lib/web_tools/support/app_model.rb in maglev-webtools-0.2.1 vs lib/web_tools/support/app_model.rb in maglev-webtools-1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,116 +2,81 @@
require 'web_tools/support/code_browser'
require 'web_tools/support/smalltalk_extensions'
# This module emulates all of the API from the Smalltalk side of things
module WebTools
- # This is a ViewModel for the WebTools Application.
- #
- # All of the methods that return "Objects" should return a Hash. Keys
- # beginning with '_' are reserved for metadata applied by the GUI.
- class AppModel
- def initialize
- end
- VERSION_HEADERS = [['Attribute', 'The attribute.'],
- ['Stone', 'The value for the stone process.'],
- ['WebTools', 'The value for the WebTools vm process (if different than the Stone''s value)']]
- # Returns a hash of configuration parameters for the stone and the gem.
- # The has has three keys:
- # + :timestamp => when the report was generated
- # + :headers => array of [name, description] pairs for the fields
- # + :report => An array of data. Each entry is an array of the field data.
+ module Support
+ # This is a ViewModel for the WebTools Application.
- def version_report
- stone_rpt = stone_version_report
- gem_rpt = gem_version_report
- data = { }
- (stone_rpt.keys + gem_rpt.keys).each do |k|
- g = stone_rpt[k] == gem_rpt[k] ? '' : gem_rpt[k]
- data[k] = [stone_rpt[k], g]
- end
- { :timestamp =>,
- :headers => VERSION_HEADERS,
- :report => data }
- end
+ # All of the methods that return "Objects" should return a Hash. Keys
+ # beginning with '_' are reserved for metadata applied by the GUI.
+ module AppModel
+ extend self
- # An array of [name, description] entries for the fields in the session report.
- [['User', 'The UserProfile of the session, or nil if the UserProfile is recently created and not visible from this session''s transactional view, or the session is no longer active.'],
- ['PID', 'The process ID of the Gem process of the session.'],
- ['Host', 'The hostname of the machine running the Gem process (a String, limited to 127 bytes).'],
- ['Prim #', 'Primitive number in which the Gem is executing (if it is executing in a long primitive such as MFC).'],
- ['View Age', 'Time since the session''s most recent beginTransaction, commitTransaction, or abortTransaction.'],
- ['State', 'The session state (an enum from SesTaskStatusEType in'],
- ['Trans', 'One of the following: ''none'' if the session is in transactionless mode, ''out'' if it is not in a transaction, and ''in'' if it is in a transaction.'],
- ['Oldest CR?', 'A Boolean whose value is true if the session is currently referencing the oldest commit record, and false if it is not.'],
- ['Serial', 'The session''s serial number. A serial number will not be reused until the stone is restarted.'],
- ['Session', "The session's sessionId."],
- ['GCI IP', 'A String containing the ip address of host running the GCI process. If the GCI application is linked (using libgcilnk*.so or gcilnk*.dll) this ip address is the address of the machine running the gem process.'],
- ['Priority', 'The priority of the session where 0 is lowest, 2 is normal, and 4 is highest. Session priority is used by the stone to order requests for service by sessions.'],
- ['Host ID', 'Unique host ID of the host where the session is running.'],
- ['Quiet', 'Time since the session''s most recent request to stone.'],
- ['Age', 'Time since the session logged in.'],
- ['CRB', 'Commit Record Backlog: number of commits which have occurred since the session obtained its view.']]
+ VERSION_HEADERS = [['Attribute', 'The attribute.'],
+ ['Stone', 'The value for the stone process.'],
+ ['WebTools', 'The value for the WebTools vm process (if different than the Stone''s value)']]
- # Returns a hash of configuration parameters for the stone and the gem.
- # The has has three keys:
- # + :timestamp => when the report was generated
- # + :headers => array of [name, description] pairs for the fields
- # + :report => An array of data. Each entry is an array of the field data.
- #
- def session_report
- ts =
- now = ts.to_i
- session_info = do |id|
- sess_desc = Maglev::System.description_of_session id
- sess_desc[0] = sess_desc[0].instance_variable_get(:@_st_userId) # UserProfile
- sess_desc[3] = '' if sess_desc[3] == 0 # Primitive?
