spec/models/entity_spec.rb in maestrano-connector-rails-0.4.4 vs spec/models/entity_spec.rb in maestrano-connector-rails-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,49 +3,34 @@
describe Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Entity do
describe 'class methods' do
subject { Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Entity }
- describe 'entities_list' do
- it { expect(subject.entities_list).to eql(%w(entity1 entity2))}
- end
# IdMap methods
describe 'idmaps mehtods' do
before {
allow(subject).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return('Ab')
allow(subject).to receive(:external_entity_name).and_return('Ab')
let(:n_hash) { {connec_entity: 'ab', external_entity: 'ab'} }
it { expect(subject.names_hash).to eql(n_hash) }
it {
expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap).to receive(:find_or_create_by).with(n_hash.merge(id: 'lala'))
subject.find_or_create_idmap({id: 'lala'})
it {
expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap).to receive(:find_by).with(n_hash.merge(id: 'lala'))
subject.find_idmap({id: 'lala'})
- describe 'creates' do
- let(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- let(:connec_entity) { {'id' => 'lala'} }
- before {
- allow(subject).to receive(:object_name_from_external_entity_hash).and_return('name_e')
- allow(subject).to receive(:object_name_from_connec_entity_hash).and_return('name_c')
- allow(subject).to receive(:id_from_external_entity_hash).and_return('id')
- }
- it {
- expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap).to receive(:create).with(n_hash.merge(connec_id: 'lala', name: 'name_c', organization_id: organization.id))
- subject.create_idmap_from_connec_entity(connec_entity, organization)
- }
- it {
- expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap).to receive(:create).with(n_hash.merge(external_id: 'id', name: 'name_e', organization_id: organization.id))
- subject.create_idmap_from_external_entity({}, organization)
- }
- end
+ it {
+ expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap).to receive(:create).with(n_hash.merge(id: 'lala'))
+ subject.create_idmap({id: 'lala'})
+ }
describe 'normalized_connec_entity_name' do
before {
allow(subject).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return(connec_name)
@@ -115,14 +100,28 @@
describe 'object_name_from_external_entity_hash' do
it { expect{ subject.object_name_from_external_entity_hash({}) }.to raise_error('Not implemented') }
+ describe 'connec_matching_fields' do
+ it { expect(subject.connec_matching_fields).to be_nil }
+ end
describe 'instance methods' do
- subject { Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Entity.new }
+ let!(:organization) { create(:organization, uid: 'cld-123') }
+ let!(:connec_client) { Maestrano::Connec::Client[organization.tenant].new(organization.uid) }
+ let!(:external_client) { Object.new }
+ let(:opts) { {} }
+ subject { Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Entity.new(organization, connec_client, external_client, opts) }
+ let(:connec_name) { 'Person' }
+ let(:external_name) { 'external_name' }
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return(connec_name)
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:external_entity_name).and_return(external_name)
+ }
describe 'Mapper methods' do
before(:each) {
class AMapper
extend HashMapper
@@ -131,249 +130,254 @@
describe 'map_to_external' do
it 'calls the mapper normalize' do
expect(AMapper).to receive(:normalize).with({}).and_return({})
- subject.map_to_external({}, nil)
+ subject.map_to_external({})
- context 'with references' do
- let!(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, organization: organization) }
- before {
- clazz = Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Entity
- allow(clazz).to receive(:find_idmap).and_return(idmap)
- allow(clazz).to receive(:references).and_return([{reference_class: clazz, connec_field: 'organization_id', external_field: 'contact_id'}])
- }
- it 'returns the mapped entity with its references' do
- expect(subject.map_to_external({'organization_id' => 'abcd'}, organization)).to eql({contact_id: idmap.external_id})
- end
+ it 'preserve the __connec_id' do
+ expect(subject.map_to_external({__connec_id: 'connec id'})).to eql({__connec_id: 'connec id'}.with_indifferent_access)
describe 'map_to_connec' do
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:id_from_external_entity_hash).and_return('this id')
+ }
it 'calls the mapper denormalize' do
expect(AMapper).to receive(:denormalize).with({}).and_return({})
- subject.map_to_connec({}, nil)
+ subject.map_to_connec({})
- context 'with references' do
- let!(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, organization: organization) }
- before {
- clazz = Maestrano::Connector::Rails::Entity
- allow(clazz).to receive(:find_idmap).and_return(idmap)
- allow(clazz).to receive(:references).and_return([{reference_class: clazz, connec_field: 'organization_id', external_field: 'contact_id'}])
- }
+ it 'calls for reference folding' do
+ refs = %w(organization_id person_id)
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:references).and_return(refs)
+ expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::ConnecHelper).to receive(:fold_references).with({id: 'this id'}, refs, organization)
+ subject.map_to_connec({})
+ end
- it 'returns the mapped entity with its references' do
- expect(subject.map_to_connec({'contact_id' => 'abcd'}, organization)).to eql({organization_id: idmap.connec_id})
- end
+ it 'merges the smart merging options' do
+ allow(AMapper).to receive(:denormalize).and_return({opts: {some_opt: 4}})
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:connec_matching_fields).and_return([['first_name'], ['last_name']])
+ expect(subject.map_to_connec({})).to eql({id: [{id: 'this id', provider: organization.oauth_provider, realm: organization.oauth_uid}], opts: {some_opt: 4, matching_fields: [['first_name'], ['last_name']]}}.with_indifferent_access)
# Connec! methods
describe 'connec_methods' do
- let(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- let(:client) { Maestrano::Connec::Client.new(organization.uid) }
- let(:connec_name) { 'Person' }
- let(:external_name) { 'external_name' }
let(:sync) { create(:synchronization) }
- before {
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return(connec_name)
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:external_entity_name).and_return(external_name)
- }
+ describe 'filter_connec_entities' do
+ it 'does nothing by default' do
+ expect(subject.filter_connec_entities({a: 2})).to eql({a: 2})
+ end
+ end
describe 'get_connec_entities' do
describe 'when write only' do
before {
allow(subject.class).to receive(:can_read_connec?).and_return(false)
- allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: [{first_name: 'Lea'}]}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: [{first_name: 'Lea'}]}.to_json, {}))
- it { expect(subject.get_connec_entities(client, nil, organization)).to eql([]) }
+ it { expect(subject.get_connec_entities(nil)).to eql([]) }
+ describe 'when skip_connec' do
+ let(:opts) { {skip_connec: true} }
+ it { expect(subject.get_connec_entities(nil)).to eql([]) }
+ end
describe 'with response' do
context 'for a singleton resource' do
before {
- allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {person: []}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {person: []}.to_json, {}))
allow(subject.class).to receive(:singleton?).and_return(true)
it 'calls get with a singularize url' do
- expect(client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase}?")
