spec/mangopay/dispute_spec.rb in mangopay-3.0.25.pre.alpha.pre.20 vs spec/mangopay/dispute_spec.rb in mangopay-3.0.25
- old
+ new
@@ -1,262 +1,262 @@
-describe MangoPay::Dispute do
-comment out all Dispute related unit tests please
-these require manual actions on our side
-and it's infact not suitable like that
- #
- # Due to the fact the disputes CANNOT be created on user's side,
- # a special approach in testing is needed.
- # In order to get the tests below pass, a bunch of disputes have
- # to be prepared on the API server side - if they're not, you can
- # just skip these tests, as they won't pass.
- before(:each) do
- @disputes = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch({'page' => 1, 'per_page' => 100})
- end
- describe 'FETCH' do
- it 'fetches disputes' do
- expect(@disputes).to be_kind_of(Array)
- expect(@disputes).not_to be_empty
- end
- it 'fetches a dispute' do
- id = @disputes.first['Id']
- dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch(id)
- expect(dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
- end
- end
- describe 'TRANSACTIONS' do
- it 'fetches transactions for dispute' do
- dispute = @disputes.find { |d| d['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE' }
- id = dispute['Id']
- transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(id, {'per_page' => 1})
- expect(transactions).to be_kind_of(Array)
- expect(transactions).not_to be_empty
- end
- end
- it 'fetches disputes for user' do
- dispute = @disputes.find { |d| d['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE' }
- id = dispute['Id']
- transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(id, {'per_page' => 1})
- user_id = transactions[0]['AuthorId']
- disputes = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_for_user(user_id, {'per_page' => 1})
- expect(disputes).to be_kind_of(Array)
- expect(disputes).not_to be_empty
- end
- it 'fetches disputes for wallet' do
- dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['InitialTransactionId'] != nil}
- expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test fetching disputes for wallet because there's no disputes with transaction ID in the disputes list."
- payin = MangoPay::PayIn.fetch(dispute['InitialTransactionId'])
- wallet_id = payin['CreditedWalletId']
- disputes = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_for_wallet(wallet_id, {'per_page' => 1})
- expect(disputes).to be_kind_of(Array)
- expect(disputes).not_to be_empty
- end
- end
- describe 'UPDATE' do
- it 'updates a dispute' do
- dispute = @disputes.first
- id = dispute['Id']
- new_tag = dispute['Tag'] + '.com'
- changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.update(id, {Tag: new_tag})
- expect(changed_dispute['Tag']).to eq(new_tag)
- end
- end
- describe 'FETCH REPUDIATION' do
- it 'fetches a repudiation' do
- dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['InitialTransactionId'] != nil && disp['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE'}
- expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test closing dispute because there's no not contestable disputes with transaction ID in the disputes list."
- transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(dispute['Id'], {'per_page' => 1})
- repudiation_id = transactions[0]['Id']
- repudiation = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_repudiation(repudiation_id)
- expect(repudiation['Id']).to eq(repudiation_id)
- expect(repudiation['Nature']).to eq('REPUDIATION')
- end
- end
- it 'creates and fetches settlement transfer' do
- dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['Status'] == 'CLOSED' && disp['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE'}
- expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test creating settlement transfer because there's no closed, not contestable disputes in the disputes list."
- transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(dispute['Id'], {'per_page' => 1})
- repudiation_id = transactions[0]['Id']
- repudiation = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_repudiation(repudiation_id)
- params = {
- AuthorId: repudiation['AuthorId'],
- DebitedFunds: {Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1},
- Fees: {Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0},
- Tag: 'Custom tag data'
- }
- transfer = MangoPay::Dispute.create_settlement_transfer(repudiation_id, params)
- expect(transfer['Type']).to eq('TRANSFER')
- expect(transfer['Nature']).to eq('SETTLEMENT')
- fetched_transfer = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_settlement_transfer(transfer['Id'])
- expect(fetched_transfer['Id']).to eq(transfer['Id'])
- expect(fetched_transfer['CreationDate']).to eq(transfer['CreationDate'])
- end
- end
- def find_dispute
- dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| ['PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION', 'REOPENED_PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION'].include?(disp['Status'])}
- expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test dispute document API because there's no dispute with expected status in the disputes list."