- sess_desc[4] = format_secs(now - sess_desc[4]) # View Age
- sess_desc[6] = ['none', 'out', 'in'][sess_desc[6] + 1] # Transaction
- sess_desc[13] = format_secs(now - sess_desc[13]) # Quiet
- sess_desc[14] = format_secs(now - sess_desc[14]) # Age
- sess_desc
- # sess_cache_slot = Maglev::System.cache_slot_for_sessionid id
- end
- { :timestamp => ts.asctime,
- :headers => SESSION_FIELDS,
- :report => session_info }
- end
- SECS_PER_DAY = 86400
- SECS_PER_HOUR = 3600
- # Format number of seconds like "3 days 12:07:58"
- def format_secs(seconds)
- splits = []
- splits << seconds / x
- seconds = seconds % x
+ # Returns a hash of configuration parameters for the stone and the gem.
+ # The has has three keys:
+ # + :timestamp => when the report was generated
+ # + :headers => array of [name, description] pairs for the fields
+ # + :report => An array of data. Each entry is an array of the field data.
+ #
+ def version_report
+ stone_rpt = stone_version_report
+ gem_rpt = gem_version_report
+ data = { }
+ (stone_rpt.keys + gem_rpt.keys).each do |k|
+ g = stone_rpt[k] == gem_rpt[k] ? '' : gem_rpt[k]
+ data[k] = [stone_rpt[k], g]
+ end
+ { :timestamp =>,
+ :headers => VERSION_HEADERS,
+ :report => data }
- days = splits.shift
- ts = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % splits
- days > 0 ? "#{days} #{days == 1 ? 'day' : 'days'} #{ts}" : ts
- end
+ # An array of [name, description] entries for the fields in the session report.
+ [['User', 'The UserProfile of the session, or nil if the UserProfile is recently created and not visible from this session''s transactional view, or the session is no longer active.'],
+ ['PID', 'The process ID of the Gem process of the session.'],
+ ['Host', 'The hostname of the machine running the Gem process (a String, limited to 127 bytes).'],
+ ['Prim #', 'Primitive number in which the Gem is executing (if it is executing in a long primitive such as MFC).'],
+ ['View Age', 'Time since the session''s most recent beginTransaction, commitTransaction, or abortTransaction.'],
+ ['State', 'The session state (an enum from SesTaskStatusEType in'],
+ ['Trans', 'One of the following: ''none'' if the session is in transactionless mode, ''out'' if it is not in a transaction, and ''in'' if it is in a transaction.'],
+ ['Oldest CR?', 'A Boolean whose value is true if the session is currently referencing the oldest commit record, and false if it is not.'],
+ ['Serial', 'The session''s serial number. A serial number will not be reused until the stone is restarted.'],
+ ['Session', "The session's sessionId."],
+ ['GCI IP', 'A String containing the ip address of host running the GCI process. If the GCI application is linked (using libgcilnk*.so or gcilnk*.dll) this ip address is the address of the machine running the gem process.'],
+ ['Priority', 'The priority of the session where 0 is lowest, 2 is normal, and 4 is highest. Session priority is used by the stone to order requests for service by sessions.'],
+ ['Host ID', 'Unique host ID of the host where the session is running.'],
+ ['Quiet', 'Time since the session''s most recent request to stone.'],
+ ['Age', 'Time since the session logged in.'],
+ ['CRB', 'Commit Record Backlog: number of commits which have occurred since the session obtained its view.']]
- def stone_version_report
- results = { }
- rpt = Maglev::System.stone_version_report
- rpt.keys.each { |k| results[k] = }
- results
- end
- def gem_version_report
- results = { }
- rpt = Maglev::System.gem_version_report
- rpt.keys.each { |k| results[k] = }
- results
+ # Returns a hash of configuration parameters for the stone and the gem.
+ # The has has three keys:
+ # + :timestamp => when the report was generated
+ # + :headers => array of [name, description] pairs for the fields
+ # + :report => An array of data. Each entry is an array of the field data.
+ #
+ def session_report
+ ts =
+ now = ts.to_i
+ session_info = do |id|
+ sess_desc = Maglev::System.description_of_session id
+ sess_desc[0] = sess_desc[0].instance_variable_get(:@_st_userId) # UserProfile
+ sess_desc[3] = '' if sess_desc[3] == 0 # Primitive?
+ sess_desc[4] = format_secs(now - sess_desc[4]) # View Age
+ sess_desc[6] = ['none', 'out', 'in'][sess_desc[6] + 1] # Transaction
+ sess_desc[13] = format_secs(now - sess_desc[13]) # Quiet
+ sess_desc[14] = format_secs(now - sess_desc[14]) # Age
+ sess_desc
+ # sess_cache_slot = Maglev::System.cache_slot_for_sessionid id
+ end
+ session_info
+ end