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, nil, organization)
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase}?")
+ subject.get_connec_entities(nil)
context 'for a non singleton resource' do
before {
- allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: []}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: []}.to_json, {}))
context 'when opts[:full_sync] is true' do
+ let(:opts) { {full_sync: true} }
it 'performs a full get' do
- expect(client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?")
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, sync, organization, {full_sync: true})
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?")
+ subject.get_connec_entities(sync)
context 'when there is no last sync' do
it 'performs a full get' do
- expect(client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?")
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, nil, organization)
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?")
+ subject.get_connec_entities(nil)
context 'when there is a last sync' do
it 'performs a time limited get' do
uri_param = {"$filter" => "updated_at gt '#{sync.updated_at.iso8601}'"}.to_query
- expect(client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, sync, organization)
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
+ subject.get_connec_entities(sync)
context 'with options' do
it 'support filter option for full sync' do
+ subject.instance_variable_set(:@opts, {full_sync: true, :$filter => "code eq 'PEO12'"})
uri_param = {'$filter'=>'code eq \'PEO12\''}.to_query
- expect(client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, sync, organization, {full_sync: true, :$filter => "code eq 'PEO12'"})
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
+ subject.get_connec_entities(sync)
it 'support filter option for time limited sync' do
+ subject.instance_variable_set(:@opts, {:$filter => "code eq 'PEO12'"})
uri_param = {"$filter"=>"updated_at gt '#{sync.updated_at.iso8601}' and code eq 'PEO12'"}.to_query
- expect(client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, sync, organization, {:$filter => "code eq 'PEO12'"})
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
+ subject.get_connec_entities(sync)
it 'support orderby option for time limited sync' do
+ subject.instance_variable_set(:@opts, {:$orderby => "name asc"})
uri_param = {"$orderby"=>"name asc", "$filter"=>"updated_at gt '#{sync.updated_at.iso8601}'"}.to_query
- expect(client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, sync, organization, {:$orderby => "name asc"})
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).with("/#{connec_name.downcase.pluralize}?#{uri_param}")
+ subject.get_connec_entities(sync)
context 'with pagination' do
before {
- allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: [], pagination: {next: "https://api-connec.maestrano.com/api/v2/cld-dkg601/people?%24skip=10&%24top=10"}}.to_json, {}), ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: []}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: [], pagination: {next: "https://api-connec.maestrano.com/api/v2/cld-dkg601/people?%24skip=10&%24top=10"}}.to_json, {}), ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: []}.to_json, {}))
it 'calls get multiple times' do
- expect(client).to receive(:get).twice
- subject.get_connec_entities(client, nil, organization)
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:get).twice
+ subject.get_connec_entities(nil)
context 'with an actual response' do
let(:people) { [{first_name: 'John'}, {last_name: 'Durand'}, {job_title: 'Engineer'}] }
it 'returns an array of entities' do
- allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: people}.to_json, {}))
- expect(subject.get_connec_entities(client, nil, organization)).to eql(JSON.parse(people.to_json))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: people}.to_json, {}))
+ expect(subject.get_connec_entities(nil)).to eql(JSON.parse(people.to_json))
- describe 'without response' do
- before {
- allow(client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, nil, {}))
- }
- it { expect{ subject.get_connec_entities(client, nil, organization) }.to raise_error("No data received from Connec! when trying to fetch #{connec_name.pluralize.downcase}") }
+ describe 'failures' do
+ context 'when no response' do
+ before {
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, nil, {}))
+ }
+ it { expect{ subject.get_connec_entities(nil) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) }
+ end
+ context 'when invalid response' do
+ before {
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {not_an_entity: []}.to_json, {}))
+ }
+ it { expect{ subject.get_connec_entities(nil) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) }
+ end
+ context 'when no response in pagination' do
+ before {
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: [], pagination: {next: "https://api-connec.maestrano.com/api/v2/cld-dkg601/people?%24skip=10&%24top=10"}}.to_json, {}), ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, nil, {}))
+ }
+ it { expect{ subject.get_connec_entities(nil) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) }
+ end
+ context 'when invalid response in pagination' do
+ before {
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:get).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {people: [], pagination: {next: "https://api-connec.maestrano.com/api/v2/cld-dkg601/people?%24skip=10&%24top=10"}}.to_json, {}), ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {not_an_entity: []}.to_json, {}))
+ }
+ it { expect{ subject.get_connec_entities(nil) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) }
+ end
describe 'push_entities_to_connec' do
it 'calls push_entities_to_connec_to' do
- allow(subject).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return(connec_name)
