(new_payin_card_direct) }
- def create_new_payout_bankwire(payin, amnt = 500)
- MangoPay::PayOut::BankWire.create({
- AuthorId: payin['CreditedUserId'],
- DebitedWalletId: payin['CreditedWalletId'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
- BankAccountId: new_bank_account['Id'],
- Communication: 'This is a test',
- Tag: 'Test PayOut/Bank/Wire'
- })
- end
-shared_context 'transfers' do
- include_context 'users'
- include_context 'wallets'
- include_context 'payins'
- let(:new_transfer) {
- wlt1 = new_wallet
- wlt2 = new_wallet_legal
- create_new_payin_card_direct(wlt1, 1000) # feed wlt1 with money
- create_new_transfer(wlt1, wlt2, 500) # transfer wlt1 => wlt2
- }
- def create_new_transfer(from_wallet, to_wallet, amnt = 500)
- MangoPay::Transfer.create({
- AuthorId: from_wallet['Owners'][0],
- DebitedWalletId: from_wallet['Id'],
- CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
- CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
- DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt},
- Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0},
- Tag: 'Test transfer'
- })
- end
-shared_context 'hooks' do
- let(:new_hook) {
- hooks = MangoPay::Hook.fetch({'page' => 1, 'per_page' => 1})
- if hooks.length == 0
- MangoPay::Hook.create({
- Url: 'http://test.com',
- Tag: 'Test hook'
- })
- else
- hooks[0]
- end
- }
+shared_context 'users' do
+ let(:new_natural_user) { create_new_natural_user }
+ def define_new_natural_user
+ {
+ Tag: 'Test natural user',
+ Email: 'my@email.com',
+ FirstName: 'John',
+ LastName: 'Doe',
+ Address: {
+ AddressLine1: 'Le Palais Royal',
+ AddressLine2: '8 Rue de Montpensier',
+ City: 'Paris',
+ Region: '',
+ PostalCode: '75001',
+ Country: 'FR'
+ },
+ Birthday: 1300186358,
+ Birthplace: 'Paris',
+ Nationality: 'FR',
+ CountryOfResidence: 'FR',
+ Occupation: 'Worker',
+ IncomeRange: 1
+ }
+ end
+ def create_new_natural_user
+ MangoPay::NaturalUser.create(define_new_natural_user)
+ end
+ let(:new_legal_user) {
+ MangoPay::LegalUser.create({
+ Name: 'Super',
+ Email: 'super@email.com',
+ LegalPersonType: 'BUSINESS',
+ HeadquartersAddress: {
+ AddressLine1: '6 Parvis Notre-Dame',
+ AddressLine2: 'Pl. Jean-Paul II',
+ City: 'Paris',
+ Region: '',
+ PostalCode: '75004',
+ Country: 'FR'
+ },
+ LegalRepresentativeFirstName: 'John',
+ LegalRepresentativeLastName: 'Doe',
+ LegalRepresentativeAdress: {
+ AddressLine1: '38 Rue de Montpensier',
+ AddressLine2: '',
+ City: 'Paris',
+ Region: '',
+ PostalCode: '75001',
+ Country: 'FR'
+ },
+ LegalRepresentativeEmail: 'john@doe.com',
+ LegalRepresentativeBirthday: 1300186358,
+ LegalRepresentativeNationality: 'FR',
+ LegalRepresentativeCountryOfResidence: 'FR',
+ Statute: '',
+ ProofOfRegistration: '',
+ ShareholderDeclaration: ''
+ })
+ }
+shared_context 'wallets' do
+ include_context 'users'
+ let(:new_wallet) { create_new_wallet(new_natural_user) }
+ let(:new_wallet_legal) { create_new_wallet(new_legal_user) }
+ def create_new_wallet(user)
+ MangoPay::Wallet.create({
+ Owners: [user['Id']],
+ Description: 'A test wallet',
+ Currency: 'EUR',
+ Tag: 'Test wallet'
+ })
+ end
+ def wallets_check_amounts(wlt1, amnt1, wlt2 = nil, amnt2 = nil)
+ expect(wlt1['Balance']['Amount']).to eq amnt1
+ expect(wlt2['Balance']['Amount']).to eq amnt2 if wlt2
+ end
+ def wallets_reload_and_check_amounts(wlt1, amnt1, wlt2 = nil, amnt2 = nil)
+ wlt1 = MangoPay::Wallet::fetch(wlt1['Id'])
+ wlt2 = MangoPay::Wallet::fetch(wlt2['Id']) if wlt2
+ wallets_check_amounts(wlt1, amnt1, wlt2, amnt2)
+ end
+shared_context 'bank_accounts' do
