lib/magic_grid/helpers.rb in magic_grid-0.11.1 vs lib/magic_grid/helpers.rb in magic_grid-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,257 +1,13 @@
require 'magic_grid/definition'
+require 'magic_grid/html_grid'
-if Module.const_defined? :WillPaginate
- require 'will_paginate/array'
-def MagicGrid::compact_hash(hash)
- {|_,v| v }
module MagicGrid
module Helpers
- def normalize_magic(collection, columns = [], options = {})
- args_enum = [collection, columns, options].to_enum
- given_grid = args_enum.find {|e| e.is_a? MagicGrid::Definition }
- given_grid ||, collection, controller, options)
- end
- def magic_grid(collection = nil, cols = nil, opts = {}, &block)
- grid = normalize_magic(collection, cols, opts)
- base_params = grid.base_params
- data = {
- :searcher => grid.searcher,
- :current => controller.request.fullpath,
- :live_search => grid.options[:live_search],
- :listeners => (grid.options[:listeners] unless grid.options[:listeners].empty?),
- :remote => grid.options[:remote],
- :default_ajax_handler => grid.options[:default_ajax_handler],
- :params => base_params,
- }
- classes = ['magic_grid'] << grid.options[:class]
- content_tag('table',
- :class => classes.join(' '),
- :id => grid.magic_id,
- :data => MagicGrid.compact_hash(data)
- ) do
- table = content_tag('thead', :data => {:params => base_params}
- ) do
- thead = ''.html_safe
- has_spinner = false
- spinner = tag('span',
- :id => (grid.magic_id.to_s + "_spinner"),
- :class => "magic_grid_spinner"
- )
- if grid.needs_searcher?
- thead << content_tag('tr') do
- content_tag('td', :class => 'searcher full-width ui-widget-header',
- :colspan => grid.columns.count) do
- searcher = search_bar(grid)
- unless has_spinner
- has_spinner = true
- searcher << spinner
- end
- searcher
- end
- end
- end
- if grid.options[:per_page] and grid.options[:top_pager]
- thead << magic_pager(grid, base_params) do
- unless has_spinner
- has_spinner = true
- spinner
- end
- end
- end
- if thead.empty? and not grid.options[:empty_header]
- thead = content_tag 'tr' do
- content_tag('td', :class => 'full-width ui-widget-header',
- :colspan => grid.columns.count) do
- unless has_spinner
- has_spnner = true
- spinner
- end
- end
- end
- end
- thead << magic_headers(grid)
- end
- table << content_tag('tbody', :class => "ui-widget-content") do
- magic_rows(grid, &block)
- end
- table << content_tag('tfoot') do
- tfoot = ''.html_safe
- if grid.options[:per_page] and grid.options[:bottom_pager]
- tfoot << magic_pager(grid, base_params)
- end
- if tfoot.empty? and not grid.options[:empty_footer]
- tfoot = content_tag 'tr' do
- content_tag('td', nil, :class => 'full-width ui-widget-header',
- :colspan => grid.columns.count)
- end
- end
- tfoot
- end
- end
- end
- def magic_headers(cols, collection = nil, opts = {})
- grid = normalize_magic(collection, cols, opts)
- content_tag 'tr' do
- grid.columns.reduce(''.html_safe) do |acc, col|
- classes = ['ui-state-default'] << col[:class]
- acc <<
- if col.is_a? String
- content_tag 'th', col.html_safe, :class => classes.join(' ')
- elsif not col.key? :sql
- content_tag 'th', col[:label].html_safe, :class => classes.join(' ')
- else
- sortable_header(grid, col, opts)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def magic_rows(cols, collection = nil, &block)
- grid = normalize_magic(collection, cols)
- if_empty = grid.options[:if_empty]
- rows = do |row|
- if block_given?