- expect(subject).to receive(:push_entities_to_connec_to).with(client, [{entity: {}, idmap: nil}], connec_name, nil)
- subject.push_entities_to_connec(client, [{entity: {}, idmap: nil}], nil)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:push_entities_to_connec_to).with([{entity: {}, idmap: nil}], connec_name)
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec([{entity: {}, idmap: nil}])
describe 'push_entities_to_connec_to' do
- let(:organization) { create(:organization, uid: 'cld-123') }
let(:idmap1) { create(:idmap, organization: organization) }
- let(:idmap2) { create(:idmap, organization: organization, connec_id: nil, last_push_to_connec: nil) }
+ let(:idmap2) { create(:idmap, organization: organization, last_push_to_connec: nil) }
let(:entity1) { {name: 'John'} }
let(:entity2) { {name: 'Jane'} }
let(:entity_with_idmap1) { {entity: entity1, idmap: idmap1} }
let(:entity_with_idmap2) { {entity: entity2, idmap: idmap2} }
let(:entities_with_idmaps) { [entity_with_idmap1, entity_with_idmap2] }
- let(:id) { 'ab12-34re' }
context 'when read only' do
before {
allow(subject.class).to receive(:can_write_connec?).and_return(false)
it 'does nothing' do
expect(subject).to_not receive(:batch_op)
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities_with_idmaps, connec_name, organization)
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities_with_idmaps, connec_name)
- context 'when create_only' do
- before {
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:can_update_connec?).and_return(false)
- allow(client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: []}.to_json, {}))
- }
- it 'creates batch op for create only' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:batch_op).once.with('post', entity2, nil, connec_name.downcase.pluralize, organization)
- expect(subject).to_not receive(:batch_op).with('put', any_args)
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities_with_idmaps, connec_name, organization)
- end
- end
context 'without errors' do
- let(:result200) { {status: 200, body: {connec_name.downcase.pluralize.to_sym => {}}} }
- let(:result201) { {status: 201, body: {connec_name.downcase.pluralize.to_sym => {id: id}}} }
+ let(:result200) { {status: 200, body: {connec_name.downcase.pluralize.to_sym => {id: [{provider: 'connec', id: 'id1'}]}}} }
+ let(:result201) { {status: 201, body: {connec_name.downcase.pluralize.to_sym => {id: [{provider: 'connec', id: 'id2'}]}}} }
before {
- allow(client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: [result200, result201]}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: [result200, result201]}.to_json, {}))
let(:batch_request) {
sequential: true,
ops: [
- :method=>"put",
- :url=>"/api/v2/cld-123/people/#{idmap1.connec_id}",
+ :method=>"post",
+ :url=>"/api/v2/cld-123/people/",
- :url=>"/api/v2/cld-123/people",
+ :url=>"/api/v2/cld-123/people/",
it 'calls batch op' do
expect(subject).to receive(:batch_op).twice
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities_with_idmaps, connec_name, organization)
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities_with_idmaps, connec_name)
it 'creates a batch request' do
- expect(client).to receive(:batch).with(batch_request)
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities_with_idmaps, connec_name, organization)
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:batch).with(batch_request)
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities_with_idmaps, connec_name)
- it 'update the idmaps' do
+ it 'update the idmaps push dates' do
old_push_date = idmap1.last_push_to_connec
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities_with_idmaps, connec_name, organization)
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities_with_idmaps, connec_name)
expect(idmap1.last_push_to_connec).to_not eql(old_push_date)
- expect(idmap2.connec_id).to eql(id)
expect(idmap2.last_push_to_connec).to_not be_nil
describe 'batch batch calls' do
let(:entities) { [] }
@@ -383,460 +387,528 @@
before {
100.times do
entities << entity_with_idmap1
results << result200
- allow(client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: results}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: results}.to_json, {}))
it 'does one call' do
- expect(client).to receive(:batch).once
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities, connec_name, organization)
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:batch).once
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities, connec_name)
context 'when more than 100 entities' do
before {
100.times do
entities << entity_with_idmap1
results << result200
entities << entity_with_idmap2
- allow(client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: results}.to_json, {}), ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: [result201]}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: results}.to_json, {}), ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: [result201]}.to_json, {}))
it 'does several call' do
- expect(client).to receive(:batch).twice
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities, connec_name, organization)
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:batch).twice
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities, connec_name)
- it 'updates the idmap' do
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities, connec_name, organization)
+ it 'updates the idmap push dates' do
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities, connec_name)
- expect(idmap2.connec_id).to eql(id)
expect(idmap2.last_push_to_connec).to_not be_nil
context 'with errors' do
let(:err_msg) { 'Not Found' }
let(:result400) { {status: 400, body: err_msg} }
before {
- allow(client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: [result400, result400]}.to_json, {}))