+ include_context 'users'
+ let(:new_bank_account) {
+ MangoPay::BankAccount.create(new_natural_user['Id'], {
+ Type: 'IBAN',
+ OwnerName: 'John',
+ OwnerAddress: {
+ AddressLine1: 'Le Palais Royal',
+ AddressLine2: '8 Rue de Montpensier',
+ City: 'Paris',
+ Region: '',
+ PostalCode: '75001',
+ Country: 'FR'
+ },
+ IBAN: 'FR7618829754160173622224154',
+ Tag: 'Test bank account'
+ })
+ }
+shared_context 'mandates' do
+ include_context 'bank_accounts'
+ let(:new_mandate) { create_new_mandate() }
+ def create_new_mandate()
+ MangoPay::Mandate.create({
+ BankAccountId: new_bank_account['Id'],
+ Culture: 'FR',
+ ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
+ Tag: 'Test mandate'
+ })
+ end
+shared_context 'kyc_documents' do
+ include_context 'users'
+ let(:new_document) { create_new_document(new_natural_user) }
+ def create_new_document(user)
+ MangoPay::KycDocument.create(user['Id'], {
+ Tag: 'Test document'
+ })
+ end
+shared_context 'payins' do
+ include_context 'users'
+ include_context 'wallets'
+ include_context 'mandates'
+ ###############################################
+ # directdebit/web
+ ###############################################
+ let(:new_payin_directdebit_web) {
+ MangoPay::PayIn::DirectDebit::Web.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ DirectDebitType: 'GIROPAY',
+ ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
+ Culture: 'FR',
+ Tag: 'Test PayIn/DirectDebit/Web'
+ })
+ }
+ ###############################################
+ # paypal/web
+ ###############################################
+ let(:new_payin_paypal_web) {
+ MangoPay::PayIn::PayPal::Web.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
+ Tag: 'Test PayIn/PayPal/Web'
+ })
+ }
+ ###############################################
+ # directdebit/direct
+ ###############################################
+ let(:new_payin_directdebit_direct) {
+ MangoPay::PayIn::DirectDebit::Direct.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ MandateId: new_mandate['Id'],
+ ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
+ Tag: 'Test PayIn/DirectDebit/Direct'
+ })
+ }
+ ###############################################
+ # card/web
+ ###############################################
+ let(:new_payin_card_web) {
+ MangoPay::PayIn::Card::Web.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: new_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: new_wallet['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1000 },
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ ReturnURL: MangoPay.configuration.root_url,
+ Culture: 'FR',
+ Tag: 'Test PayIn/Card/Web'
+ })
+ }
+ ###############################################
+ # card/direct
+ ###############################################
+ let(:new_card_registration) {
+ MangoPay::CardRegistration.create({
+ UserId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ Currency: 'EUR',
+ Tag: 'Test Card Registration'
+ })
+ }
+ let(:new_card_registration_completed) {
+ # 1st step: create
+ cardreg = new_card_registration
+ # 2nd step: tokenize by payline (fills-in RegistrationData)
+ data = {
+ data: cardreg['PreregistrationData'],
+ accessKeyRef: cardreg['AccessKey'],
+ cardNumber: 4970100000000154,
+ cardExpirationDate: 1218,
+ cardCvx: 123}
+ res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI(cardreg['CardRegistrationURL']), data)
+ raise Exception, [res, res.body] unless (res.is_a?(Net::HTTPOK) && res.body.start_with?('data='))
+ cardreg['RegistrationData'] = res.body
+ # 3rd step: update (fills-in CardId) and return it
