test/maestrano/saml/response_test.rb in maestrano-0.11.0 vs test/maestrano/saml/response_test.rb in maestrano-0.12.0
- old
+ new
@@ -154,9 +154,92 @@
response.settings = settings
assert_raises(Maestrano::Saml::ValidationError, 'Digest mismatch'){ response.validate! }
+ context 'with presets' do
+ context "#is_valid?" do
+ setup do
+ @preset = 'mypreset'
+ @config = {
+ 'environment' => 'production',
+ 'app.host' => 'http://mysuperapp.com',
+ 'sso.enabled' => false,
+ 'sso.slo_enabled' => false,
+ 'sso.init_path' => '/mno/sso/init',
+ 'sso.consume_path' => '/mno/sso/consume',
+ 'sso.creation_mode' => 'real',
+ 'sso.idm' => 'http://idp.mysuperapp.com'
+ }
+ @preset_config = {
+ 'environment' => 'production',
+ 'app.host' => 'http://myotherapp.com',
+ 'sso.enabled' => false,
+ 'sso.slo_enabled' => false,
+ 'sso.init_path' => '/mno/sso/init',
+ 'sso.consume_path' => '/mno/sso/consume',
+ 'sso.creation_mode' => 'real',
+ 'sso.idm' => 'http://idp.myotherapp.com',
+ 'sso.x509_fingerprint' => signature_fingerprint_1
+ }
+ Maestrano.configure do |config|
+ config.environment = @config['environment']
+ config.app.host = @config['app.host']
+ config.sso.enabled = @config['sso.enabled']
+ config.sso.slo_enabled = @config['sso.slo_enabled']
+ config.sso.idm = @config['sso.idm']
+ config.sso.init_path = @config['sso.init_path']
+ config.sso.consume_path = @config['sso.consume_path']
+ config.sso.creation_mode = @config['sso.creation_mode']
+ end
+ Maestrano[@preset].configure do |config|
+ config.environment = @preset_config['environment']
+ config.app.host = @preset_config['app.host']
+ config.sso.enabled = @preset_config['sso.enabled']
+ config.sso.slo_enabled = @preset_config['sso.slo_enabled']
+ config.sso.idm = @preset_config['sso.idm']
+ config.sso.init_path = @preset_config['sso.init_path']
+ config.sso.consume_path = @preset_config['sso.consume_path']
+ config.sso.creation_mode = @preset_config['sso.creation_mode']
+ config.sso.x509_fingerprint = @preset_config['sso.x509_fingerprint']
+ end
+ end
+ should "return true when using certificate instead of fingerprint" do
+ response = Maestrano::Saml::Response[@preset].new(response_document_4)
+ response.stubs(:conditions).returns(nil)
+ assert response.is_valid?
+ end
+ should "not allow signature wrapping attack" do
+ response = Maestrano::Saml::Response[@preset].new(response_document_4)
+ response.stubs(:conditions).returns(nil)
+ assert response.is_valid?
+ assert response.name_id == "test@onelogin.com"
+ end
+ should "support dynamic namespace resolution on signature elements" do
+ Maestrano[@preset].configure do |config|
+ config.sso.x509_fingerprint = "28:74:9B:E8:1F:E8:10:9C:A8:7C:A9:C3:E3:C5:01:6C:92:1C:B4:BA"
+ end
+ response = Maestrano::Saml::Response[@preset].new(fixture("no_signature_ns.xml"))
+ response.stubs(:conditions).returns(nil)
+ Maestrano::XMLSecurity::SignedDocument.any_instance.expects(:validate_signature).returns(true)
+ assert response.validate!
+ end
+ end
+ end
context "#name_id" do
should "extract the value of the name id element" do
response = Maestrano::Saml::Response.new(response_document)
assert_equal "support@onelogin.com", response.name_id
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