lib/makit/gitlab_runner.rb in makit-0.0.47 vs lib/makit/gitlab_runner.rb in makit-0.0.48
- old
+ new
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "yaml"
-require "fileutils"
-# This module provides classes for the Makit gem.
-module Makit
- # This class provide methods for working with Directories/
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # Makit::Directory.find_directory_with_pattern("/home/user", "*.rb")
- #
- class GitLabRunner
- # Parse the .gitlab-ci.yml file
- def parse_gitlab_ci_file(file_path)
- YAML.load_file(file_path)
- end
- # Extract the script for a specified job
- def extract_script(ci_config, job_name)
- job = ci_config[job_name]
- job ? job["script"] : nil
- end
- # Write the script to a temporary file
- def write_script_to_file(script, file_path)
-, "w") do |file|
- script.each { |line| file.puts(line) }
- end
- end
- # Run the script in a Docker container
- def run_script_in_docker(image, script_file)
- system("docker run --rm -v #{Dir.pwd}:/workspace -w /workspace #{image} /bin/sh #{script_file}")
- end
- # Main function to execute the process
- def run_job(ci_file_path, job_name, docker_image)
- ci_config = parse_gitlab_ci_file(ci_file_path)
- script = extract_script(ci_config, job_name)
- unless script
- puts "Job '#{job_name}' not found in #{ci_file_path}"
- return
- end
- script_file = ""
- write_script_to_file(script, script_file)
- FileUtils.chmod("+x", script_file)
- puts "Running script in Docker container..."
- run_script_in_docker(docker_image, script_file)
- # Clean up the temporary script file
- FileUtils.rm(script_file)
- end
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "yaml"
+require "fileutils"
+# This module provides classes for the Makit gem.
+module Makit
+ # This class provide methods for working with Directories/
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # Makit::Directory.find_directory_with_pattern("/home/user", "*.rb")
+ #
+ class GitLabRunner
+ # Parse the .gitlab-ci.yml file
+ def parse_gitlab_ci_file(file_path)
+ YAML.load_file(file_path)
+ end
+ # Extract the script for a specified job
+ def extract_script(ci_config, job_name)
+ job = ci_config[job_name]
+ job ? job["script"] : nil
+ end
+ # Write the script to a temporary file
+ def write_script_to_file(script, file_path)
+, "w") do |file|
+ script.each { |line| file.puts(line) }
+ end
+ end
+ # Run the script in a Docker container
+ def run_script_in_docker(image, script_file)
+ system("docker run --rm -v #{Dir.pwd}:/workspace -w /workspace #{image} /bin/sh #{script_file}")
+ end
+ # Main function to execute the process
+ def run_job(ci_file_path, job_name, docker_image)
+ ci_config = parse_gitlab_ci_file(ci_file_path)
+ script = extract_script(ci_config, job_name)
+ unless script
+ puts "Job '#{job_name}' not found in #{ci_file_path}"
+ return
+ end
+ script_file = ""
+ write_script_to_file(script, script_file)
+ FileUtils.chmod("+x", script_file)
+ puts "Running script in Docker container..."
+ run_script_in_docker(docker_image, script_file)
+ # Clean up the temporary script file
+ FileUtils.rm(script_file)
+ end
+ end