spec/macros4cuke/macro-step_spec.rb in macros4cuke-0.3.14 vs spec/macros4cuke/macro-step_spec.rb in macros4cuke-0.3.15
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
# File: macro-step_spec.rb
require_relative '../spec_helper'
require_relative '../../lib/macros4cuke/macro-step' # The class under test
@@ -27,24 +28,26 @@
subject { MacroStep.new(sample_phrase, sample_template, true) }
context "Creation & initialization" do
it "should be created with a phrase, substeps and a table use indicator" do
- lambda { MacroStep.new(sample_phrase, sample_template, true) }.should_not raise_error
+ ->(){ MacroStep.new(sample_phrase, sample_template, true) }.should_not raise_error
it "should complain when a sub-step argument can never be assigned a value via the phrase" do
- error_message = "The sub-step argument 'password' does not appear in the phrase."
- lambda { MacroStep.new(sample_phrase, sample_template, false) }.should raise_error(Macros4Cuke::UnreachableSubstepArgument, error_message)
+ msg = "The sub-step argument 'password' does not appear in the phrase."
+ ->(){ MacroStep.new(sample_phrase, sample_template, false) }.should
+ raise_error(Macros4Cuke::UnreachableSubstepArgument, msg)
- it "should complain when an argument from the phrase never occurs in a substep" do
- a_phrase = "enter my credentials as <foobar>"
- error_message = "The phrase argument 'foobar' does not appear in a sub-step."
- lambda { MacroStep.new(a_phrase, sample_template, true) }.should raise_error(Macros4Cuke::UselessPhraseArgument, error_message)
+ it "should complain when an argument in phrase never occurs in substeps" do
+ phrase = "enter my credentials as <foobar>"
+ msg = "The phrase argument 'foobar' does not appear in a sub-step."
+ ->(){ MacroStep.new(phrase, sample_template, true) }.should
+ raise_error(Macros4Cuke::UselessPhraseArgument, msg)
it "should know its key" do
subject.key.should == "enter_my_credentials_as_X_T"
@@ -61,14 +64,14 @@
end # context
context "Provided services" do
- let(:phrase_instance) {%Q|enter my credentials as "nobody"|}
+ let(:phrase_instance) { %Q|enter my credentials as "nobody"| }
it "should render the substeps" do
- text = subject.expand(phrase_instance, [ ['password', 'no-secret'] ])
+ text = subject.expand(phrase_instance, [ %w(password no-secret) ])
expectation = <<-SNIPPET
Given I landed in the homepage
When I click "Sign in"
And I fill in "Username" with "nobody"
And I fill in "Password" with "no-secret"
@@ -92,11 +95,11 @@
text.should == expectation
it "should un-escape the double-quotes for phrase arguments" do
specific_phrase = %q|enter my credentials as "quotable\""|
- text = subject.expand(specific_phrase, [ ['password', 'no-secret'] ])
+ text = subject.expand(specific_phrase, [ %w(password no-secret) ])
expectation = <<-SNIPPET
Given I landed in the homepage
When I click "Sign in"
And I fill in "Username" with "quotable""
And I fill in "Password" with "no-secret"
@@ -108,14 +111,15 @@
it "should complain when an unknown variable is used" do
# Error case: there is no macro argument called <unknown>
error_message = "Unknown macro-step argument 'unknown'."
- lambda { subject.expand(phrase_instance, [ ['unknown', 'anything'] ]) }.should raise_error(UnknownArgumentError, error_message)
+ args = [ %w(unknown anything) ]
+ ->(){ subject.expand(phrase_instance, args) }.should
+ raise_error(UnknownArgumentError, error_message)
end # context
end # describe
end # module
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