- dispute
- end
- def create_doc(dispute = nil)
- no_dispute_passed = dispute.nil?
- dispute = find_dispute if no_dispute_passed
- params = { Type: 'DELIVERY_PROOF', Tag: 'Custom tag data' }
- doc = MangoPay::Dispute.create_document(dispute['Id'], params)
- doc['dispute'] = dispute if no_dispute_passed # add it for testing purposes
- doc
- end
- it 'creates dispute document' do
- doc = create_doc
- expect(doc['Type']).to eq('DELIVERY_PROOF')
- expect(doc['Tag']).to eq('Custom tag data')
- expect(doc['Status']).to eq('CREATED')
- end
- it 'fetches dispute document' do
- created_doc = create_doc
- fetched_doc = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_document(created_doc['Id'])
- fields = ['Id', 'Type', 'Tag', 'Status', 'CreationDate', 'RefusedReasonType', 'RefusedReasonMessage']
- fields.each do |field|
- expect(fetched_doc[field]).to eq(created_doc[field])
- end
- end
- it 'updates dispute document' do
- created_doc = create_doc
- changed_doc = MangoPay::Dispute.update_document(created_doc['dispute']['Id'], created_doc['Id'], {
- })
- expect(changed_doc['Id']).to eq(created_doc['Id'])
- expect(changed_doc['Status']).to eq('VALIDATION_ASKED')
- end
- it 'fetches a list of documents' do
- disp = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['Status'] == 'SUBMITTED'}
- disp = test_contest_dispute if disp == nil
- expect(disp).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test fetching dispute documents because there's no dispute with expected status in the disputes list."
- doc1 = create_doc(disp)
- doc2 = create_doc(disp) # for the same dispute
- filters = {'per_page' => 2, 'sort' => 'CreationDate:desc'}
- # fetch last 2 docs for the dispute
- docs = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_documents(disp['Id'], filters)
- expect(docs).to be_kind_of(Array)
- expect(docs.count).to eq 2 # exactly 2 as pagiantion requested
- # all 2 are at top as lastly created
- # but may share the same CreationDate
- # so the order between them is undetermined
- expect(docs).to include(doc1, doc2)
- # fetch all docs ever
- docs = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_documents()
- expect(docs).to be_kind_of(Array)
- expect(docs.count).to be >= 2
- # fetch last 2 docs ever (sorting by date descending)
- docs = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_documents(nil, filters)
- expect(docs).to be_kind_of(Array)
- expect(docs.count).to eq 2 # exactly 2 as pagiantion requested
- expect(docs).to include(doc1, doc2)
- end
- def create_doc_page(file)
- disp = find_dispute
- doc = create_doc(disp)
- MangoPay::Dispute.create_document_page(disp['Id'], doc['Id'], file)
- end
- it 'create_document_page accepts Base64 encoded file content' do
- fnm = __FILE__.sub('.rb', '.png')
- bts = File.open(fnm, 'rb') { |f| f.read }
- b64 = Base64.encode64(bts)
- ret = create_doc_page(b64)
- expect(ret).to be_nil
- end
- it 'create_document_page accepts file path' do
- fnm = __FILE__.sub('.rb', '.png')
- disp = find_dispute
- doc = create_doc(disp)
- ret = MangoPay::Dispute.create_document_page(disp['Id'], doc['Id'], nil, fnm)
- expect(ret).to be_nil
- end
- it 'create_document_page fails when input string is not base64-encoded' do
- file = 'any file content...'
