spec/macros4cuke/templating/engine_spec.rb in macros4cuke-0.5.15 vs spec/macros4cuke/templating/engine_spec.rb in macros4cuke-0.5.16
- old
+ new
@@ -152,18 +152,18 @@
expect(result[2]).to eq([:static, ' end'])
it 'should complain if a tag misses an closing chevron' do
sample_text = 'begin <some_tag\> end'
- exc = StandardError
+ exc = StandardError
err_msg = "Missing closing chevron '>'."
expect { Engine.parse(sample_text) }.to raise_error(exc, err_msg)
it 'should complain if a text misses an opening chevron' do
sample_text = 'begin <some_tag> > end'
- exc = StandardError
+ exc = StandardError
err_msg = "Missing opening chevron '<'."
expect { Engine.parse(sample_text) }.to raise_error(exc, err_msg)
it 'should complain if a text has nested opening chevrons' do
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@
expect { Engine.new sophisticated_template }.not_to raise_error
instance = Engine.new sophisticated_template
elements = instance.instance_variable_get(:@representation)
sections = elements.select { |e| e.is_a?(Section) }
names = sections.map(&:to_s)
- expect(names).to eq(%w(<?address> <?birthdate> <?dummy>))
+ expect(names).to eq(%w[<?address> <?birthdate> <?dummy>])
it 'should complain when a placeholder is empty or blank' do
text_w_empty_arg = sample_template.sub(/userid/, '')
exc = Macros4Cuke::EmptyArgumentError
@@ -241,11 +241,11 @@
end # context
context 'Provided services:' do
it 'should know the variable(s) it contains' do
# Case using the sample template
- expect(subject.variables).to be == %w(userid password)
+ expect(subject.variables).to be == %w[userid password]
# Case of an empty source template text
instance = Engine.new ''
expect(instance.variables).to be_empty
@@ -327,10 +327,10 @@
expect(rendered_text).to eq(expected)
it 'should render multivalued actuals' do
- locals = { 'userid' => %w(johndoe yeti) } # Silly case
+ locals = { 'userid' => %w[johndoe yeti] } # Silly case
rendered_text = subject.render(Object.new, locals)
expected = <<-SNIPPET
Given I landed in the homepage
And I fill in "Username" with "johndoe<br/>yeti"