+ allow(connec_client).to receive(:batch).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: [result400, result400]}.to_json, {}))
it 'stores the errr in the idmap' do
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities_with_idmaps, '', organization)
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities_with_idmaps, '')
expect(idmap2.message).to eq result400[:body]
context 'with a long error message' do
let(:err_msg) { 'A very long sentence with a lot of error or more likely a badly designed API that return an html 404 page instead of a nice json answer an then the world is sad and the kitten are unhappy. So juste to be safe we are truncating the error message and I am running out of words to write I hope it is long enough' }
it 'truncates the error message' do
- subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(client, entities_with_idmaps, '', organization)
+ subject.push_entities_to_connec_to(entities_with_idmaps, '')
expect(idmap2.message).to eq err_msg.truncate(255)
- describe 'map_to_external_with_idmap' do
- let(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- let(:id) { '765e-zer4' }
- let(:mapped_entity) { {'first_name' => 'John'} }
- before {
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return(connec_name)
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:external_entity_name).and_return(external_name)
- allow(subject).to receive(:map_to_external).and_return(mapped_entity)
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_connec_entity_hash).and_return('name')
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_external_entity_hash).and_return('name')
- }
- context 'when entity has an idmap' do
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, organization: organization, external_entity: external_name.downcase, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, connec_id: id, last_push_to_external: 3.hour.ago)}
- context 'when updated_at field is most recent than idmap last_push_to_external' do
- let(:entity) { {'id' => id, 'name' => 'John', 'updated_at' => 2.hour.ago } }
- it 'returns the entity with its idmap' do
- expect(subject.map_to_external_with_idmap(entity, organization)).to eql({entity: mapped_entity, idmap: idmap})
- end
- end
- context 'when updated_at field is older than idmap last_push_to_external' do
- let(:entity) { {'id' => id, 'name' => 'John', 'updated_at' => 5.hour.ago } }
- it 'discards the entity' do
- expect(subject.map_to_external_with_idmap(entity, organization)).to be_nil
- end
- end
- context 'when to_external is set to false' do
- let(:entity) { {'id' => id, 'name' => 'John' } }
- before {
- idmap.update(to_external: false)
- }
- it 'discards the entity' do
- expect(subject.map_to_external_with_idmap(entity, organization)).to be_nil
- end
- end
- context 'when external_inactive is true' do
- let(:entity) { {'id' => id, 'name' => 'John' } }
- before {
- idmap.update(external_inactive: true)
- }
- it 'discards the entity' do
- expect(subject.map_to_external_with_idmap(entity, organization)).to be_nil
- end
- end
- end
- context 'when entity has no idmap' do
- let(:entity) { {'id' => id, 'name' => 'John', 'updated_at' => 5.hour.ago } }
- before {
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_connec_entity_hash).and_return('human readable stuff')
- }
- it { expect{ subject.map_to_external_with_idmap(entity, organization) }.to change{Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.count}.by(1) }
- it 'returns the entity with its new idmap' do
- expect(subject.map_to_external_with_idmap(entity, organization)).to eql({entity: mapped_entity, idmap: Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last})
- end
- it 'save the entity name in the idmap' do
- subject.map_to_external_with_idmap(entity, organization)
- expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last.name).to eql('human readable stuff')
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'filter_connec_entities' do
- it { expect(subject.filter_connec_entities([{a: 2}], organization)).to eql([{a: 2}]) }
- end
# External methods
describe 'external methods' do
- let(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- let(:connec_name) { 'connec_name' }
- let(:external_name) { 'external_name' }
let(:idmap1) { create(:idmap, organization: organization) }
let(:idmap2) { create(:idmap, organization: organization, external_id: nil, external_entity: nil, last_push_to_external: nil) }
let(:entity1) { {name: 'John'} }
let(:entity2) { {name: 'Jane'} }
let(:entity_with_idmap1) { {entity: entity1, idmap: idmap1} }
+ let(:connec_id2) { 'connec_id2' }
let(:entity_with_idmap2) { {entity: entity2, idmap: idmap2} }
let(:entities_with_idmaps) { [entity_with_idmap1, entity_with_idmap2] }
+ describe 'get_external_entities_wrapper' do
+ context 'when write only' do
+ before { allow(subject.class).to receive(:can_read_external?).and_return(false) }
+ it 'returns an empty array and does not call get_external_entities' do
+ expect(subject).to_not receive(:get_connec_entities)
+ expect(subject.get_external_entities_wrapper(nil)).to eql([])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when skip external' do
+ let(:opts) { {skip_external: true} }
+ it 'returns an empty array and does not call get_external_entities' do
+ expect(subject).to_not receive(:get_connec_entities)
+ expect(subject.get_external_entities_wrapper(nil)).to eql([])
+ end
+ end
+ it 'calls get_external_entities' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:get_external_entities).and_return([])
+ subject.get_external_entities_wrapper(nil)
+ end
+ end
describe 'get_external_entities' do
- it { expect{ subject.get_external_entities(nil, nil, organization) }.to raise_error('Not implemented') }
+ it { expect{ subject.get_external_entities(nil) }.to raise_error('Not implemented') }
