test/dummy/app/assets/javascripts/app.js.coffee in magic_stylez-0.1.0 vs test/dummy/app/assets/javascripts/app.js.coffee in magic_stylez-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -8,60 +8,12 @@
window.circles[count] = new CircleDiagram( circle: $(@) )
count = count + 1
else if $('.circle-diagram').length > 0
window.circleDiagram = new CircleDiagram( circle: $('.circle-diagram') )
-build_paralax = (el) ->
- console.log "build_paralax", el
- ## Create the background image holder ##
- el.prepend("<div class='px_bg_holder'></div>")
- el.find(".px_bg_holder").css(
- "background-image" : el.css("background-image")
- "background-position" : "center center"
- "background-repeat" : "no-repeat"
- "background-size" : "cover"
- "position" : "absolute"
- "height" : $(window).height()
- "width" : $(window).width()
- )
- ## We will remove the background at all ##
- el.css("background","none")
- el.css("overflow","hidden")
- $("body").scroll ->
- console.log "Scrolling"
- # bg_pos = $("#app_content").offset().top + el.offset().top;
- console.log if el.hasClass("responsive-hero") then el.closest(".fullpage-table").position().top else el.position().top
- bg_pos = ($("#app_content").offset().top + if el.hasClass("responsive-hero") then el.closest(".fullpage-table").position().top else el.position().top)
- console.log "bg_pos #{ bg_pos }"
- if bg_pos < $(window).height()
- bg_pos = bg_pos - (bg_pos / 10)
- el.find(".px_bg_holder").css(
- "top" : "#{ bg_pos * -1 }px"
- )
- $(window).resize ->
- $(".px_bg_holder").css(
- "height" : $(window).height()
- "width" : $(window).width()
- )
-load_paralax = ->
- if $(".section.image.fixed").length > 0
- $(".section.image.fixed").each ->
- build_paralax( $(@) )
- if $(".responsive-hero.fixed-bg").length > 0
- $(".responsive-hero.fixed-bg").each ->
- build_paralax( $(@) )
navigate = ->
path = window.location.hash.replace(/#/, "")
if path != currentPath
if path != ""
$("#app_content").html( $(renderView( path )) )
@@ -77,10 +29,9 @@
- load_paralax()
$("#current-view-name").text( lnk.text() )
currentPath = path
\ No newline at end of file