- expect { create_doc_page(file) }.to raise_error { |err|
- expect(err).to be_a MangoPay::ResponseError
- expect(err.code).to eq '400'
- expect(err.type).to eq 'param_error'
- }
- end
- end
- def test_contest_dispute
- dispute = @disputes.find do |disp|
- ['CONTESTABLE', 'RETRIEVAL'].include?(disp['DisputeType'])
- end
- expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test contesting dispute because there's no available disputes with expected status and type in the disputes list."
- id = dispute['Id']
- contested_funds = dispute['Status'] == 'PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION' ? { Amount: 10, Currency: 'EUR' } : nil;
- changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.contest(id, contested_funds)
- expect(changed_dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
- expect(changed_dispute['Status']).to eq('SUBMITTED')
- changed_dispute
- end
- describe 'CONTEST' do
- it 'contests a dispute' do
- test_contest_dispute
- end
- end
- describe 'RESUBMIT' do
- it 'resubmits a dispute' do
- dispute = @disputes.find do |disp|
- ['REOPENED_PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION'].include?(disp['Status'])
- end
- expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test resubmiting dispute because there's no available disputes with expected status in the disputes list."
- id = dispute['Id']
- changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.resubmit(id)
- expect(changed_dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
- expect(changed_dispute['Status']).to eq('SUBMITTED')
- end
- end
- describe 'CLOSE' do
- it 'closes a dispute' do
- dispute = @disputes.find do |disp|
- ['CONTESTABLE', 'RETRIEVAL'].include?(disp['DisputeType'])
- end
- expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test closing dispute because there's no available disputes with expected status in the disputes list."
- id = dispute['Id']
- changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.close(id)
- expect(changed_dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
- expect(changed_dispute['Status']).to eq('CLOSED')
- end
- end
+describe MangoPay::Dispute do
+comment out all Dispute related unit tests please
+these require manual actions on our side
+and it's infact not suitable like that
+ #
+ # Due to the fact the disputes CANNOT be created on user's side,
+ # a special approach in testing is needed.
+ # In order to get the tests below pass, a bunch of disputes have
+ # to be prepared on the API server side - if they're not, you can
+ # just skip these tests, as they won't pass.
+ before(:each) do
+ @disputes = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch({'page' => 1, 'per_page' => 100})
+ end
+ describe 'FETCH' do
+ it 'fetches disputes' do
+ expect(@disputes).to be_kind_of(Array)
+ expect(@disputes).not_to be_empty
+ end
+ it 'fetches a dispute' do
+ id = @disputes.first['Id']
+ dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch(id)
+ expect(dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'TRANSACTIONS' do
+ it 'fetches transactions for dispute' do
+ dispute = @disputes.find { |d| d['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE' }
+ id = dispute['Id']
+ transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(id, {'per_page' => 1})
+ expect(transactions).to be_kind_of(Array)
+ expect(transactions).not_to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ it 'fetches disputes for user' do
+ dispute = @disputes.find { |d| d['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE' }
+ id = dispute['Id']
+ transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(id, {'per_page' => 1})
+ user_id = transactions[0]['AuthorId']
+ disputes = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_for_user(user_id, {'per_page' => 1})
+ expect(disputes).to be_kind_of(Array)
+ expect(disputes).not_to be_empty
+ end
+ it 'fetches disputes for wallet' do
+ dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['InitialTransactionId'] != nil}
+ expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test fetching disputes for wallet because there's no disputes with transaction ID in the disputes list."
+ payin = MangoPay::PayIn.fetch(dispute['InitialTransactionId'])
+ wallet_id = payin['CreditedWalletId']
+ disputes = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_for_wallet(wallet_id, {'per_page' => 1})
+ expect(disputes).to be_kind_of(Array)
+ expect(disputes).not_to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'UPDATE' do
+ it 'updates a dispute' do
+ dispute = @disputes.first
+ id = dispute['Id']
+ new_tag = dispute['Tag'] + '.com'
+ changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.update(id, {Tag: new_tag})
+ expect(changed_dispute['Tag']).to eq(new_tag)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'FETCH REPUDIATION' do
+ it 'fetches a repudiation' do
+ dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['InitialTransactionId'] != nil && disp['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE'}
+ expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test closing dispute because there's no not contestable disputes with transaction ID in the disputes list."
+ transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(dispute['Id'], {'per_page' => 1})
+ repudiation_id = transactions[0]['Id']
+ repudiation = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_repudiation(repudiation_id)
+ expect(repudiation['Id']).to eq(repudiation_id)
+ expect(repudiation['Nature']).to eq('REPUDIATION')
+ end
+ end
+ it 'creates and fetches settlement transfer' do
+ dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['Status'] == 'CLOSED' && disp['DisputeType'] == 'NOT_CONTESTABLE'}
+ expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test creating settlement transfer because there's no closed, not contestable disputes in the disputes list."
+ transactions = MangoPay::Dispute.transactions(dispute['Id'], {'per_page' => 1})
+ repudiation_id = transactions[0]['Id']
+ repudiation = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_repudiation(repudiation_id)
+ params = {
+ AuthorId: repudiation['AuthorId'],
+ DebitedFunds: {Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 1},
+ Fees: {Currency: 'EUR', Amount: 0},
+ Tag: 'Custom tag data'
+ }
+ transfer = MangoPay::Dispute.create_settlement_transfer(repudiation_id, params)
+ expect(transfer['Type']).to eq('TRANSFER')
+ expect(transfer['Nature']).to eq('SETTLEMENT')
+ fetched_transfer = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_settlement_transfer(transfer['Id'])
+ expect(fetched_transfer['Id']).to eq(transfer['Id'])
+ expect(fetched_transfer['CreationDate']).to eq(transfer['CreationDate'])
+ end
+ end
+ def find_dispute
+ dispute = @disputes.find {|disp| ['PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION', 'REOPENED_PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION'].include?(disp['Status'])}
+ expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test dispute document API because there's no dispute with expected status in the disputes list."
+ dispute
+ end
+ def create_doc(dispute = nil)
+ no_dispute_passed = dispute.nil?
+ dispute = find_dispute if no_dispute_passed
+ params = { Type: 'DELIVERY_PROOF', Tag: 'Custom tag data' }
+ doc = MangoPay::Dispute.create_document(dispute['Id'], params)
+ doc['dispute'] = dispute if no_dispute_passed # add it for testing purposes
+ doc
+ end
+ it 'creates dispute document' do
+ doc = create_doc
+ expect(doc['Type']).to eq('DELIVERY_PROOF')
+ expect(doc['Tag']).to eq('Custom tag data')
+ expect(doc['Status']).to eq('CREATED')
+ end
+ it 'fetches dispute document' do
+ created_doc = create_doc
+ fetched_doc = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_document(created_doc['Id'])
+ fields = ['Id', 'Type', 'Tag', 'Status', 'CreationDate', 'RefusedReasonType', 'RefusedReasonMessage']
+ fields.each do |field|
+ expect(fetched_doc[field]).to eq(created_doc[field])
+ end
+ end
+ it 'updates dispute document' do
+ created_doc = create_doc
+ changed_doc = MangoPay::Dispute.update_document(created_doc['dispute']['Id'], created_doc['Id'], {
+ })
+ expect(changed_doc['Id']).to eq(created_doc['Id'])
+ expect(changed_doc['Status']).to eq('VALIDATION_ASKED')
+ end
+ it 'fetches a list of documents' do
+ disp = @disputes.find {|disp| disp['Status'] == 'SUBMITTED'}
+ disp = test_contest_dispute if disp == nil
+ expect(disp).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test fetching dispute documents because there's no dispute with expected status in the disputes list."