describe 'push_entities_to_external' do
it 'calls push_entities_to_external_to' do
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:external_entity_name).and_return(external_name)
- expect(subject).to receive(:push_entities_to_external_to).with(nil, entities_with_idmaps, external_name, organization)
- subject.push_entities_to_external(nil, entities_with_idmaps, organization)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:push_entities_to_external_to).with(entities_with_idmaps, external_name)
+ subject.push_entities_to_external(entities_with_idmaps)
describe 'push_entities_to_external_to' do
context 'when read only' do
it 'does nothing' do
allow(subject.class).to receive(:can_write_external?).and_return(false)
expect(subject).to_not receive(:push_entity_to_external)
- subject.push_entities_to_external_to(nil, entities_with_idmaps, external_name, organization)
+ subject.push_entities_to_external_to(entities_with_idmaps, external_name)
it 'calls push_entity_to_external for each entity' do
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return(connec_name)
expect(subject).to receive(:push_entity_to_external).twice
- subject.push_entities_to_external_to(nil, entities_with_idmaps, external_name, organization)
+ subject.push_entities_to_external_to(entities_with_idmaps, external_name)
+ describe 'ids' do
+ before {
+ allow(subject).to receive(:create_external_entity).and_return('id')
+ allow(subject).to receive(:update_external_entity).and_return(nil)
+ }
+ context 'when ids to send to connec' do
+ let(:batch_param) {
+ {:sequential=>true, :ops=>[{:method=>"put", :url=>"/api/v2/cld-123/people/#{idmap2.connec_id}", :params=>{:people=>{id: [{:id=>"id", :provider=>organization.oauth_provider, :realm=>organization.oauth_uid}]}}}]}
+ }
+ it 'does a batch call on connec' do
+ expect(connec_client).to receive(:batch).with(batch_param).and_return(ActionDispatch::Response.new(200, {}, {results: []}.to_json, {}))
+ subject.push_entities_to_external_to(entities_with_idmaps, external_name)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when no id to send to connec' do
+ before {
+ idmap2.update(external_id: 'id')
+ }
+ it 'does not do a call on connec' do
+ expect(connec_client).to_not receive(:batch)
+ subject.push_entities_to_external_to(entities_with_idmaps, external_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe 'push_entity_to_external' do
context 'when the entity idmap has an external id' do
it 'does not calls update if create_only' do
allow(subject.class).to receive(:can_update_external?).and_return(false)
expect(subject).to_not receive(:update_external_entity)
- subject.push_entity_to_external(nil, entity_with_idmap1, external_name, organization)
+ expect(subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap1, external_name)).to be_nil
it 'calls update_external_entity' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:update_external_entity).with(nil, entity1, idmap1.external_id, external_name, organization)
- subject.push_entity_to_external(nil, entity_with_idmap1, external_name, organization)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:update_external_entity).with(entity1, idmap1.external_id, external_name)
+ subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap1, external_name)
it 'updates the idmap last push to external' do
allow(subject).to receive(:update_external_entity)
time_before = idmap1.last_push_to_external
- subject.push_entity_to_external(nil, entity_with_idmap1, external_name, organization)
+ expect(subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap1, external_name)).to be_nil
expect(idmap1.last_push_to_external).to_not eql(time_before)
context 'when the entity idmap does not have an external id' do
it 'calls create_external_entity' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:create_external_entity).with(nil, entity2, external_name, organization)
- subject.push_entity_to_external(nil, entity_with_idmap2, external_name, organization)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:create_external_entity).with(entity2, external_name)
+ subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap2, external_name)
it 'updates the idmap external id, entity and last push' do
allow(subject).to receive(:create_external_entity).and_return('999111')
- subject.push_entity_to_external(nil, entity_with_idmap2, external_name, organization)
+ subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap2, external_name)
expect(idmap2.external_id).to eql('999111')
expect(idmap2.last_push_to_external).to_not be_nil
+ it 'returns an hash with the external_id' do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:create_external_entity).and_return('999111')
+ expect(subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap2, external_name)).to eql({connec_id: idmap2.connec_id, external_id: '999111', idmap: idmap2})
+ end
+ describe 'failures' do
+ it 'stores the error in the idmap' do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:create_external_entity).and_raise('Kabooooom')
+ allow(subject).to receive(:update_external_entity).and_raise('Kabooooom')
+ subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap1, external_name)
+ subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap2, external_name)
+ expect(idmap1.reload.message).to include('Kabooooom')
+ expect(idmap2.reload.message).to include('Kabooooom')
+ end
+ it 'truncates the message' do
+ msg = 'Large corporations use our integrated platform to provide a fully customized environment to their clients, increasing revenue, engagement and gaining insight on client behavior through our Big Data technology. Large corporations use our integrated platform to provide a fully customized environment to their clients, increasing revenue, engagement and gaining insight on client behavior through our Big Data technology.'