- "<!-- block: -->" << capture(row, &block)
- else
- "<!-- magic row: -->" << magic_row(row, grid)
- end
- end
- if rows.empty? and if_empty
- content_tag 'tr' do
- content_tag('td', :colspan => grid.columns.count,
- :class => 'if-empty') do
- if if_empty.respond_to? :call
- else
- if_empty
- end
- end
- end
- else
- rows.join.html_safe
- end
- end
- def magic_row(record, cols, collection = nil)
- grid = normalize_magic(collection, cols)
- content_tag 'tr', :class => cycle('odd', 'even') do
- grid.columns.reduce(''.html_safe) do |acc, c|
- acc << content_tag('td', :class => c[:class].try(:join, ' ')) do
- method = c[:to_s] || c[:col]
- if method.respond_to? :call
- elsif record.respond_to? method
- record.send(method)
- end.to_s
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def reverse_order(order)
- order.to_i == 0 ? 1 : 0
- end
- def order_icon(order = -1)
- content_tag 'span', '', :class => "ui-icon #{order_icon_class(order)}"
- end
- def order_icon_class(order = -1)
- case order.to_i
- when 0 then 'ui-icon-triangle-1-n'
- when 1 then 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s'
- else 'ui-icon-carat-2-n-s'
- end
- end
- def order_class(order = -1)
- case order.to_i
- when 0 then 'sort-asc'
- when 1 then 'sort-desc'
- else 'sort-none'
- end
- end
- def sortable_header(grid, col, opts = {})
- id = col[:id]
- label = col[:label] || id.titleize
- default_sort_order = opts.fetch(:default_order, grid.order(grid.default_order))
- my_params = grid.base_params.merge({
- grid.param_key(:col) => id,
- })
- my_params =
- order = nil
- classes = ['sorter ui-state-default'] << col[:class]
- current = id.to_s == grid.current_sort_col.to_s
- if current
- order = grid.current_order
- classes << "sort-current" << order_class(order)
- my_params[grid.param_key(:order)] = reverse_order(order)
- label << order_icon(order)
- else
- my_params.delete grid.param_key(:order) if my_params[grid.param_key(:order)]
- label << order_icon()
- end
- my_params.delete(grid.param_key(:order)) if my_params[grid.param_key(:order)].to_i == default_sort_order.to_i
- content_tag 'th', :class => classes.join(' ') do
- link_to label.html_safe, my_params, :remote => grid.options[:remote]
- end
- end
- def search_bar(grid)
- searcher_data = {
- :min_length => grid.options[:min_search_length],
- :current => grid.options[:current_search] || "",
- }
- searcher = label_tag(grid.searcher.to_sym,
- grid.options[:searcher_label])
- searcher << search_field_tag(grid.searcher.to_sym,
- grid.param(:q),
- :placeholder => grid.options[:searcher_tooltip],
- :size => grid.options[:searcher_size],
- :data => searcher_data,
- :form => "a form that doesn't exist")
- if grid.options[:search_button]
- searcher << button_tag(grid.options[:searcher_button],
- :class => 'magic-grid-search-button')
- end
- searcher
- end
- def magic_paginate(collection, opts={})
- if respond_to? :will_paginate
- # WillPaginate
- will_paginate collection.collection, opts
- #alias_method :magic_paginate, :will_paginate
- elsif respond_to? :paginate
- #Kaminari, or something else..
- paginate collection.collection, opts
- #alias_method :magic_paginate, :paginate
- else
- ("<!-- page #{collection.current_page} of #{collection.total_pages} -->" +
- '<!-- INSTALL WillPaginate or Kaminari for a pager! -->').html_safe
- end
- end
- def magic_pager(grid, base_params, &block)
- content_tag('tr') do
- content_tag('td', :class => 'full-width ui-widget-header magic-pager',
- :colspan => grid.columns.count) do
- pager = magic_paginate(grid.magic_collection,
- :param_name => grid.param_key(:page),
- :params => base_params
- )
- pager << capture(&block) if block_given?
- pager
- end
- end
+ def magic_grid(collection = nil, columns = nil, opts = {}, &block)
+ grid_def = columns, collection, controller, opts
+ html_grid = grid_def, self, controller
+ html_grid.render &block
::ActionView::Base.send :include, self