+ MangoPay::CardRegistration.update(cardreg['Id'], {
+ RegistrationData: cardreg['RegistrationData']
+ })
+ }
+ let(:new_payin_card_direct) { create_new_payin_card_direct(new_wallet) }
+ def create_new_payin_card_direct(to_wallet, amnt = 1000)
+ cardreg = new_card_registration_completed
+ MangoPay::PayIn::Card::Direct.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ CardId: cardreg['CardId'],
+ SecureModeReturnURL: 'http://test.com',
+ Tag: 'Test PayIn/Card/Direct'
+ })
+ end
+ ###############################################
+ # card/direct with pre-authorization
+ ###############################################
+ let(:new_card_preauthorization) { create_new_card_preauthorization(new_card_registration_completed) }
+ def create_new_card_preauthorization(cardreg, amnt = 1000)
+ MangoPay::PreAuthorization.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
+ CardId: cardreg['CardId'],
+ SecureMode: 'DEFAULT',
+ SecureModeReturnURL: 'http://test.com',
+ Tag: 'Test Card PreAuthorization'
+ })
+ end
+ let(:new_payin_preauthorized_direct) { create_new_payin_preauthorized_direct(new_wallet) }
+ def create_new_payin_preauthorized_direct(to_wallet, amnt = 1000)
+ preauth = new_card_preauthorization
+ MangoPay::PayIn::PreAuthorized::Direct.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ PreauthorizationId: preauth['Id'],
+ Tag: 'Test PayIn/PreAuthorized/Direct'
+ })
+ end
+ ###############################################
+ # bankwire/direct
+ ###############################################
+ let(:new_payin_bankwire_direct) { create_new_payin_bankwire_direct(new_wallet) }
+ def create_new_payin_bankwire_direct(to_wallet, amnt = 1000)
+ MangoPay::PayIn::BankWire::Direct.create({
+ AuthorId: new_natural_user['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
+ DeclaredDebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
+ DeclaredFees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ Tag: 'Test PayIn/BankWire/Direct'
+ })
+ end
+shared_context 'payouts' do
+ include_context 'bank_accounts'
+ let(:new_payout_bankwire) { create_new_payout_bankwire(new_payin_card_direct) }
+ def create_new_payout_bankwire(payin, amnt = 500)
+ MangoPay::PayOut::BankWire.create({
+ AuthorId: payin['CreditedUserId'],
+ DebitedWalletId: payin['CreditedWalletId'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt },
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0 },
+ BankAccountId: new_bank_account['Id'],
+ Communication: 'This is a test',
+ Tag: 'Test PayOut/Bank/Wire'
+ })
+ end
+shared_context 'transfers' do
+ include_context 'users'
+ include_context 'wallets'
+ include_context 'payins'
+ let(:new_transfer) {
+ wlt1 = new_wallet
+ wlt2 = new_wallet_legal
+ create_new_payin_card_direct(wlt1, 1000) # feed wlt1 with money
+ create_new_transfer(wlt1, wlt2, 500) # transfer wlt1 => wlt2
+ }
+ def create_new_transfer(from_wallet, to_wallet, amnt = 500)
+ MangoPay::Transfer.create({
+ AuthorId: from_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ DebitedWalletId: from_wallet['Id'],
+ CreditedUserId: to_wallet['Owners'][0],
+ CreditedWalletId: to_wallet['Id'],
+ DebitedFunds: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: amnt},
+ Fees: { Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0},
+ Tag: 'Test transfer'
+ })
+ end
+shared_context 'hooks' do
+ let(:new_hook) {
+ hooks = MangoPay::Hook.fetch({'page' => 1, 'per_page' => 1})
+ if hooks.length == 0
+ MangoPay::Hook.create({
+ Url: 'http://test.com',
+ Tag: 'Test hook'
+ })
+ else
+ hooks[0]
+ end
+ }