README.rdoc in manageable_content-0.2.4 vs README.rdoc in manageable_content-0.2.5

- old
+ new

@@ -77,9 +77,11 @@ If you need different contents for multiple locales, you can generate multiple pages for each available locale. You just need to set the available locales for ManageableContent, and then when you run the generator task it will generate contents for all available locales. To do that, just add an initializer with this content: ManageableContent::Engine.config.locales = [:en, :pt] +By default, this will be set as the same as your application config.i18n.default_locale. + In your views, the helper calls will remain the same. The helpers use I18n.locale to get the current locale and than will use the content available for that locale. === Specs To run the specs, first you need to setup the dummy application database and clone it for the test environment: \ No newline at end of file