+ doc1 = create_doc(disp)
+ doc2 = create_doc(disp) # for the same dispute
+ filters = {'per_page' => 2, 'sort' => 'CreationDate:desc'}
+ # fetch last 2 docs for the dispute
+ docs = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_documents(disp['Id'], filters)
+ expect(docs).to be_kind_of(Array)
+ expect(docs.count).to eq 2 # exactly 2 as pagiantion requested
+ # all 2 are at top as lastly created
+ # but may share the same CreationDate
+ # so the order between them is undetermined
+ expect(docs).to include(doc1, doc2)
+ # fetch all docs ever
+ docs = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_documents()
+ expect(docs).to be_kind_of(Array)
+ expect(docs.count).to be >= 2
+ # fetch last 2 docs ever (sorting by date descending)
+ docs = MangoPay::Dispute.fetch_documents(nil, filters)
+ expect(docs).to be_kind_of(Array)
+ expect(docs.count).to eq 2 # exactly 2 as pagiantion requested
+ expect(docs).to include(doc1, doc2)
+ end
+ def create_doc_page(file)
+ disp = find_dispute
+ doc = create_doc(disp)
+ MangoPay::Dispute.create_document_page(disp['Id'], doc['Id'], file)
+ end
+ it 'create_document_page accepts Base64 encoded file content' do
+ fnm = __FILE__.sub('.rb', '.png')
+ bts = File.open(fnm, 'rb') { |f| f.read }
+ b64 = Base64.encode64(bts)
+ ret = create_doc_page(b64)
+ expect(ret).to be_nil
+ end
+ it 'create_document_page accepts file path' do
+ fnm = __FILE__.sub('.rb', '.png')
+ disp = find_dispute
+ doc = create_doc(disp)
+ ret = MangoPay::Dispute.create_document_page(disp['Id'], doc['Id'], nil, fnm)
+ expect(ret).to be_nil
+ end
+ it 'create_document_page fails when input string is not base64-encoded' do
+ file = 'any file content...'
+ expect { create_doc_page(file) }.to raise_error { |err|
+ expect(err).to be_a MangoPay::ResponseError
+ expect(err.code).to eq '400'
+ expect(err.type).to eq 'param_error'
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_contest_dispute
+ dispute = @disputes.find do |disp|
+ ['CONTESTABLE', 'RETRIEVAL'].include?(disp['DisputeType'])
+ end
+ expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test contesting dispute because there's no available disputes with expected status and type in the disputes list."
+ id = dispute['Id']
+ contested_funds = dispute['Status'] == 'PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION' ? { Amount: 10, Currency: 'EUR' } : nil;
+ changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.contest(id, contested_funds)
+ expect(changed_dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
+ expect(changed_dispute['Status']).to eq('SUBMITTED')
+ changed_dispute
+ end
+ describe 'CONTEST' do
+ it 'contests a dispute' do
+ test_contest_dispute
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'RESUBMIT' do
+ it 'resubmits a dispute' do
+ dispute = @disputes.find do |disp|
+ ['REOPENED_PENDING_CLIENT_ACTION'].include?(disp['Status'])
+ end
+ expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test resubmiting dispute because there's no available disputes with expected status in the disputes list."
+ id = dispute['Id']
+ changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.resubmit(id)
+ expect(changed_dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
+ expect(changed_dispute['Status']).to eq('SUBMITTED')
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'CLOSE' do
+ it 'closes a dispute' do
+ dispute = @disputes.find do |disp|
+ ['CONTESTABLE', 'RETRIEVAL'].include?(disp['DisputeType'])
+ end
+ expect(dispute).not_to be_nil, "Cannot test closing dispute because there's no available disputes with expected status in the disputes list."
+ id = dispute['Id']
+ changed_dispute = MangoPay::Dispute.close(id)
+ expect(changed_dispute['Id']).to eq(id)
+ expect(changed_dispute['Status']).to eq('CLOSED')
+ end
+ end