spec/macros4cuke/templating/engine_spec.rb in macros4cuke-0.2.16 vs spec/macros4cuke/templating/engine_spec.rb in macros4cuke-0.2.17
- old
+ new
@@ -132,10 +132,22 @@
it "should complain if a tag misses an closing chevron" do
sample_text = 'begin <some_tag\> end'
error_message = "Missing closing chevron '>'."
lambda { Engine::parse(sample_text) }.should raise_error(StandardError, error_message)
+ it "should complain if a text misses an opening chevron" do
+ sample_text = 'begin <some_tag> > end'
+ error_message = "Missing opening chevron '<'."
+ lambda { Engine::parse(sample_text) }.should raise_error(StandardError, error_message)
+ end
+ it "should complain if a text ha&s nested opening chevrons" do
+ sample_text = 'begin <<some_tag> > end'
+ error_message = "Nested opening chevron '<'."
+ lambda { Engine::parse(sample_text) }.should raise_error(StandardError, error_message)
+ end
end # context
context "Creation and initialization" do
@@ -164,15 +176,25 @@
context "Provided services" do
it "should know the variable(s) it contains" do
+ # Case using the sample template
subject.variables == [:userid, :password]
# Case of an empty source template text
instance = Engine.new ''
instance.variables.should be_empty
+ it "should ignore variables/placeholders in comments" do
+ substeps = " # Comment 1 <miscellaneous>\n" + sample_template
+ substeps += " #\n Comment 2 <haphazard>"
+ instance = Engine.new substeps
+ subject.variables == [:userid, :password]
+ end
it "should render the text given the actuals" do
locals = {'userid' => "johndoe"}
rendered_text = subject.render(Object.new, locals)
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