changelog in magic_mirror-0.1.1 vs changelog in magic_mirror-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -3,13 +3,19 @@
- Test against port in use problem.
- How do you tell the host gem to just 'listen for commands' and idle there?
- (so the reverse usage of trtl)
- possible do a .join() on the sinatra thread?
+ > Call @magic_mirror.gaze_into to start event machine,
+ create a defered faye client,
+ make a subscription with said client
+ then block with
+ When a message is published to the subscribed channel, ruby can
+ respond accordingly, with full access to the gem and ruby landscape...
+ but ppl shouldn't directly eval the strings coming in over httpPost...
- limitation: Can only have one rendering display at a time *per computer*
> Solution: Clean up the output and make ports random
- Bug: If faye server goes offline for a second, and misses commands, then comes back online,
the command_cache variable will be out of sync with that of the server
@@ -18,17 +24,59 @@
it performs a reset
- Think of other popular uses for rendering...
- secure by making servers listen only on localhost
- - Hide the STDOUT from starting the servers and print the
- address of the listening http server in a pretty manor that links
+ - I noticed some missing parts to the tree...
+ > Oh... right when you load the page, you'll get
+ [command_cache] - [changes to command_cache since page load innitated]
+ so a small gap in commands will exist...
- - Write wrapper for TkcOval, btw...
+ * Architecturally: add an index number to each message sent over faye
+ * Client-wise: Calculate
+ [Index of first faye message] - [length of the command cache] = [gap]
+ * request the gap from the server on receipt of first message from faye /gap?command_cache=95&first_faye=100
+ - The tree example takes forever to draw
+ > Cache commands before sending through websockets:
+ cache websockets commands and wait 0.1 seconds between each
+ message sent...
+ ... it's also just a hell of a lot of data...
+ > Compress the command_cache: if the commands can be condensed so they
+ take up fewer characters, performance will improve dramatically.
+ *
+ *
+ > Dynamically build the tree function in javascript and reduce the command
+ to 1 function definition plus an invocation...
+ > What if command_cache SVG data instead of function calls?
+ - The javascript chokes up... possibly because it's iterating over the command cache,
+ and also responding to the websocket requests at the same time?
+ - Use webworker??
+ - Small discrepencies in bigish trtl lines in the tree example
+ - Hmmm.... why don't I steam the command_cache over websockets?
+ > The reason this is good is that it allows the client to get the data
+ in incriments and then deal with the data, and then wait for more.
+ This way the data never exceedes more than several kilobytes in memory...
+ * embedded in html
+ * embedded in html, but split into chunks!!! after each chunk is finished and
+ processed/ deleted, the next chunk is gotten to until all the chunks are
+ deleted!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
** 0.1.1 **