+ allow(subject).to receive(:create_external_entity).and_raise(msg)
+ subject.push_entity_to_external(entity_with_idmap2, external_name)
+ expect(idmap2.reload.message).to include(msg.truncate(255))
+ end
+ end
describe 'create_external_entity' do
let(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- it { expect{ subject.create_external_entity(nil, nil, nil, organization) }.to raise_error('Not implemented') }
+ it { expect{ subject.create_external_entity(nil, nil) }.to raise_error('Not implemented') }
describe 'update_external_entity' do
let(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- it { expect{ subject.update_external_entity(nil, nil, nil, nil, organization) }.to raise_error('Not implemented') }
+ it { expect{ subject.update_external_entity(nil, nil, nil) }.to raise_error('Not implemented') }
- # General methods
- describe 'consolidate_and_map_data' do
- let(:organization) { create(:organization) }
- let(:external_name) { 'External_name' }
- let(:connec_name) { 'Connec_name' }
+ describe 'consolidate_and_map methods' do
let(:id) { '56882' }
let(:date) { 2.hour.ago }
before {
allow(subject.class).to receive(:id_from_external_entity_hash).and_return(id)
allow(subject.class).to receive(:last_update_date_from_external_entity_hash).and_return(date)
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:external_entity_name).and_return(external_name)
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:connec_entity_name).and_return(connec_name)
+ describe 'consolidate_and_map_data' do
+ context 'singleton' do
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:singleton?).and_return(true)
+ }
+ it 'returns the consolidate_and_map_singleton method result' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:consolidate_and_map_singleton).with({}, {}).and_return({result: 1})
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data({}, {})).to eql({result: 1})
+ end
+ end
- context 'for a singleton method' do
+ context 'not singleton' do
+ it 'calls the consolidation on both connec and external and returns an hash with the results' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:consolidate_and_map_connec_entities).with({}, {}, [], external_name).and_return({connec_result: 1})
+ expect(subject).to receive(:consolidate_and_map_external_entities).with({}, connec_name).and_return({ext_result: 1})
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data({}, {})).to eql({connec_entities: {connec_result: 1}, external_entities: {ext_result: 1}})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'consolidate_and_map_singleton' do
+ let(:connec_id) { [{'id' => 'lala', 'provider' => 'connec', 'realm' => 'realm'}] }
before {
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:singleton?).and_return(true)
allow(subject).to receive(:map_to_connec).and_return({map: 'connec'})
allow(subject).to receive(:map_to_external).and_return({map: 'external'})
allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_connec_entity_hash).and_return('connec human name')
allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_external_entity_hash).and_return('external human name')
- it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], [], organization)).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []}) }
+ it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([], [])).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []}) }
context 'with no idmap' do
it 'creates one for connec' do
- subject.consolidate_and_map_data([{'id' => 'lala'}], [], organization)
+ expect{
+ subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([{'id' => connec_id}], [])
+ }.to change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.count }.by(1)
idmap = Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last
expect(idmap.connec_entity).to eql(connec_name.downcase)
expect(idmap.external_entity).to eql(external_name.downcase)
- expect(idmap.connec_id).to eql('lala')
+ expect(idmap.name).to eql('connec human name')
it 'creates one for external' do
- subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], [{}], organization)
+ expect{
+ subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([], [{}])
+ }.to change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.count }.by(1)
idmap = Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last
expect(idmap.connec_entity).to eql(connec_name.downcase)
expect(idmap.external_entity).to eql(external_name.downcase)
expect(idmap.external_id).to eql(id)
+ expect(idmap.name).to eql('external human name')
context 'with an idmap' do
let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, organization: organization) }
- it { expect{ subject.consolidate_and_map_data([{}], [], organization) }.to_not change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap } }
+ it { expect{ subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([{'id' => connec_id}], []) }.to_not change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.count } }
context 'with conflict' do
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, organization: organization, external_id: id, connec_id: 'lala') }
+ let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, organization: organization, external_id: id) }
let(:updated) { 3.hour.ago }
- let(:connec_entity) { {'id' => 'lala', 'updated_at' => updated} }
+ let(:connec_entity) { {'id' => connec_id, 'updated_at' => updated} }
context 'with options' do
- it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], [{}], organization, connec_preemption: true)).to eql({connec_entities: [{entity: {map: 'external'}, idmap: idmap}], external_entities: []}) }
- it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], [{}], organization, connec_preemption: false)).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: {map: 'connec'}, idmap: idmap}]}) }
+ it 'keep the external one if connec_preemption is false' do
+ subject.instance_variable_set(:@opts, {connec_preemption: false})
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([connec_entity], [{}])).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: {map: 'connec'}, idmap: idmap}]})
+ end
+ context 'when connec preemption is true' do
+ let(:opts) { {connec_preemption: true} }
+ it 'keep the connec one' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([connec_entity], [{}])).to eql({connec_entities: [{entity: {map: 'external'}, idmap: idmap}], external_entities: []})
+ end
+ it 'map with the unfolded references' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:map_to_external).with('id' => nil, 'updated_at' => updated)
+ subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([connec_entity], [{}])
+ end
+ end
context 'without options' do
context 'with a more recent external one' do
- it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], [{}], organization)).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: {map: 'connec'}, idmap: idmap}]}) }
