in macros4cuke-0.3.32 vs in macros4cuke-0.3.34
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+### 0.3.34 / 2013-06-20
+* [CHANGE] Most files: Except for the i18n sample files, the utf-8 encoding comment was in all Ruby files of the project.
+### 0.3.33 / 2013-06-19
+* [CHANGE] File `travis.yml`: Wrong config in Travis CI. As a temporary workaround, removed RVM environments: - jruby-19mode - ruby-head.
### 0.3.32 / 2013-06-19
* [FIX] File `macros4cuke.gemspec`: Replaced obsolete code for generating the gem (broken with Rubygem v 2+).
* [CHANGE] File `macros4cuke.gemspec`: Added development dependency on rubygem version > 2+
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