+ it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([connec_entity], [{}])).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: {map: 'connec'}, idmap: idmap}]}) }
context 'with a more recent connec one' do
let(:updated) { 2.minute.ago }
- it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], [{}], organization)).to eql({connec_entities: [{entity: {map: 'external'}, idmap: idmap}], external_entities: []}) }
+ it { expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_singleton([connec_entity], [{}])).to eql({connec_entities: [{entity: {map: 'external'}, idmap: idmap}], external_entities: []}) }
- context 'for a non singleton method' do
+ describe 'consolidate_and_map_connec_entities' do
+ let(:connec_human_name) { 'connec human name' }
+ let(:id1) { 'external-unfolded-id' }
+ let(:id2) { nil }
+ let(:connec_id1) { 'connec-id-1' }
+ let(:connec_id2) { 'connec-id-2' }
+ let(:entity1) { {'id' => id1, 'name' => 'John', 'updated_at' => date} }
+ let(:entity2) { {'id' => id2, 'name' => 'Jane', 'updated_at' => date} }
+ let(:entity_without_refs) { {} }
+ let(:entities) { [entity1, entity2] }
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_connec_entity_hash).and_return(connec_human_name)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:map_to_external).and_return({mapped: 'entity'})
+ allow(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::ConnecHelper).to receive(:unfold_references).and_return(entity1.merge(__connec_id: connec_id1), entity2.merge(__connec_id: connec_id2), nil)
+ }
- describe 'connec_entities treatment' do
- let(:entity1) { {name: 'John'} }
- let(:entity2) { {name: 'Jane'} }
- it 'calls map_to_external_with_idmap for each entity' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:map_to_external_with_idmap).with(entity1, organization)
- expect(subject).to receive(:map_to_external_with_idmap).with(entity2, organization)
- subject.consolidate_and_map_data([entity1, entity2], [], organization)
+ context 'when idmaps do not exist' do
+ it 'creates the idmaps with a name and returns the mapped entities with their idmaps' do
+ expect{
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, [], [], external_name)).to eql([{entity: {mapped: 'entity'}, idmap: Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.first}, {entity: {mapped: 'entity'}, idmap: Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last}])
+ }.to change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.count }.by(2)
+ expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last.name).to eql(connec_human_name)
- describe 'external_entities treatment' do
- let(:entity) { {id: id, name: 'John', modifiedDate: date} }
- let(:mapped_entity) { {first_name: 'John'} }
- let(:entities) { [entity] }
- let(:human_name) { 'alien' }
+ context 'when idmap exists' do
+ let(:entities) { [entity1] }
+ let!(:idmap1) { create(:idmap, organization: organization, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, external_id: id1, connec_id: connec_id1) }
- before {
- allow(subject).to receive(:map_to_connec).and_return(mapped_entity)
- allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_external_entity_hash).and_return(human_name)
- }
+ it 'does not create an idmap' do
+ expect{
+ subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, [], [], external_name)
+ }.to_not change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.count }
+ end
- context 'when entity has no idmap' do
+ it 'returns the entity with its idmap' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, [], [], external_name)).to eql([{entity: {mapped: 'entity'}, idmap: idmap1}])
+ end
- it 'creates an idmap and returns the mapped entity with its new idmap' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: mapped_entity, idmap: Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last}]})
+ context 'when external inactive' do
+ before { idmap1.update(external_inactive: true) }
+ it 'discards the entity' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, [], [], external_name)).to eql([])
+ end
- it 'save the name in the idmap' do
- subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)
- expect(Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.last.name).to eql(human_name)
+ context 'when to external flag is false' do
+ before { idmap1.update(to_external: false) }
+ it 'discards the entity' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, [], [], external_name)).to eql([])
- context 'when entity has an idmap with to_connec set to false' do
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, external_entity: external_name.downcase, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_id: id, organization: organization, to_connec: false) }
+ context 'when last_push_to_external is recent' do
+ before { idmap1.update(last_push_to_external: 2.second.ago) }
it 'discards the entity' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []})
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, [], [], external_name)).to eql([])
+ context 'with full synchronization opts' do
+ let(:opts) { {full_sync: true} }
+ it 'keeps the entity' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, [], [], external_name)).to eql([{entity: {mapped: 'entity'}, idmap: idmap1}])
+ end
+ end
- describe 'inactive flagging' do
- context 'when idmap is inactive' do
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, external_entity: external_name.downcase, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_id: id, organization: organization, external_inactive: true) }
+ end
- context 'when entity is inactive' do
- before { allow(subject.class).to receive(:inactive_from_external_entity_hash?).and_return(true) }
+ context 'when conflict' do
+ let(:entities) { [entity1] }
+ let(:external_entity_1) { {'id' => id1} }
+ let(:external_entities) { [external_entity_1] }
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:id_from_external_entity_hash).and_return(id1)
+ }
- it 'discards the entity' do
- expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []})
- end
+ context 'with opts' do
+ context 'with connec preemption false' do
+ it 'discards the entity and keep the external one' do
+ subject.instance_variable_set(:@opts, {connec_preemption: false})
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, external_entities, [], external_name)).to eql([])
+ expect(external_entities).to_not be_empty
+ end
- context 'when entity is active' do
- before { allow(subject.class).to receive(:inactive_from_external_entity_hash?).and_return(false) }
+ context 'with connec preemption true' do
+ it 'keeps the entity and discards the external one' do
+ subject.instance_variable_set(:@opts, {connec_preemption: true})
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, external_entities, [], external_name)).to eql([{entity: {mapped: 'entity'}, idmap: Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.first}])
+ expect(external_entities).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ end
- it 'set the idmap as active' do
- subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)
- expect(idmap.reload.external_inactive).to be false
- end
+ context 'without opts' do
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:last_update_date_from_external_entity_hash).and_return(external_date)
+ }
+ context 'with connec one more recent' do
+ let(:external_date) { 1.year.ago }
+ let(:date) { 1.day.ago }
+ it 'keeps the entity and discards the external one' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, external_entities, [], external_name)).to eql([{entity: {mapped: 'entity'}, idmap: Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.first}])
+ expect(external_entities).to be_empty
- context 'when idmap is active and entity is inactive' do
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, external_entity: external_name.downcase, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_id: id, organization: organization, external_inactive: false) }
- before { allow(subject.class).to receive(:inactive_from_external_entity_hash?).and_return(true) }
+ context 'with external one more recent' do
+ let(:external_date) { 1.month.ago }
+ let(:date) { 1.year.ago }
- it 'set the idmap as inactive and discards the entity' do
- expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []})
- expect(idmap.reload.external_inactive).to be true
+ it 'discards the entity and keep the external one' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_connec_entities(entities, external_entities, [], external_name)).to eql([])
+ expect(external_entities).to_not be_empty
+ end
+ end
- context 'when entity has an idmap with a last_push_to_connec more recent than date' do
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, external_id: id, organization: organization, last_push_to_connec: 2.minute.ago) }
+ describe 'consolidate_and_map_external_entities' do
+ let(:entity) { {'id' => id, 'name' => 'Jane'} }
+ let(:id) { 'id' }
+ let(:external_human_name) { 'external human name' }
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:id_from_external_entity_hash).and_return(id)
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:object_name_from_external_entity_hash).and_return(external_human_name)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:map_to_connec).and_return({mapped: 'ext_entity'})
+ }
- it 'discards the entity' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []})
- end
+ context 'when idmap exists' do
+ let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, organization: organization, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, external_id: id) }
+ it 'does not create one' do
+ expect{
+ subject.consolidate_and_map_external_entities([entity], connec_name)
+ }.to_not change{ Maestrano::Connector::Rails::IdMap.count }
- context 'when entity has an idmap with a last_push_to_connec older than date' do
+ it 'returns the mapped entity with the idmap' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_external_entities([entity], connec_name)).to eql([{entity: {mapped: 'ext_entity'}, idmap: idmap}])
+ end
- context 'with no conflict' do
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, external_id: id, organization: organization, last_push_to_connec: 2.day.ago) }
+ context 'when to_connec is false' do
+ before { idmap.update(to_connec: false) }
- it 'returns the mapped entity with its idmap' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([], entities, organization)
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: mapped_entity, idmap: idmap}]})
- end
+ it 'discards the entity' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_external_entities([entity], connec_name)).to eql([])
+ end
- context 'with conflict' do
- let(:connec_id) { '34uuu-778aa' }
- let!(:idmap) { create(:idmap, connec_id: connec_id, connec_entity: connec_name.downcase, external_entity: external_name.downcase, external_id: id, organization: organization, last_push_to_connec: 2.day.ago) }
- before {
- allow(subject).to receive(:map_to_external_with_idmap)
- }
+ context 'when entity is inactive' do
+ before {
+ allow(subject.class).to receive(:inactive_from_external_entity_hash?).and_return(true)
+ }
- context 'with connec_preemption opt' do
+ it 'discards the entity' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_external_entities([entity], connec_name)).to eql([])
+ end
- context 'set to true' do
- let(:connec_entity) { {'id' => connec_id, 'first_name' => 'Richard', 'updated_at' => 1.day.ago} }
- it 'discards the entity' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], entities, organization, {connec_preemption: true})
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []})
- end
- end
+ it 'updates the idmaps' do
+ subject.consolidate_and_map_external_entities([entity], connec_name)
+ expect(idmap.reload.external_inactive).to be true
+ end
+ end
- context 'set to false' do
- let(:connec_entity) { {'id' => connec_id, 'first_name' => 'Richard', 'updated_at' => 1.second.ago} }
- it 'returns the mapped entity with its idmap' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], entities, organization, {connec_preemption: false})
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: mapped_entity, idmap: idmap}]})
- end
- end
- end
+ context 'when last_push_to_connec is recent' do
+ before { idmap.update(last_push_to_connec: 2.second.ago) }
- context 'without opt' do
- context 'with a more recent connec entity' do
- let(:connec_entity) { {'id' => connec_id, 'first_name' => 'Richard', 'updated_at' => 1.second.ago} }
+ it 'discards the entity' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_external_entities([entity], connec_name)).to eql([])
+ end
- it 'discards the entity' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], entities, organization, {connec_preemption: true})
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: []})
- end
- end
+ context 'with full synchronization opts' do
+ let(:opts) { {full_sync: true} }
- context 'with a more recent external_entity' do
- let(:connec_entity) { {'id' => connec_id, 'first_name' => 'Richard', 'updated_at' => 1.year.ago} }
- it 'returns the mapped entity with its idmap' do
- mapped_entities = subject.consolidate_and_map_data([connec_entity], entities, organization, {connec_preemption: false})
- expect(mapped_entities).to eql({connec_entities: [], external_entities: [{entity: mapped_entity, idmap: idmap}]})
- end
- end
+ it 'keeps the entity' do
+ expect(subject.consolidate_and_map_external_entities([entity], connec_name)).to eql([{entity: {mapped: 'ext_entity'}, idmap: idmap}])
- end
+ end
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